1st week HSC Assignment 2021 & 2022 for Class 11 students who will sit for HSC 2021 and 2022 exam. According to the DSHE HSC Assignment, there are a total six subjects combined with three groups in 1st week routine. So we are introducing all 1st week questions and answers of HSC assignment 2021 and 2022. Here you can get 1st week’s Physics, History, Islamic History and Culture, Business Management, Islam Sikkha, Sisur Bikash, Loghu Sangeet, Bangla, Physics, Economics, Logic, Civics and Accounting assignments for HSC 2021, 2022 exam. So read full article to get HSC 1st week Assignment question and solution.
1st Week HSC Assignment 2021
This is the 1st week assignment questions for HSC 2021 exam candidates. Below the PDF file of HSC 1st week assignment 2021. We will answer all these HSC 2021 1st week assignment questions very soon.
1st Week HSC Assignment 2022
The Department of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education has released the first week assignment for HSC 2022 candidates on 13 June 2021. The first week HSC assignment consists of 6 subjects in three groups (Science, Humanities and Commerce). They are: Bengla, Physics, Economics, Civics and Good Governance, Logic and Accounting. A short syllabus for the HSC 2022 exam for Class 11 students was published a few days ago. The HSC assignment 2021 will run for a total of 30 weeks from the first week to complete the syllabus. Here are the assignment questions for the first week of HSC. Sample answers will also be given here if HSC assignment 2021 questions of all subjects are solved.
Bangla 1st Week HSC Assignment 2022
The story “Aporichita” in the question of Bangla assignment of the first week of HSC is included in the HSC 2022 short syllabus. Although the number of classes required to complete the Aparajita chapter is four. However, the chapter has to be completed through the HSC Bangla 1st week Assignment. The lesson of the story “Oporichita” is to be able to explain the role of men’s and women’s rights and equality. Demonstrate a positive attitude towards equal rights for men and women in behavior, actions and words. Explain the significance of women’s education and women’s empowerment. Demonstrate a positive attitude towards women’s education and empowerment by providing opportunities and support. Now if we look at the questions and learning outcomes of the 1st week Bangla assignment of HSC, then those learning outcomes can be achieved. Moreover, the answer to the question of 1st week HSC Bangla Assignment is related to the real world. The student needs to identify the helpful role of women in moving forward based on a realistic approach to the content of the “অপরিচিতা” story.
Here is the question of 1st week HSC Bangla Assignment 2021. Click on the question and you will get The Bangla HSC assignment 2021 solution.
‘অপরিচিতা’ গল্প এবং বাস্তব দৃষ্টান্তের ভিত্তিতে নারীর এগিয়ে চলার পথে সহায়ক ভূমিকা চিহ্নিতকরণ।
Physics 1st Week HSC Assignment 2022
The HSC Physics 1st week assignment question is taken from Newtonian Mechanics (Newtoniam Bolbidda) Chapter 4 of the book Physics (First Paper). So if you can complete the first week HSC Physics Assignment, it can be said that the students will understand the Newtonian Mechanics chapter to a great extent. However, not having proper classes in college can lead to many problems for students to complete assignments for HSC 2022 exam. So we will try to solve the question of HSC Physics first week assignment here. However, since no unethical approach can be taken to solve the HSC assignment, we will give you a sample answer which will help you complete the first week assignment of HSC Physics. To complete this HSC assignment you need to study the Newtonian Mechanics chapter well. The first week Physics HSC Assignment Question Paper has a picture given. There is another argument. Accordingly, five questions have to be answered.
Here is the question of 1st week HSC Physics Assignment 2021. Click on the question and you will get The Physics HSC assignment 2021 solution.
তুমি 20 ms-1 বেগে একদম খাড়াভাবে একটি 400 gm ভরের ক্রিকেট বল উপরের দিকে ছুড়ে মারলে।
(ক) বলটির বেগ বনাম সময়ের গ্রাফ আঁকো।
(খ) গতিপথে সর্বোচ্চ বিন্দুতে বলটির বেগ কত।
(ঘ) ঐখানে ক্রিকেট বলটির উপর ক্রিয়ারত মােট বল কত?
(ঙ) Fig-1 এ 1.5 kg ভরটি একটি টেবিলের উপর স্থির অবস্থানে আছে। 2 kg ভরের আরেকটি ভর একটি অসম্প্রসারণশীল সূতা দিয়ে ঝােলানাে হলাে। টেবিল ও 1.5 kg ভরের মাঝে ঘর্ষণ গুণাঙ্ক 0.2
(১) ভরদ্বয়ের ত্বরণ কত? সুতাটি অসম্প্রসারণশীল না হলে তােমার উত্তরের কী পরিবর্তন হতাে?
