Polytechnic Admission 2022: BTEB published Polytechnic admission notice and circular for session 2022-21 students. So, SSC or equivalent pass students can apply to Polytechnic Admission 2022. After all, are you an interested candidate to admit Polytechnic Institute for doing diploma courses? Then you should read this article fully.
SSC Exam Result Released. After getting result, many students want to apply College Admission. On other hand, many students have already planned their future aim is to do diploma courses under the technical education board. So they have an interest in learning about BTEB Polytechnic Diploma Admission. As a result they are searching for it in different places. Now I am trying to discuss the answers to all your potential questions about Polytechnic Admission and Diploma Admission.
In this article, the main topic of discussion is Polytechnic Diploma Admission 2022 under BTEB Admission. So, in this article we will know firstly, the important dates and times for BTEB Admission. Secondly, the eligibility, conditions and required qualifications for this admission. Thirdly, the future of this sector. Fourthly and most important topic that we will discuss about how to apply BTEB Polytechnic Admission 2022 for Diploma Courses and related facts. so let’s get started.
BTEB Polytechnic Admission
Bangladesh Technical Education Board operates diploma courses through many technical institutes. In this time, All Polytechnic Institutes under the BTEB, Bangladesh Institute of Glass and Ceramics, Institute of Graphic Arts, Feni Computer Institute, Bangladesh Survey Institute (Comilla), Rajshahi Survey Institute, Vocational Teachers Training Institute (Bogra), Nector (Bogra) and Government Technical Schools and Colleges have been invited to students to apply online for four-year Diploma-in-Engineering, Diploma-in-Textile Engineering and Diploma-in-Tourism and Hospitality courses for admission. These courses have two shifts, the 1st shift and the second shift.
Important Dates Of Polytechnic Admission
Online Application Starts | 08-01-2022 |
Online Application Deadline | 12-03-2022 |
Result Publish (SMS & Online) | 2022 |
Admission Time From The Main Merit List | 2022 to 2022 |
Admission Time For Waiting List | 2022 to 2022 |
Admission Time For 2nd Waiting List | 2022 to 2022 |
Educational Qualification
- SSC or equivalent students who passed in 2022, 2020, 2021 can apply.
- The boys or male students should have at least 3.00 points in general math or higher math, and the total GPA should be at least 3.50. The girls or female students should have at least 3.00 points in general math or higher math, and the total GPA should be at least 3.00. O-level candidates follow the circular to know your required qualification.
- Students of SSC and Technical Board-approved two-year trade course will also be able to apply.
- The candidate must be between 22 years of age.
Apply Polytechnic Admission Online
Students who are interested in admission to Polytechnic can apply online. The admission application must be made on the official website of the technical board. There are a few steps to apply. Such as paying fees, providing information online, giving college orientation, uploading photos, etc. So, now I am going to describe how to apply Polytechnic Admission, step by step.
Application Fee: 160 Taka
Payment Method: TeleTalk Sim, Bkash, Rocket, Surecash
Application Website: http://www.btebadmission.gov.bd/
Shift: First and Second
The method of payment
The first step of the Polytechnic admission application is to pay fees. To start an online application, you must complete the payment first. Basically, the application fee is Taka 160, but if you apply 1st and 2nd both shifts you will need 300 Taka. Payment can be done by any of TeleTalk Sim, Bkash, Rocket, Surecash.
BTAD <Space> First 3 Letter of You Board<Space>Roll No< Space>Passing Year<Space> Shift A (1st) / B (2nd) / C (Both)
Example Shift 1: BTAD DHA 123456 2022 A
Example Shift 2: BTAD DHA 123456 2022 B
Example Both Shift: BTAD DHA 123456 2022 C
- Dial *322#
- select Bill Pay option
- Use “Self” for your own application payment or use “Others” for other candidates application payment
- Use “Biller ID” as 288
- Use Biller Number like <Shift><Passing Year><Board Code><Roll No>
Example for Shift 1: A2022DHA123456
Example for Shift 2: B2022DHA123456
Example for Both Shift: C2022DHA123456
- Give Amount 160 taka for shift A/B and 320 taka for both shift ‘C’
- Then give your rocket Pin Number and complete payment.
- If the payment is complete then you will get the successful payment message.
- Dial *495#
- Input “Payment Keyword” as “DTE”
- Enter Student ID like <Shift><Passing Year><Board Code><Roll No>
Example for Shift 1: A2022DHA123456
Example for Shift 2: B2022DHA123456
Example for Both Shift: C2022DHA123456
- Give Amount 160 taka for shift A/B and 320 taka for both shift ‘C’
- Give student mobile number.
- Then give your rocket Pin Number and complete payment.
- If the payment is complete then you will get the successful payment message.
- Download bKash App.
- Select Pay Bill from bKash menu.
- Select DTE from Biller list.
- Give payment code with student mobile number.
- Enter Student ID like <Shift><Passing Year><Board Code><Roll No><Mobile Number>
Example for Shift 1: A2022DHA12345601xxxxxxxxx
Example for Shift 2: B2022DHA12345601xxxxxxxxx
Example for Both Shift: C2022DHA12345601xxxxxxxxx
- Give Amount 160 taka for shift A/B and 320 taka for both shift ‘C’
- Then give your rocket Pin Number and complete payment.
- Save Payment Transaction.
Online Application Form
Applicants must visit http://btebadmission.gov.bd/govtdipengi/ for fill up polytechnic admission form. Complete the payment one hour before the start of the application. Follow the procedure below and apply.
- Hopefully, you completed the payment, then please visit the Polytechnic online application link.
- Click on the “Apply Now” button.
- Enter your Roll No., Reg No., Board, Passing Year, Mobile Number & Confirm Mobile Number and go to the next step by clicking “Next”.
- The next step is to provide the payment transaction number. If the information is correct then move to the next step.
- The applicant’s information will be displayed in the next step. There the applicant’s colorful photo should be uploaded. Add information if needed such quota.
- Then you can choose 10 colleges with each shift.
- After selecting the college, all the information will be displayed in the next step. Finally complete the application by verifying all the information.
- After that, The application ID and PIN will be sent to SMS applicant’s mobile. Application information can be changed using application ID and PIN later.
BTEB Polytechnic Diploma in Engineering Admission 2022 Circular
BTEB Polytechnic Diploma in Engineering Admission 2022 Circular has been published. So, you can download the prospectus / circular notice link below.
GOVT Polytechnic & TSC Diploma in Engg Addmission Notice 2022.pdf
BTEB Polytechnic Admission 2022 Result
After the application process, after the results are published, you will be able to see results from BTEB website. We will also give the result on this page.
Hopefully the discussion above will be of great help to you. If you have problems understanding any of the texts or have any questions tell us through comments. Join our pages and groups to discuss BTEB Polytechnic Admission topics.