Degree 1st Year Exam Result 2025 With Marksheet

Degree 1st Year Result 2025: First year Degree exam result that belongs to National University (NU). It is the most important topic to know for Degree 1st year students. So students are eagerly waiting for publishing Degree 1st year result 2025. Further, they also want to know all related information about Degree exam results. Such as when will publish the result? How to check degree 1st year result?, CGPA or grading system, etc etc. However, if you wanna know details about Degree 1st year result for exam 2023 then keep reading full article.

In this discussion, you will able to know all important issues related to Degree 1st year exam result. Firstly, Degree 1st year result 2025 publish date. Next, checking Degree 1st Year result 2025 with mark sheet. Further, exam result grading system. Furthermore, learn about checking Degree first year result with easy way. So let’s start.

Degree 1st Year Result 2025

Degree pass exam result belongs to National University and All activities like taking exams to the result of the exam, NU does everything. So NU publishes results with marks on their website. Students can check their result sheet from NU’s official website. Although NU has two different website to get Degree 1st year exam result 2025. But in this case the problem is server issue. So NU also created an external option to check or see the individual result. The option is by using Mobile SMS you can get result.

Anyway we will discuss about all methods to get Degree first year result 2025 from online or offline. As this exam is a new experience for students, so the result system & getting method is also unknown for most of them. In this case, for helping them we describe the procedure of checking degree result marks.

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How to Get Degree Result Online

The most popular way to view degree exam result is online system. In this system, anyone can check anyone’s result with registration number. The biggest advantage is that the result available as marksheets. For instance it can be used to accomplish any academic basic task. So it is a question that how to get Degree 1st year result?

  • In order to getting Degree 1st year result 2025, you need to open the link [LinkAds] Likewise you can also get result from
  • Then select your exam course & year.
  • Next input registration number.
  • After that type captcha code in captcha field.
  • Above all click on “Get Result”.
  • Finally you will see your Degree 1st year result with mark sheet.
Pros Cons
  • Getting mark sheets
  • Without any cost
  • All Institution result can check able
  • Server problem occurs after result publish
  • Need internet connection and device

How to Get Degree Result By Text SMS

Text SMS is a smart and fast way to get result. So now a days every students has a mobile phone. Without losing time and facing server problem anyone can know result via mobile SMS. Here you can know the SMS format to get degree result.

First, Go to the message option and create a new SMS:

Type NU [space] DEG [space] your registration number then send to 16222.

Example: NU DEG 987654

Next, If result publish then you will get your result with a reply SMS.

Pros Cons
  • Result can get before online
  • No need any internet connection
  • No mark sheet
  • 2.6 Taka Charge applicable
  • SMS can not use useable for academic task

Degree Result Grading System

Generally grading system in National University and others Public University is same. So the Degree exam result grading system is also same. In this case the grade points counts as CGPA up to 4.0. Here we give the details box below as per wikipedia information.

Class interval Letter grade Grade point Remark
80-100 A+ 4.00 First Class
75-79 A 3.75 First Class
70-74 A- 3.50 First Class
65-69 B+ 3.25 First Class
60-64 B 3.00 First Class
55-59 B- 2.75 Second Class
50-54 C+ 2.50 Second Class
45-49 C 2.25 Second Class Upper
40-44 D 2.00 Third Class
0-39 F 0.00 Fail

Degree First Year Result CGPA Counting Method

The total credit for this test is 28. So if you want to calculate the CGPA of your total exam, follow the system below.

  • In the first year exams, a total of seven subjects have 100 marks in each subject. So the credit for each subject is four. The rule for calculating the entire CGPA is:
  • Firstly identify the CGPAs obtained for each subject in the test.
  • Then multiply the credit for each item with them. For example, you got 3.25, 3.0, 3.75, 3.0, 2.75, 3.25, 3.25.
  • So now multiply those credits with them. Such as 3.25 x 4, 3.0 x 4, 3.75 x 4, 3.0 x 4, 2.75 x 4, 3.25 x 4, 3.25 x 4.
  • Then add those multiples together. For example 13 + 12, 15 + 12 + 11 + 13 + 13 = 89.
  • After that divide this sum by 20. Such as 89/28 = 3.17.
  • Finally the first year result of your degree is CGPA of 3.17.