(২) সূতার টান কত?
(৩) 2 kg ভরের সরণ বনাম সময় গ্রাফ আঁকো?
Economics 1st Week HSC Assignment 2022
The first week HSC Economics Assignment is selected from the first chapter of Economics First Letter book on the basic economic problems and its solution chapter. The main objective of the HSC Economics first week assignment is to learn about the basic problems of economics and how to solve them. In order to solve the first week economics assignment of HSC of class XI, one must study the basic economic problems and its solution chapter well. By studying that chapter, one can know the basic economic problems such as scarcity, infinite scarcity, selection problems, key production, how to produce, production for whom, etc. Moreover, it will be possible to know how to solve various economic problems. In the question of Economics Assignment of the first week of HSC, Mr. Salamat, a farmer from Haor area, has to analyze the economic significance of some alternative prospect lines for paddy and wheat production on a piece of land.
Here is the question of 1st week HSC Economics Assignment 2021. Click on the question and you will get The Economics HSC assignment 2021 solution.
হাওর এলাকার কৃষক সালামত সাহেবের এক খন্ড জমিতে ধান ও গম উৎপাদনের ক্ষেত্রে নিম্নরূপ বিকল্প সম্ভাবনা অনুসৃত হয়েছে। যেমন: ধান উৎপাদন যখন ১৬, ১০ ও ০ মন হয় তখন গম। উৎপাদন হয় যথাক্রমে ০, ১০, ও ১৬ মন।
প্রাপ্ত তথ্যের আলােকে উৎপাদন সম্ভাবনা রেখার অর্থনৈতিক তাৎপর্য বিশ্লেষণ।
Civics 1st Week HSC Assignment 2022
There is a question in the first week assignment of civics and Good Governance for HSC 2022 candidates. To answer the question, you must first know what is civics and good governance? That is the scope of the concept of politics and the concept and scope of good governance. To get an idea of the questions and answers of the first week of civics and Good Governance Assignment, you need to study the introduction of civics and Good Governance in Chapter One. Then it is necessary to understand well what is the evolution of civic civilization. Then an answer should be written analyzing the concept of civics and good governance in the evolution of civic civilization as per the instructions mentioned in the question.
Here is the question of 1st week HSC Civics Assignment 2021. Click on the question and you will get The Civics HSC assignment 2021 solution.
নাগরিক সভ্যতার ক্রমবিকাশে পৌরনীতি ও সুশাসনের ধারণা বিশ্লেষণপূর্বক একটি নিবন্ধ রচনা কর।
Logic 1st Week HSC Assignment 2022
By studying the Introduction to Logic chapter, one can know about the origin and evolution of logic, the concept of logic, the ideas given by different logicians (Aristotle, JS Mill, Joseph, IMCopy), the nature of logic, the scope of logic, etc. From the content of this chapter the questions of the first week assignment of HSC Logic have been asked. The question is whether the scope of logic can be found in the concepts of logic. The question has to be answered according to some instructions given. Then good numbers can be found.
Here is the question of 1st week HSC Logic Assignment 2021. Click on the question and you will get The Logic HSC assignment 2021 solution.
যুক্তিবিদ্যার ধারণায় এর পরিধি পাওয়া যায়- পর্যালোচনা কর।
Accounting 1st Week HSC Assignment 2022
The first week assignment of HSC includes accounting subject. The first week assignment questions have been asked from the first chapter ‘Introduction to Accounting’ of the first paper textbook of HSC Class XI Accounting. If you study the chapter on accounting introduction, you will know about business calculations, equations etc. To solve the first week of accounting assignment, you need to know about transaction identification, tabular table, credit and debit determination, settlement table etc. We are trying to answer the HSC Accounting Assignment so that you can easily understand the issues.
Here is the question of 1st week HSC Accounting Assignment 2021. Click on the question and you will get The Accounting HSC assignment 2021 solution.
ক. ৫, ৬, ১৬, ২৮ তারিখের লেনদেনগুলাে হিসাব সমীকরণে প্রভাব দেখাও।
খ. ১২, ১৮, ২২, ২৫ তারিখের লেনদেনগুলাে গৌতম এন্টারপ্রাইজ এর হিসাব বইতে লিপিবদ্ধ করাে। (ব্যাখ্যা ব্যতীত)
গ. সংশ্লিষ্ট খতিয়ান হিসাব প্রস্তুত করাে।