The National University’s Covid Vaccine Registration Work is underway. But some students have encountered a problem. Students of NU will need a national identity card number to register for the vaccine. But there are many students who do not have a national identity Number. That means they have not yet received their National Identity Card. The question may arise here, how will those who do not currently have a national identity card complete the registration?
Today I will write about the solution to this problem. So all the students who are unable to register due to lack of national identity numbers should read my article in full. Because if you read the article carefully, you will understand how to solve your problem. So all the students who are unable to register due to lack of a National Identity Number should follow our article.
How to register for National University Covid Vaccine without a National ID Card?
Without a National Identity number, It is not possible to register vaccines across national universities. Because NID or National Identity Card number has been made mandatory for vaccine registration. Therefore, students who do not know the National ID number must first collect the number of the National Identity. Now I will discuss how you can find out the number of your National Identity Card. So all the students who are worried about not having a National Identity Card number should read the article carefully. Hopefully, you can easily complete the registration for the National Covid Vaccine.
How to know the number of National Identity Card?
There are many students who have been admitted to the college under the National University but have not yet received the national identity card number. The main reason is that many have been admitting to college long before the age of 18. On the other hand, at the age of 16, the Government has collected the necessary information for your national identity card. But the national identity card has not reached you yet.
If you want to know the number of your national identity card. Contact your nearest municipality or union Parishad office or Upazila election commission office to know this. A document was also provided while taking pictures and fingerprints for your national identity card. Using that, you can download your national identity card online. Below is how to download your National Identity Card online using the slip number.
How to download National Identity Card Using Slip Number?
[ArticleAds]First of all, Enter this link to know the National Identity Card number. Then search with the slip number, date of birth, and verification code of the voter registration form. A search will reveal your National Identity Card number. You can download a copy of your national identity card using that number and provide some information. After downloading you will be sure about the National Identity Card number. Then you can register at the National University using the National Identity Card number.

Hopefully, we have been able to solve the problem of those who could not complete the vaccine registration due to not knowing the number of the national identity card. Follow the instructions given in the article to know the number of National Identity Card. If you still do not understand how to know the number of National Identity Card then comment.
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Without National ID Card NU Vaccine Registration Process
NU Vaccine Registration Website Link
NU Covid Vaccine Registration Correction
Free NU Students Corona Virus Tika