HSC 5th Week Assignment 2021 & 2022 question and answer is available here with PDF, Image and Text format.
Assignment for the 5th Week of HSC 2021 has been published. Group-2 and Group-3 have been assigned as assignments for the 5th Week. Now I will talk about how to write the answer for the HSC 2021 5th Week assignment. So all the students who are worried about the answer of the HSC 2021 5th Week assignment, follow us. Also today we will publish the answers of the HSC 2021 5th Week assignment in PDF format. For those HSC candidates who want to download the answer pdf of the 5th Week assignment, follow the next step.
The 5th week assignment of 2022 HSC candidates has been published. Groups 4 and 5 are scheduled for the 5th week assignments in the eleventh grade. So all the topics given in groups 4 and 5 are the subject of the 5th week assignment. Today I will talk about how to answer all the 5th week HSC Assignment 2022. We will also prepare the answer sheet of the HSC 2022 5th week assignment. If you want, you can download the answer sheet of the HSC 2022 5th week assignment from our website.
নিচে এইচএসসি ২০২১ এবং তার পরে এইচএসসি ২০২২ এসাইনমেন্ট ৫ম সপ্তাহের সকল বিষয়ের এসাইনমেন্ট প্রশ্নের ছবি এবং উত্তর এর লিঙ্ক দেওয়া আছে। যদি কোনো বিষয়ের উত্তরের লিঙ্ক না থাকে তাহলে সমাধান প্রন্তুত হলে লিঙ্ক যুক্ত করে দেওয়া হবে।
HSC 5th Week Assignment 2021
I will provide separate instructions on all aspects of the 2021 HSC 5th Week assignment. I will also answer the assignment separately in each subject. So all the students who are HSC candidates for 2021 should follow us. Because we are writing this article for you today. The topics of HSC 2021 5th Week assignments are given below. Group 2: Biology, Advanced Mathematics, Social Sciences, Social Work, Geography, Finance, Banking and Insurance, Production and Marketing, Arabic, Home Management and Family Life. Group-3 These subjects are- Chemistry, Economics, Civics, Logic, Accounting, Food and Nutrition, Classical Music.
HSC 2021 5th Week Biology Assignment Answer
This is the third assignment in the 5th Week of 2021 HSC candidates in the subject of Biology. Selected from the seventh chapter of HSC 2021 5th Week biology assignment. CHAPTER VII HSC 2021 is asked to write the characteristics of angiosperms as a biology assignment for the 5th Week. From the 5th Week of HSC 2021 Biology Assignment, students will be able to write about the identifying features of the two genera. Below are the topics that must be written to answer the HSC 2021 5th Week Biology Assignment correctly. The cut part of the potato needs to be identified and explained by leveling. Also at least ten of the eleven houses must be filled acceptably.
HSC 2021 5th Week Higher Mathematics Assignment Answer
Higher Mathematics Assignment for the 5th Week of HSC 2021 is taken from Chapter III. The title of the third chapter is Straight Line. In other words, we will be able to gain knowledge about straight lines from the higher mathematics assignment of the 5th Week of HSC 2021. HSC 2021 As a work of higher mathematics assignment for the 5th Week, it is necessary to solve the problem of straight line through coordinate geometry. Below are some of the topics that can be learned from the Higher Mathematics Assignment of the 5th Week of HSC 2021. Be able to gain knowledge about the formula and application of determining the distance between two points. Will be able to determine the coordinates of a point dividing a segment in a certain proportion. In addition, through the Higher Mathematics Assignment for the 5th Week of HSC 2021, students will be able to learn about all the topics of straight line including slope determination, equation determination.
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HSC 2021 5th Week Sociology Assignment Answer
This is the third assignment of the 5th Week of 2021 HSC candidates in Sociology. Sociology Assignment for the 5th Week of HSC 2021 is taken from Chapter IV. The title of the fourth chapter is the basic suffix of psychology. As part of the sociology assignment for the 5th Week of HSC 2021, the role of social structure, social stratification and social control in social life has to be determined. Below are the things that will be possible to gain knowledge from the sociology assignment of the 5th Week of HSC 2021. Be able to gain an accurate idea of social structure and social stratification. Will also be able to explain the concept of social control. Lastly, be able to describe the vehicles of social control. Below are the topics that need to be mentioned in the answer sheet to properly prepare the answer sheet of HSC 2021 5th Week Sociology Assignment. The concept of social structure and the three elements of social structure need to be presented with examples. The interrelationship between social structure and social stratification needs to be explained. Lastly, four vehicles of social control need to be mentioned.
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HSC 2021 5th Week Social Work Assignment Answer
Assignment for the 5th Week of HSC 2021 has been given as a social work assignment. The social work assignment of the 5th Week of HSC 2021 is the rise of the social work profession as a result of the industrial revolution and what should the industry do now as a future social worker in the face of the fourth industrial revolution? Below are the things that will be possible to gain knowledge from the social work assignment of the 5th Week of HSC 2021. Be able to explain the concept of industrial revolution. Be able to explain the impact of the Industrial Revolution on socio-economic life.
