Class 9 Bangla 16th Week, 12th Week, 8th Week Assignment Answer, 16th, 12th, 8th Soptaher Bangla Assignment Somadhan, নবম শ্রেণীর ১৬তম, দ্বাদশ, অষ্টম সপ্তাহের বাংলা সমাধান। 4th, 3rd, 2nd Bangla Assignment Solution 12th, 8th Week For Class Nine.
Class 9 Bangla 16th Week Assignment
Class 9 16th week Bangla assignment has been published. So today we will discuss the Class 9 16th week Bangla assignment answer. I will give instructions on how to write the Class 9 16th week Bangla assignment answer. A fifth determining work on a Bangla subject for Class 9 students. The Class 9 16th week Bangla assignment answer has been given from the tenth chapter. The title of this chapter is word formation with prefixes. That is, words should be formed with prefixes as the work of the assignment. Some words have been given in a table as the work of Class 9 16th week Bangla assignment. Analyze the words and mention the way in which they are formed.
অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট: ছকে প্রদত্ত শব্দগুলো বিশ্লেষণ এবং কী উপায়ে শব্দগুলো গঠিত হয়েছে তা উল্লেখ কর।
Several instructions have been given to prepare the Class 9 16th week Bangla assignment answer properly. Properly follow the instructions to prepare the Class 9 16th week Bangla assignment answer. Below are the Class 9 16th week Bangla assignment answers which must be mentioned. Students need to read the grammar and textbooks of Bengali language to complete the prefix suffix compound and treaty rules. The following points need to be followed to get the best results from the Class 9 16th week Bangla assignment. Need to analyze words properly. The name of the accomplished word should be mentioned and the spelling should be written correctly.
Class 9 Bangla 16th Week Assignment Answer
Class 9 Bangla 12th Week Assignment
ভাবসম্প্রসারণ করো: সংকল্প করেছ যাহা, সাধন করহ তাহা, রত হয়ে নিজ নিজ কাজে।
Class 9 Bangla 12th Week Assignment Answer
Class 9 Bangla 8th Week Assignment Question
The 8th week of the 9th class has the third assignment in Bangla. The question of the 8th week’s Bangla assignment has been asked from the poetry part of the ninth grade textbook. The third assignment of class 9 mentions two poems (Bangabani and Kopotaksh Nad). However, there is a chapter titled “Bangabani-Abdul Hakim” included in the assignment question. However, the question has been asked in such a way that the students study the Bangabani poem as well as the Kopotaksh Nod also. 2 chapters will be completed through class 9 Bangla 8th week Assignment.
8th week’s Bangla Assignment Question: Present your argument in favor of the comment “Patriotism is expressed in both the poems of Bangabani and Kopotaksh Nad through love of mother tongue”.
Class 9 Bangla 8th Week Assignment Answer
We know that in Bangabani poetry, poet Abdul Hakim has expressed deep love for his mother tongue. Speaking or writing in the mother tongue is the only way for people who speak languages that are not understood by the public, in which they cannot communicate with others. That is why the poet has concentrated on writing books in his mother tongue. According to the poet, man simply calls on the Creator in his own language and the Creator can understand man’s speech.
On the other hand, the poem Kopotaksh Nad was written by Michael Madhusudan Dutt. Here the poet was born in the village of Sagardari on the banks of the Kopotaksh river in Jessore district. As a child, Madhusudan grew up in a natural environment on the banks of this river. When he lives in France, the memory of his childhood and adolescence in his homeland awakens in his mind a longing. Sitting in the distance, he could hear the murmur of the dove. He has seen so many countries and rivers, but this river of his homeland seems to have bound him in his mother’s affection, he can never forget him. The poet wrote the poem Kopotaksh Nad in France. Here the poet has shown passion and love for his country and his homeland.
In the question of class 9 Bangla 2nd week assignment, it is necessary to present the argument that patriotism is expressed in both poems through love of mother tongue. But we see that Bangabani poetry has mother tongue love. But in the poem Kopotaksh Nada, the poet expresses his love for his birthplace. Now, as a student you have to present, patriotism has been expressed in the poem ‘Bangabani and Kopotaksh Nad’ through the love of mother tongue.
- উদ্যম ও পরিশ্রম – মোহাম্মদ লুৎফর রহমান
- পল্লিসাহিত্য – মুহম্মদ শহীদুল্লাহ্
- নিরীহ বাঙালি – রােকেয়া সাখাওয়াত হােসেন
- অভাগীর স্বর্গ – শরৎচন্দ্র চট্টোপাধ্যায়
- বই পড়া – প্রমথ চৌধুরী
- দেনাপাওনা – রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর
- লাইব্রেরি – রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর
- সুভা – রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর
- Class 9 4th Week Assignment 2022 Answer
- Class 9 3rd Week Assignment 2022 Answer
Collection of Bangla Assignments for the 8th week of ninth grade
The guidelines for the 8th week Bangla assignment of the ninth grade have already been published. It has been published on the website of the Board of Secondary Education. And a copy of this guide is provided on our website. Anyone can download a copy of the 8th week assignment from the Board of Education website or from our website.
Problem identification
After downloading the guideline of the 8th week assignment of ninth class, it is necessary to understand well what is instructed in the assignment and what is left. In other words, it is necessary to understand well what solution has been sought in the question. Because the problem cannot be solved properly without understanding it well. So we have to understand the problem well and proceed accordingly.
How to solve the Bangla assignment of the 8th week of ninth grade
The Bangla assignment for the 8th week of ninth grade has been given from the complete rural literature chapter. Here we want to know about the material of rural literature. As a solution to the ninth grade Bangla assignment, you have to mention the names of five elements of rural literature and write ten sentences about any two elements of your choice.
All the things to keep in mind while solving the Bangla assignment of the 8th week of ninth class
It is necessary to acquire material knowledge on all the subjects that have been asked in the question. If it is necessary to acquire knowledge on that subject, one should read books written on a specific subject. Once the knowledge is completed as per the demand of the question, the solution of the assignment has to be completed continuously. When writing the solution of Bangla assignment for the 8th week of ninth grade, care should be taken so that the explanations are creative. Because if not explained creatively, one’s answer sheet will match the answer sheet of another’s assignment. When completing the Bangla assignment for the 8th week of class IX, care must be taken to ensure that the information is accurate and reasonable. The final opinion can be expressed once the solution of the 8th week Bangla assignment of ninth class is completed.
How to submit the solution of Bangla assignment for the 8th week of ninth class
This is the latest assignment in the case of Bangla Assignment for Class IX. Since this is the last assignment for ninth grade Bengali, as soon as the 8th week assignment is submitted, the teacher has to know whether any assignment has been omitted or not. If a one week assignment is not submitted, it has to be resubmitted.
আনসার of all subjects assainment
So poor!
Valo but besi choto hoiya gese..😌