Class 8 English 16th, 11th Week Assignment Answer (অষ্টম শ্রেণীর ইংরেজী এসাইনমেন্ট এর সমাধান) is available here. Do you need answers of class Eight English 16th, 11th Week questions? We have answered all the questions of Class 8 English Assignment for 16th, 11th Week. This Ingregi solution of the 16th, 11th Week will be very useful for the students of class Eight. So read the full post to get English solution for 16th, 11th Week of 8th class.
Class 8 English 16th Week Assignment 2021
The subject of the Class 8 16th week English assignment is Bangabandhu and Bangladesh. So in the Class 8 English assignment, questions will be asked about the relationship between Bangabandhu and Bangladesh. Lessons 1 to 4 should be read well to answer the Class 8 16th week English assignment correctly. Below are all the things you need to know well before answering the Class 8 16th week English assignment. We need to know about Bangabandhu and the language movement. You need to know the details about the 7th March. Bangabandhu’s declaration of independence must be read.
As part of the work of the Class 8 16th week English assignment, you have to describe in 200 words what kind of action was taken in your school on the occasion of International Mother Language Day last year. Seven questions were given to write the answers to the Class 8 16th week English assignment. Write a paragraph of 200 words based on seven questions. The advice of any friend, teacher or parent can be sought if needed to write the answer to the Class 8 16th week English assignment. Also follow the instructions given for writing the answer to the Class 8 16th week English assignment.
Class 8 English 16th Week Assignment Answer
Class Eight 11th Week English 4th Assignment Question
DSHE has published the Class 8 English 11th Week Assignment Questions 2021 with requirement instructions. The given question mentions from which chapter the Class 8 English 11th Week Assignment question has been asked. Also, the Class Eight 11th Week English 4th Assignment question is given and the content that should be mentioned in the answer while answering is also given. [Adsense] As a result, students will be able to read and understand the chapter well and answer the Class 8 English 11th Week Assignment question very easily. The best thing is to give some information as an instruction. If you read them, it will be possible to give a correct answer to Class Eight 11th Week English 4th Assignment. [Adsense] Again, there are instructions for teachers to evaluate in the assignment. As a result, a student will be able to understand and answer the question of how to answer the Class Eight 11th Week English 4th Assignment Question, which of the following will be “very good”, “good”, “normal” and “need for progress”. As a result, it is possible to get good marks or get good results in Class Eight 11th Week English 4th Assignment Question.
English 11th Week Class 8 Assignment Answer
[Adsense]Class Eight 8th Week English 2nd Assignment Question
অষ্টম শ্রেণীর ইংরেজী ৮ম সপ্তাহের এসাইনমেন্ট ২০২১
Assignment Serial: Assignment-2
Unit and Unit: Title Unit-2: Food and nutrition
Lesson no and Title: Lesson-1: Good Food, Lesson-2: Kind of food, Lesson-3: Our daily diet.
Class 8 English 8th Week Assignment
Lesson 3: Our daily diet Your Daily Diet
1. Make a list of food items you take every day as breakfast, brunch( a meal between breakfast and lunch), lunch, afternoon tea(a small meal you can have in the afternoon) and, dinner and, identity what kinds of food they are. For example-Protein, carbohydrates, etc.
2. Decide if your daily diet is balanced. If yes, give reasons.
3. If it’s not, explain why not.
নিচে উত্তর রয়েছে।
Instruction: Students will read lesson-2 & 3 and collect the necessary information to complete the assignment.
Assessment Rubrics
Excellent: Students will be awarded “Excellent for relevant information, appropriate content & grammar, spelling, punctuation, complete communication and creativity.
Very Good: Students will be awarded Very Good for relevant information, appropriate content and grammar, spelling, punctuation, partial communication and creativity.
Good: Students will be awarded “Good for inadequate content, errors in grammar, spelling & punctuation mistakes, less communication and creativity
Needs Improvement: Students will be awarded Needs Improvement for irrelevant information, inappropriate content, frequent grammar, spelling and punctuation mistakes along with incomplete communication and creativity.
