Degree Exam Result 2025

Degree Result: Degree Exam Result 2025 has been published. Are you looking for Degree exam result? We provide Degree 1st year, 2nd year and 3rd year exam results & also old syllabus result here. We provide Degree result with mark details, Check results online and via SMS, CGPA, or grade system, Promoted and improve details, in a word all details about NU Degree exam result.

Degree exam result-related processes and information are totally unknown for newly admitted students. They have no scope to know all information at the same time or place. But on our website, we sharing all information related degree result for your help. So read full article carefully. We describe all issues about NU degree exam result step by step. In addition, you can bookmark this webpage for the future or share this on your Facebook timeline.

Degree Exam

In Bangladesh, a Degree pass course is an education level after the HSC pass. Its duration is 03 years. National University is the caretaker of this course. It is taught in every degree college in the country. According to Wikipedia, nearly 2,000 public and private colleges in Bangladesh belong to the National University. Most of them have the opportunity to take 3 years degree pass course in college.

Generally Degree pass course has some different subjects for study. So there are some different Degree like Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Bachelor of Social Sciences (BSS), Bachelor of Science (BSc), Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS), Bachelor of Music (BMusic), Bachelor of Sports (BSports) and Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA).

After completing three years Degree pass courses, students study one year Masters Preliminary course, then Masters course.

Degree Exam Result 2025

OK! You already have known the release date for all year exams result. Now it is time to know about The Results of Degree all year exams. Did you try checking Degree result before? or have any idea about search degree result online with marksheet? For your information, we are telling that the rules of checking Degree 1st year, 2nd year and third year exam result is same. Actually the consolidate degree result checking system is also same as always. However we’ll discuss about consolidate result later.

Usually the actual provider of Degree exam result is National University. We just linking between you and National University to get result easily. So now we are going to discuss about how to get Degree exam result?. Before starting discuss, you are most welcome to read more about each Degree exam result.

Degree 1st Year Result, Degree 2nd Year Result and Degree 3rd Year Result.

National University (NU) has created some different ways to get result. Those are via mobile SMS and through Official websites. Are you thinking about how getting result through mobile SMS and official website? HaHaHa! 😀 No problem. Here I telling you how to check result through these ways.

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Degree Exam Result From

Looking for Degree 1st, 2nd & 3rd Year Result? In any time you are able to check results through official websites. You need to follow some procedure for getting NU results. The procedure is discussed below.

National University has two websites for checking exam results. Those are and

In order to getting Degree 1st year, 2nd year & 3rd Year Result, visit one of those website. After that you will see a lot of menu. Go to “results” of them. Then select degree exam results. After that select your exam year that years exam result you want to see. Next, input you registration number, select passing year, solve captcha code if needed and finally click on get result button. If all input is correct then Your desired result with marksheet will appear on you. 🙂 🙂 🙂 .

Give An Attention!

You will be faced server problem while result publish. In this case we created an external option for you to get easily your result. If you faced server problem with our external system, don’t worry! keep trying. You can see the result search box below.

অফিশিয়াল সাইট থেকে রেজাল্ট দেখতে সমস্যা হলে আমাদের ফেসবুক গ্রুপে যোগ দিয়ে আপনার রোল ও রেজিস্ট্রেশন নম্বর কমেন্ট করুন। যদি ইম্প্রভ রেজাল্ট হয়ে থাকে তাহলে অবশ্যই তা উল্লেখ করবেন। আমরা যত দ্রুত সম্ভর আপনাকে ডিগ্রি তৃতীয় বর্ষের রেজাল্ট দিতে চেষ্টা করবো। কেই একই রোল ও রেজিস্টেশন নম্বর একাধিকবার কমেন্ট করবেন না। যারা প্রথমে কমেন্ট করবেন তাদের রেজাল্ট প্রথমে দেওয়া হবে। আর অবশ্যই পোষ্টটি শেয়ার করবেন। শুধু মাত্র পোষ্ট শেয়ারের জন্যই কষ্ট করে আপনাদের রেজাল্ট দেখে দিব।

Degree Exam Result Using Mobile SMS

Mobile SMS is another option for getting Degree exam result. But through this method you can get result only result publish period. Suppose the running period is for publishing Degree first year exam result, then you can get the result of only Degree 1st year exam. In the same way, the Degree second year exam result and Degree third year exam result can be checked.

The whole SMS format is same for each (1st, 2nd and 3rd) year exam result. Just usage time is different. In reply SMS you will get the recent result.

The SMS format for Degree exam result is “NU [space] DEG [space] Roll number”. The example is “NU DEG 6100756”. The sending number is 16222.

You can use this method in case of server jam. So this is the best way to get Degree result very fast.

Degree Consolidated Result

Degree consolidated result means full degree pass course marge result that is Degree final result. The Degree consolidated result publishes one day after the third year results were published. So after 3rd year exam result publish, students count total degree results. On the other hand, National University publish the total final result with marksheet as consolidated result of degree exam. However you can check Degree Consolidated result from official website. In this case, the consolidated result check link:

Degree Result Publish Date

Result publish date is a big question for each examiner and the answer is also very difficult to talk about. Usually after the test it takes some time to do prepare the whole result. So the result published date depends on preparing result. The exam taker authority NU publishes the announcement of result publish date after prepared the result. But we can expect Degree result publish date with previous year experience. Actually result will publish within 90 days after exam end. You can see Degree Routine.

1st Year Result Publish Date

Degree first-year exam date: ____.

As a result, the 1st year exam result will publish on ____.

2nd Year Result Publish Date

Degree second-year exam result publishes date is ____.

3rd Year Result Publish Date

Third year Degree exam date: ____.

Result publish date: ____.

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