Degree 1st Year Result Challenge

I hope you got your result already. But, did you get results as you expected?

If your answer is no, then you still have a chance to re scrutiny your result.

Why and How to Challenge Degree First Year Result?

We all know first year result is most important for a newcomer. If any students get lower marks or result then he/she get depressed. So he/she can not focus for next exams or study well. Further, He/She can be loss his/her aim in life.

Beside, many teachers verify exam papers with different thinking. So they give lower or higher marks. For this reason many students not get well results.

However, If you think you wrote well in exams and your degree first year result could have been better. Then you should do the degree re-scrutiny application process.

Well, I think you decide to challenge your 1st year result. So how you challenge the result? Just follow this article.

Re-scrutiny application time: Degree 1st year result challenge application will start from after result publish and it will run till 20 days.

Application fee for each paper for re scrutiny is 500 Taka. You can pay the fee via Sonali Seba.

  • In order to apply Degree 1st year result re scrutiny application visit
  • Then select “Sonali Seba” in the “Services” menu.
  • Next, go to the “Re scrutiny fee” option under “Student fee” menu.
  • Then, Search your result with selecting your “Semester/Year/Part” and typing your “Registration Number”.
  • After that generate your Sonali Seba pay slip for payment. Then complete other instructions.

After applying this application, The Re scrutiny result of Degree first year exam will publish after some days.

Degree 1st Year Re scrutiny & Challenge Result 2025

Are you apply the re scrutiny application? and you want to get the result?

The re scrutiny or challenge result will publish after National University declare. So wait until the result publish. When the result will publish, we also update all this result in our website even in this place. So bookmark our page or subscribe our Facebook page & group.

National University Degree Exam

3 years pass course is known to everyone as Degree. Degree/Pass course is taught in affiliated colleges of National University. Around 2,220 public and private colleges under the National University in this country (Source: Wikipedia).

Almost every college has a degree pass course. In Degree pass course, students are able to study in BA, BSS, BSc, BBS, BMusic, BSports and BFA. After HSC Exam Result, a large number of candidates get admits to Degree course. In this case, the number of students is higher than others courses or university. So the huge number of students participate in exam.

Around 321997 candidates participated in degree 1st year examination in this year. In this case, all students expects their Degree exam result 2025 publish very soon. But it is take some time to complete the activities of preparing results.

Moreover NU tries to publish Degree 1st year result as fast as they can. A similar article for Degree pass course students is Degree 3rd Year Result.

Degree First Year Exam Result 2025 Publish Date

Basically the result publishing authority NU publish a notice their website before result publish. This notice will have been published before result day or the same day. So without verifying the notice on NU’s website, anyone can not tell the exact date of result publish. By the way, we just can expect a time or closest date to publish result. In this year, the Degree exam occurred. All of us know the result have to publish within 90 days. But in this case the result publish with delay.

If we review the previous year then we can get some idea. Previous year the exam occurred and the result of this exam was published within 90 days. So we can see almost 90 days or 3 months between the exam finish date and result publish date.

Finally, we can consider the day of degree 1st year result publish date as 2025. Moreover, the result can be published before of after from our expected date.

Last Words

In conclusion, We tried to discuss all important information about Degree 1st year exam result 2025. However, degree first year exam result is almost new experience for students. So we discussed which all you want to learn. In brief Degree 1st year result will available after result publish. We just discuss here about it. If you have any problem or question then comment below or join our group & like our page. After all, wish you all the best for your Degree 1st Year Result 2025. JSC Result 2025, PSC Result 2025, Primary Teacher Exam Result.

10 thoughts on “Degree 1st Year Exam Result 2025 With Marksheet”

  1. Dear brother,
    Please help me. I want degree 1st year result-2020
    Roll NO-9104811
    Reg: 18101006613

    Suraya Khatun

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