Class 8 English 8th Week Assignment Answer 2021
Answer to Question 1
Here is a list of food items that I take everyday as breakfast, brunch (a meal between breakfast and lunch), lunch, afternoon tea (a small meal I can have in the afternoon) and dinner kinds of food they are. Here with identifications:
1. Rice: (Carbohydrate)
2. Bread: (Carbohydrate)
3. Fish :(Protein)
4. Meat: (Protein)
5. Vegetable:(Vitamins and Minerals )
6. Milk: (Protein, Calcium)
7. Butter: (Fat)
8. Potato chips: (Carbohydrate)
9. Chocolate:(Fat)
10. Salads 🙁 Vitamins and Minerals )
11. Fruit :(Vitamins and Minerals )
12. Eggs : (Protein)
Answer to Question 2
My daily diet is balanced. Here are some reasons: A balanced diet will include a variety of foods from the following groups:
1. Fruits
2. Vegetables
3. Grains
4. Dairy
5. Protein foods
6. Pure Water
Examples of protein foods include meat, eggs, fish, beans, nuts, etc. I always eat these kind of foods in my daily diet. In lunch, I always have meat or fish. Before sleeping at night I always eat an egg. Proteins are good for bones and they our strength. That’s why, I can say that my daily diet is balanced and increase ours body musicals.
Besides, I always have a lot of vegetables with my breakfast and lunch. Generally, I don’t have vegetables at dinner. Because I eat few at dinner. Eating vegetables everyday is important for our health. They provide essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients such as antioxidants and fiber .Again, I always have fruits at the time of brunch (a meal between breakfast and lunch). Fruits should be included one’s diet chart. From fruits we get vitamins and minerals. I also take about 8-12 glasses of water. We all need to take water that my daily diet is balanced everyday minimum of 2 liters.
Answer of Question 3
My daily diet is not balanced.Here are some reasons:
A balanced diet will include a variety of foods from the following groups:
1. Fruits
2. Vegetables
3. Grains
4. Dairy
5. Protein foods
I don’t have a lot of vegetables with my breakfast, lunch or dinner. Generally, eat vegetables sometimes at dinner but very few. Because I don’t like eating vegetables. Eating vegetables every day is important for our health. They provide us essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients such as antioxidants and fiber. That’s why I can say that my daily diet is not balanced.
Again, I sometimes have fruits at the time of brunch ( a meal between breakfast and lunch). Fruits should be included in one’s diet chart. From fruits, we get vitamins and minerals. But don’t have fruits regularly. For that reason, I don’t get enough vitamins and minerals., diet is not properly balanced.
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How To Answer Class 8 Ingregi 11th Week Assignment For Higher Marks?
As a student of Class 8, you must want to get the highest marks in Class 8 English 11th Week Assignment. But do not know how to get the highest number of answers? We will help you get the highest marks in Class 8 English 11th Week Assignment. 8th of all, how to answer means that the content of the answer should be mentioned in the instructions of the question. Read the instruction question of Class 8 English 11th Week Assignment carefully and try to understand what it says. When writing the answer to Class 8 English 11th Week Assignment, arrange some possible titles and subheadings. Then there are the titles and subtitles to answer your Class 8 English 11th Week Assignment. Now just add the appropriate rain to the title and subtitle. Then you will see that your Class 8 English 11th Week Assignment Answer has been written.
After writing the answer of Class 8 English 11th Week Assignment, match your answer with the assessment instructions yourself. The answer to your Class 8 English 11th Week Assignment is either “Very good”, “Good”, “Normal” or “Need for progress”. Try to add the best topics in your Class 8 English 11th Week Assignment Answer. Then you can get the highest number in the answer of Class 8 English 11th Week Assignment.
We have shared Class 8 English 11th Week Assignment Answer. As a Class Eight student, you have gotten very help from our answer. In future, we will share more assignment answers like Class 8 English 11th Week Assignment.