The results of the NU degree 2nd year result have been published. Looking for Degree 2nd year results? Here’s the latest update on National University Degree Second Year Results. The results of the examination will be released for the 2020-21 academic session, which started on 12th July 2023. Recently, the authorities released the results of the old syllabus test. Now, the authorities are preparing to release the results of the 2020-21 academic session. The results were released in 27 November. Once the results are released, you can view the results online and by sending an SMS. Now we discuss “How to check NU degree 2nd year results 2023”.
In this post, I will share everything about NU Degree 2nd Year Result. National University, Gazipur publishes results on official websites. So, when the authorities publish the results, you can check the results from that website. Every year a large number of students take part in the 2nd year examinations. So, many students are waiting for the results to be released. However, the National University Degree Pass Course Program is divided into three (3) sections, Degree 1st year, Degree 2nd year and Degree 3rd year.
National University Degree 2nd Year Result 2023
NU Degree 2nd year results have been published for the academic year 2023 and the session is 2020-21. The test was held from 12th July to 30th August. Most of the candidates are now waiting for the final results of their degree in 2023. You do not have to worry about getting degree 2nd year result quickly. We will share with you the NU results and all the important information related to them and the easiest way to get results. NU Degree 2nd year examination results will be published by 2023 National University, Gazipur through their official website NU.EDU.BD or
Online Degree 2nd Year Result
You can see any type of result from online in Bangladesh. Also, the National University publishes all the results online through the official website. So, you can check the academic results, admission results and challenge results online. So, if you want to check the results online, follow the instructions below to view your NU degree 2nd year test results.
Before going to the instruction, just prepare yourself with the exam roll number, registration number and year of the exam. However, follow the instructions below to get National University results online.
- First, go to the NU official site and click on the results menu. Also you direct
Results page ( & - Second, click on the degree icon and click on the 2nd year
- Now, type your registration number in the box registration/roll
- Then, give the year of your pass (not the exam year, found on the admit card)
- Enter the above code in the box here and type the captcha code
- Finally, submit the information by clicking on the search results button.
Enjoy your test results! Hopefully, by following this process, you are easily official collect your degree result from the website.
Degree 2nd year results through SMS
In the age of technology, you can view your test results via SMS. So, you can view the results of 2nd year examination of the National University Pass Course via SMS. You need to send an SMS to 16222. Students can get the results of the National University Degree Second Year 2023 through mobile SMS system operated by Teletalk Bangladesh and Tk 2.50 excluding SMS charge including VAT. So, follow the instructions below to view the degree results via SMS
Send NU (Space) DEG (Space) Registration Number / and 16222
For example, we have added SMS format using registration number
Send to NU DEG 9876543 and 16222
Now, I am going to discuss the specific year results of NU degree pass course Degree 2nd year result 2023 publish date
So, you can search for the publication date of 2nd year degree results. Many students ask me about NU degree pass course exam results. National University Bangladesh is responsible for publishing all types of results such as Honors, Degrees, Masters, BBA and MBA and others. However, the university is responsible for publishing any results related to the national university.
However, we can say that the results of the National University will be released in the last week of December. Results will be released 60 days after the exam or 90 days after the last date of the exam. Degree Second Result 2023
Students can test the results in two different ways. When the authorities publish any kind of results, students can view the results through online method and SMS method. Every year a large number of students participate in the degree pass course examination. Most students are worried about checking results. They do not know how to check Degree 2nd year results online or Degree 2nd year results via SMS. But we are showing you how you can easily get the results of National University Degree 2nd year 2023 by using mobile phone through internet and SMS.
Hopefully, you have got all the information about the NU Degree 2nd Year Result 2023 of the degree pass course examination. You can like our official Facebook page to get all the updated information. Test results BD is the most popular education news portal in Bangladesh. The portal provides details of all types of routines, results and admissions related to Bangladesh education. If you have any questions, just comment below. We will try to answer.
NU DEG 9364458