Class 8 (10th Week) Assignment Answer 2021

Class 8 Assignment 10th week question & its Solution is available here. Students who reads in class eight, they have to do special tasks or home work as an assignment. So we are sharing all subjects assistant of class 8. So are you looking class 8 assignment for all subject? Here you can get all week’s Assignment tasks & answers. বাংলা, ইংরেজি, গণিত বিজ্ঞান, আইসিটি, ধর্ম, বাংলাদেশ এবং গ্লোবাল আইডেন্টিটি এবং কৃষিশিক্ষার জন্য ৮ম ক্লাসের অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট সমাধান। অষ্টম শ্রেনীর দশম সপ্তাহের অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট ২০২১।


Before you start your assignment, you should know about assignment. In addition, how long answers you should write for your 8th class. So in this article, we will discuss all about class 8 assignment. Further, how to write an assignment for class eight new syllabus. Furthermore, subject wise every question ans answer of you assignment. So you can get knowledge about your assignment and can be able to write your own creative answer.


শেয়ার করতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন।

Class 8 Assignment 2021 Solutions


Here we give all subject wise assignment answers according to your syllabus. Every week’s assignment question and answer will also update here. 10th week class 8 assignment are available with answers.

10th week Assignment Of Class 8

Class 8 assignment for 10th week question have been published. The subject of the 10th week assignment of class 8 is Bangla & Science. Below are the 10th week questions and answers on Bangla & Science. Clicking on a question or photo will take you to the class 8 eighth week thematic answer page.


Bangladesh and Global Studies Class 8 10th Week Assignment

Bangladesh and Global Studies Class 8 10th Week Assignment


Get Class 8 Bangladesh & Global Studies Assignment Answer

Saririk Sikkha O Sastho Class 8 10th Week Assignment

Saririk Sikkha O Sastho Class 8 10th Week Assignment


Get Class 8 Saririk Sikkha O Sastho Assignment Answer


Bangla 9th Week Assignment Of Class 8

Bangla 9th Week Assignment Of Class 8[ArticleAds]

Science 9th Week Assignment Of Class 8

Science 9th Week Assignment Of Class 8


English 8th week Assignment Of Class 8

English 8th Week Assignment Of Class 8

Charu O Karukola 8th week Assignment Of Class 8

Charu O Karukola 8th Week Assignment Of Class 8

What Is Assignment And Why Do You Have Done This.

Do you think this assignment is valuable or a waste of time? In our opinion, the assignment is valuable and it helps to gather knowledge. Because, when we read in class or for exams, that study is easily forgotten. Many people memorize again without understanding just to pass the exam. But it takes a lot of thinking to do the assignment. Assignment topics are in the textbook but there are no exact answers. So the students have to do the assignment from their own thoughts.

Moreover, when doing assignments, a student knows a lot about things, takes advice from many people and remembers it for a lifetime. So I can say that students will definitely benefit through assignments as an alternative to classes or exams.

Instructions For Writing Class 8 Assignments

There are many types of assignments. However, some instructions have been given by the Board of Education for the assignments scheduled for the eighth grade. Those are:

Gathering knowledge is the main reason for taking this assignments. So it helps to get promotion next class. By reviewing your assignment writing ability, your merit will be checked. So be serious about your class 8 assignment.

To complete all assignment, you should follow your class eight textbooks. While doing you assignment, board recommends you not to follow any other guide or copy anyone. If you copy somewhere and be catch red-handed, then your assignment will be disqualified.

Teacher will review your creativity, uniqueness and own thoughts. So learn more and more about your assignment topic and write it with your own style and thoughts. In this case, try to fine and clean your hand writing, spelt correctly all words and try to make easy sentences. It will make your class eight assignment more readability.

Write the full assignment with your own hand. Because teacher will check your handwriting also. However, it will help to practice handwriting. In addition, the topic’s knowledge will more easy to understand and will remain in memory for long time.

How To Do Assignments?

The assignment for class eight is basically the same as writing a note, but it has to be formal. So make all of your papers same size. In this case of assignment, the A4 offset page is recommended from us. But Education board has mentioned that you can use any kind of papers to do class eight assignments.

In your cover page, write your Name, Class, Roll, Subject, Assignment Title or Topic, Caretaker Teacher’s name clearly.

Then, start writing your assignment question answers on next page. Remember, while you start to answer a new question, you must use a new page. It will create better attraction for your assignment.

The teacher will advise you on how many words or how many answers you need to make. Because, your teacher will be able to tell you how much you need to write the eighth grade school assignment. Because they get instructions from the board and know about Mark.

Class Eight Assignment Subject & Routine

Bangla: 1st, 5th, 9th, 13th, 17th, 21th Week.

English: 2nd, 6th, 8th, 11th, 16th, 20th Week.

Mathematics: 3rd, 7th, 13th, 18th, 21th Week.

Bangladesh and Global Identity: 2nd, 10th, 16th, 20th Week.

General Science: 4th, 9th, 12th, 15th, 19th Week.

ICT: 11th, 17th Week.

Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity: 1st, 7th, 14th, 19th Week.

Physical Education & Health: 10th, 19th week.

Kormo O Jibonmukhi Sikkha: 6th, 12th, 15th Week.

Charu O Karukola / Fine Arts: 4th, 9th week.

Home Science / Agriculture: 3rd, 6th, 14th Week.


We have tried to discuss about class eight assignment. Instructions that should follow and how to do assignment. However, we have also shared the answers of class 8 assignment questions for all subjects. So you can get help from these answers and do assignment (1st week assignment, 2nd week assignment, 3rd week assignment, 4th week assignment, 5th week assignment, 6th week assignment) with your own thoughts.

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