Class 8 Bangla 1st, 9th, 13th, 17th Week Assignment Answer 2022 is available here. After getting the 1st, 9th, 13th, 17th week assignment question of class 8 Bangla subject, we have started to solution. Are you a class eight student and you have to do Bangla assignment? In addition, you are looking class 8 13th, 9th week Bangla assignment answer? Yes! here you can get all Bangla 1st, 9th, 13th, 17th week assignment answer of class 8 100% correct. ক্লাস ৮ এর বাংলা এসাইনমেন্ট সকল সপ্তাহের প্রশ্ন সমাধান।
Class 8 Bangla 1st Week Assignment
Assignment: পশু-পাখির প্রতি দায়িত্ব নিরূপণ।
Class 8 Bangla 1st Week Assignment Answer
সমাধান এখানে খুব দ্রুত পাওয়া যাবে।
[Join]Class 8 Bangla 17th Week Assignment
Now we will discuss how to prepare the answer for the Class 8 17th week Bangla assignment. So all the students who want to know about the answer of the Class 8 17th week Bangla assignment, follow us. Since this is the fifth determining work of the Class 8 Bangla subject. The bridge has nothing new to say to Class 8 students. Because they have already submitted several assignments on Bangla. The Class 8 17th week Bangla assignment has been given from the grammar part. So in order to answer the Class 8 17th week Bangla assignment, one has to acquire a good knowledge about grammar.
The task of the Bengali assignment of the 17th week of the Class 8 has been asked to distinguish between the sadhu and the customary rites. A few sentences of a few lines are given to distinguish between sage and colloquial language. From there you have to answer the Class 8 17th week Bangla assignment. When answering the Class 8 17th week Bangla assignment, care should be taken to maintain the characteristics of a pious and customary person. There are also a number of guidelines to follow in writing the answers to the Class 8 17th week Bangla assignment. For example, the current style of pronoun terms must be applied appropriately. Also the conventional style of verbs has to be applied. You have to convert from the same word to the word tadbhav in the right way.
Class 8 Bangla 17th Week Assignment Answer
Class 8 Bangla 13th Week Assignment
Class 8 13th week Bangla assignment has been published. Selected from the poetry section in the assignment. The name of the poem is written by Kamini Roy lest people say something. This is the fourth assignment of Bangla subjects in the 13th week of Class 8. As a Bangla assignment for the 13th week of Class 8, read the poem well and ask to mention the ways to pass from there. So in order to answer the Bengali assignment, first of all you have to read the poem written by Kamini Roy lest people say something. We will try to solve the problem later.
অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট: ‘পাছে লোকে কিছু বলে’ কবিতাটি ভালো করে পড়ে তা থেকে উত্তরণের উপায়সমূহ।
There are several instructions for answering the Class 8 13th week Bangla assignment . We will also provide some additional instructions to get the highest marks from Bangla Assignment. Following all our instructions, if you can answer the Class 8 13th week Bangla assignment, it will be possible to ensure the highest marks. Below are all the subjects that must be mentioned in the answer sheet of Class 8 13th week Bangla assignment . Answers must be written while maintaining the accuracy and consistency of the content. All information must be consistent with the content. And need to use individuality and creativity when creating answer sheets. It would also be good to be able to use synonyms correctly.
Class 8 Bangla 13th Week Assignment Answer
Class 8 Bangla 9th Week Assignment
Class eight students have already submitted 9th weeks assignments. The assignment given to the class 8 students for Bangla subject in the 9th week is their second Bangla assignment. The 9th week assignment of eighth grade Bangla subject has already been published. Eighth graders can download the assignment guide from our website. The guidelines prescribed by DSHE are given on the website of the Board of Education in PDF format. Anyone can download the guide by mobile or browsing from the computer. The PDF file contains instructions on all subjects for students of all classes. You need to look at the answer from the PDF file for the class and the subject that you need. However, one has to be careful about which week’s assignment of which class and which subject is correct. As we have to solve the assignment of Bangla subject of 9th week of 8th class, now if we mistakenly solve and submit the assignment of previous week of Bangla subject of 8th class then there will be no benefit. So we have to take care of all those things.
How To Submit Class Eight Bangla 9th Week Assignment?
The Class 8 assignment of the 9th week of Bangla subject has to be completed nicely first. Then you have to see that there is no mistake anywhere. If everything is done well, the solution letter of the 9th week eighth grade Bangla subject assignment has to be submitted to the school authorities or to the teacher in that subject. At the end of the submission, it is necessary to find out from the subject teacher or the school authority whether the solution letter of the previous assignment has to be submitted. If the assignment of an assignment remains to be submitted or is defective, it must be re-submitted.
