2nd Week HSC 2021 Exam Assignment

2nd week HSC Assignment 2021 & 2022 for Class 11 students who will sit for HSC 2021, 2022 exam. According to the DSHE HSC Assignment, there are a total six subjects combined with three groups in 2nd week routine. So we are introducing all 2nd week questions and answers of HSC assignment 2021. Here you can get 2nd week’s Biology, Higher Match, Sociology, Social Work, Finance and Banking O Bima, Arabic, Utpadon Bebosthapona O Biponon, Griho Bebosthapona and Paribarik Jibon, English, Physics, Economics, Logic, Civics and Accounting assignment for HSC 2021 and 2022 exam. So read full article to get HSC 2nd week Assignment 2021 question and solution.

2nd Week HSC Assignment 2021

This is the 2nd week assignment questions for HSC 2021 exam candidates. Below the PDF file of HSC 2nd week assignment 2021. We will answer all these HSC 2021 2nd week assignment questions very soon.



2nd Week HSC Assignment 2021 to 2022

The Department of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education has released the second week assignment for HSC 2022 candidates on 20 June 2021. The second week HSC assignment consists of 6 subjects in three groups (Science, Humanities and Commerce). They are: English, Physics, Economics, Civics and Good Governance, Logic and Accounting. A short syllabus for the HSC 2022 exam for Class 11 students was published a few days ago. The HSC assignment 2021 will run for a total of 30 weeks from the second week to complete the syllabus. Here are the assignment questions for the second week of HSC. Sample answers will also be given here if HSC assignment 2021 questions of all subjects are solved.

2022 HSC Assignments

English 2nd Week HSC Assignment Of Class 11

HSC English 2nd Week Assignment Question

The 2nd week HSC assignment syllabus contains English subject. This is the 1st English assignment for HSC students of class 11. The Chapter 13 is given as Unit 13: Food Adulteration. The question of the English assignment is as follows: –

Any short story in Bengali or English that the students have read, based on the story should be answered the 2nd week HSC English Assignment in 200 to 250 words. You have to write a summary in 5 to 8 sentences from that story, especially about the structure and character of the story. You also need to specify which topics in the story you liked and which topics you didn’t like. If you were asked to change something from the story, what would you change? It has to be mentioned in a few sentences. Above all you have to give your own opinion about the story.

Here are some instructions on question for solving HSC 2nd week English assignment. If you can answer according to the instructions given in the question, you will get good marks. Here we are trying to do a sample Answer for HSC 2nd week English assignment.

Get: HSC 2nd Week English Assignment Solution.

Physics 2nd Week HSC Assignment Of Class 11

The 2nd week of HSC assignment activities has Physics for Science students. Conversion of energy is the topic of discussion in the 2nd week HSC Physics assignment of class 11.

The graph of pressure vs. volume in the case of cyclic change of a gas is shown by the diagram in question and three questions have been asked. By solving this 2nd week HSC Physics assignment, the student will be able to know the formula of thermodynamics, the concept of internal energy and the means of relating internal energy and the completed work. HSC Physics assignment question has been instructed to use the first formula of thermodynamics for different thermal processes to solve the second week physics assignment.

We have tried to solve a sample of the second week HSC assignment in Physics according to the instructions mentioned in question.

Get: HSC 2nd Week Physics Assignment Solution.

Economics 2nd Week HSC Assignment Of Class 11

HSC Economics 2nd Week Assignment 2022

This is the second economics assignment of class XI. The assignment question asks to prepare an outline of a sustainable Eco-friendly aggro-based project. The answer should contain some information on the trend of agricultural change in Bangladesh, finding ways to adapt to the crisis of climate change, nuclear energy in agriculture, bio-technology, the benefits of using ICT, agricultural technology in agricultural development, successful evaluation of government programs.

Moreover, as an assessment guide, what is needed to get a good score is given. So in order to solve the HSC second week economics assignment, you have to answer all the above instructions.

Get: HSC 2nd Week Economics Assignment Solution.

Civics 2nd Week HSC Assignment Of Class 11

HSC Civics 2nd Week Assignment 2022

The question of this assignment has been asked from the first chapter of the second textbook on Civics and Good Governance, “Developing a Representative Government in British India”. The main topic of the HSC second week Civics assignment is the Lahore proposal. The Partition of Bengal, the Muslim League and the two-nation theory surrounding the Bangladesh context. The type of answer would be an essay. The answer must include the causes and consequences of the partition of Bengal, the context and importance of the establishment of the Muslim League, the two-nation theory and the features and significance of the Lahore proposal.

To get good marks, you have to answer by following the evaluation instructions. If you follow the instructions, you can understand how much it will take to write a part to answer the second week HSC Civics assignment. By understanding the question paper well and following the assessment guidelines we have tried to write an answer to the 2nd week HSC Civics assignment.

Get: HSC 2nd Week Civics Assignment Solution.

Logic 2nd Week HSC Assignment Of Class 11

The 2nd week assignment questions have been asked from the first chapter of the logic second paper textbook “Rational Definition”. It has been said that human beings are intelligent beings, and if there are exceptions, then there will be some errors in the definition. Students will be able to explain the logical definition by studying the first chapter “Rational Definition”. Moreover the logical definition will be able to assess the relevance. There are some rules of definition that can be described. If the rules of definition are violated then the objections can be assessed. Be able to provide precise definitions and solve various problems. We tried to give an answer as per the evaluation instructions of HSC Inter 1st Year Logic 2nd Week Assignment Questions.

Get: HSC 2nd Week Logic Assignment Solution.

Accounting 2nd Week HSC Assignment Of Class 11

HSC Accounting 2nd Week Assignment 2022

The 2nd week Accounting HSC Assignment is important for the Commerce students of Inter 1st year. Because here it has been asked to determine the distribution of profit and capital. To solve the assignment, one must study the second paper textbook of accounting. The chapter on capital in particular needs to be mastered very well.

The answer to the 2nd week accounting assignment is to discuss the variable capital system and the fixed capital system. If you can answer according to the assessment instructions, you will get about 16 to 20 marks. We tried to answer a sample of accounting assignments For 2nd week.

Get: HSC 2nd Week Accounting Assignment Solution.