Class 8 Bangla 9th Week Assignment Question
`দুই বিঘা জমি’ কবিতাটি ৩৯ থেকে ৬২ নম্বর পঙক্তিগুলো গদ্যে রূপান্তর করতে হবে। `দুই বিঘা জমি’ কবিতা, শব্দার্থ ও টীকা, পাঠ পরিচিতি পড়ে প্রয়োজনীয় তথ্য পাওয়া যাবে যার নিচে দেওয়া হল।
দুই বিঘা জমি কবিতার ৩৯-৬২ পঙক্তি গুলোর গদ্যরুপ
Class 8 Bangla 9th Week Assignment Answer
`দুই বিঘা জমি’ রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুরের `চিত্র’ কাব্যগ্রন্থ থেকে সংকলিত। দুই বিঘা জমি কবিতাতে দরিদ্র কৃষক “উপেন” অভাব-অনটনে বন্ধক দিয়ে তার প্রায় সব জমি হারিয়েছে। বাকি ছিল মাত্র দুই বিঘা জমি। কিন্তু জমিদার তার বাগান বাড়ানোর জন্য সেই জমির দখলও নিতে চায়। কিন্তু সাত পুরুষের স্মৃতিবিজড়িত সে জমি উপেন দিতে না চাইলে জমিদারের প্রধান শিকার হয় সে। মিথ্যা মামলা দিয়ে জমিদার সে জমি দখল করে নেয়। ফলে ভিটেছাড়া হয়ে ওপেন বাধ্য হয় পথে বেরোতে। সাধু হয়ে এসে গ্রাম-গ্রামান্তরে ঘোরে। কিন্তু পৈত্রিক ভিটের স্মৃতি সে বলতে পারে না।
একদিন চির-পরিচিত গ্রামের সে ফিরে আসে। গ্রামের অন্য সবকিছু ঠিকঠাক থাকলে ও তার ভিতে আজ নিশ্চিহ্ন। কিন্তু হঠাৎ সে লক্ষ্য করে তার ছোটবেলার স্মৃতি বিজড়িত সেই আমগাছটি এখনো আছে। সেই আম গাছের ছায়া তলে বসে ক্লান্ত-শ্রান্ত উপেন পরম শান্তি অনুভব করে। তার মনে পড়ে, ঝড়ের দিনে কত না আম সে কুড়িয়েছে এখানে। হঠাৎ বাতাসের ঝাপটায় দুটি পাকা আম পড়ে তার কোলের কাছে। আম দুটিকে সে জননীর স্নেহের দান মনে করে গ্রহণ করে। কিন্তু তখনি ছুটে আসে মালি। উপেনকে সে আম-চোর বলে গালাগালি করতে থাকে। উপেন কে জমিদারের নিকট হাজির করা হয়। উপেন জমিদারের কাছে আমটি ভিক্ষা হিসেবে চাইলে জমিদার তাকে সাধুবেশী চোর বলে মিথ্যা অপবাদ দেয়।
উপরের উল্লেখিত পাঠ পরিচিতি থেকেই উত্তরের বিষয়বস্তু পাওয়া যাবে। এই বিষয়বস্তু পড়ার পরে ৩৯ থেকে ৬২ নম্বর পঙক্তিগুলো গদ্যে নিজের মতো করে রূপান্তরিত করো। এই প্রশ্নের একটি নমুনা উত্তর এখানে দেওয়া হবে।
5th Week Class 8 Bangla Assignment Question & Solution
অষ্টম শ্রেণীর পঞ্চম সপ্তাহের বাংলা এসাইনমেন্ট প্রশ্ন এবং সমাধান ২০২১
১। প্রবন্ধ রচনা: ‘বঙ্গবন্ধু ও বাংলাদেশ’ শিরােনামে ৫০০ শব্দের মধ্যে একটি প্রবন্ধ রচনা।
How To Answer Class 8 Bangla 9th Week Assignment 2021?
Class 8 students have already done an assignment on Bangla. So I have nothing new to say to them but I still want to discuss some general issues. The questions that the assignment has been asked to solve should be read very carefully. If you do not read and understand the questions, you should take the advice of the teacher or the advice of the parents. In our country, in addition to all the topics that are discussed in the eighth grade, some topics may have been added to the assignment. That is why it is better to take the advice of the teacher if you do not understand any subject. When solving any question in the 9th week Bangla assignment of class 8, you have to look at which chapter the question has been asked from. All the questions must be asked from the eighth grade Bangla text book. According to the demand of the question, one has to write the answer to the question by using one’s own creativity by gaining sufficient knowledge on the subject from that chapter. When writing the answer to a question, it is better not to write the answer by looking at another person or copying from another place. In that case, good results may not be obtained when the teacher evaluates.
Since this is the solution for the 9th week Bangla subject assignment of 8th class, it is better to use one’s creativity while discussing or explaining any subject. If the information in the textbook does not seem sufficient while writing the answer to a question, then it can be taken with the help of another book on the subject. In that case it is necessary to mention from which book or from which author the discussions have been taken. Since this is the 9th week assignment of Bangla subject for eighth grade students, it is important to make sure that the spelling of the names, stories or poems of all the poets and writers is correct. Must be explanatory and constructive when discussing any topic. No issue can be discussed unnecessarily. To solve the 9th week assignment of class 8 Bangla subject, handwriting must be beautiful and clean.