It will also be able to assess the role of the industrial revolution in the development of the social work profession. Lastly, the social work profession will be respected. Below are all the topics that need to be mentioned in the answer sheet to give the correct answer of HSC 2021 5th Week social work assignment. The concept of industrial revolution with examples should be mentioned in the answer sheet. The effects of the Industrial Revolution need to be explained. The role of the industrial revolution in the rise of the social work profession must be mentioned. It is also necessary to discuss the changing aspects of the possible fourth industrial revolution. Lastly, what should be done by the future social worker.
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HSC 2021 5th Week Geography Assignment Answer
Selected from the second chapter of Geography Assignment of the 5th Week of HSC 2021. The title of the second chapter is The Formation of the Earth. So from the geography assignment of HSC 2021 5th Week, students will be able to know about the structure of the earth. The work of HSC 2021 5th Week geography assignment is to classify the topography of Bangladesh. Below are the subjects that HSC 2021 can learn from the 5th Week of Geography Assignment. Be able to get an idea about the topography of Bangladesh. It will also be able to explain the geological features of Bangladesh.
Several guidelines have been provided for answering the Geography Assignment for the 5th Week of HSC 2021. We will also provide some additional guidelines to get the best results from the Geography Assignment for the 5th Week of HSC 2021. Following all our instructions, HSC 2021 will be possible to get the highest marks by making the answer of the 5th Week geography assignment. Below are all the topics that need to be mentioned in the answer sheet of HSC 2021 5th Week geography assignment. The three main terrains need to be named and presented on the map. Also need to mention the location and total volume of the three main landforms. Four characteristics of the three main terrestrial natures need to be mentioned. Lastly, the four economic significance of the Tertiary-era mountains must be noted.
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HSC 2021 5th Week Finance, Banking and Insurance Assignment Answer
This is the third assignment in Finance, Banking and Insurance. HSC 2021 5th Week Finance, Banking and Insurance Assignment is taken from Chapter III. The title of the third chapter is Time Value of Money. HSC 2021 Explain the process of making investment decisions based on time value of money as the work of finance, banking and insurance assignment for the 5th Week. Below are some of the things that will be possible to gain knowledge from Finance, Banking and Insurance assignments for the 5th Week of HSC 2021. Will be able to explain the value concept over time.
Be able to determine the current value of money. Also be able to determine the future value of money. Lastly, be able to determine the current value and future value of the annuity. Below are the instructions for preparing the answer sheet of Finance, Banking and Insurance Assignment for the 5th Week of HSC 2021. The concept of value at the time of money needs to be explained with examples. All the mathematical problems of finance, banking and insurance assignment of HSC 2021 5th Week have to be solved. You need to make an investment decision with a reason and write down the reasons for excluding others.
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HSC Production Management and Marketing 5th Week HSC 2021 Assignment
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HSC Arabic 5th Week HSC 2021 Assignment
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HSC Home Management and Family Life 5th Week HSC 2021 Assignment
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HSC 2021 5th Week Chemistry Assignment Answer
The chemistry assignment for the 5th Week of HSC 2021 has been published. Selected from the second chapter of HSC 2021 5th Week chemistry assignment. The second chapter is entitled Organic Chemistry. In this part I will talk about Chemistry Assignment for the 5th Week of HSC 2021. As part of the HSC 2021 5th Week chemistry assignment, bond splitting in organic compounds and preparation and reaction of aromatic compounds should be mentioned. Below are the things that can be learned from the 5th Week of HSC 2021 Chemistry Assignment. It will be possible to gain knowledge about the different types of reactions of organic compounds.
You will also learn how aromatic compounds are prepared. Will be able to explain the many substitution reactions and orientations of benzene. The answer sheets of HSC 2021 5th Week chemistry assignment are given below. Bonding divisions and the stability of the radicals need to be properly explained. It is also necessary to mention two preparation equations of benzene with equations. The strategy of benzene nitration and alkylation reactions also needs to be described. If the above issues can be presented correctly in the answer sheet of HSC 2021 5th Week chemistry assignment, it will be possible to achieve very good results.
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HSC 2021 5th Week Economics Assignment Answer
The 2021 HSC candidates have been selected from the 5th Week of Economics Assignment Chapter II. As part of the HSC 2021 Economy Assignment for the 5th Week, it is important to analyze the importance of measures and technologies used in agricultural development in the face of global warming and climate change. In other words, all the measures taken for the development of agriculture due to climate change need to be analyzed. It is also necessary to describe the technologies that have been used in agriculture. It was discussed that it will be possible to acquire knowledge from the Economics Assignment of the 5th Week of HSC 2021. Bangladesh will be able to discuss existing solutions to environmental pollution, age 21 and climate change in agriculture.
Also be able to explain the importance of information technology in the development of agriculture. Will also be able to evaluate the results of the use of technology in agricultural development. Several guidelines have been provided for answering the Economics Assignment for the 5th Week of HSC 2021. Following the instructions, the answer sheet of HSC 2021 5th Week economics assignment has to be prepared. Below are the points to be mentioned in the answer sheet of HSC 2021 5th Week Economics Assignment. The relationship between agriculture and the environment has to be explained with examples. The impact of climate change on agriculture needs to be explained. The importance of information technology in the development of agriculture needs to be explained.
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HSC 2021 5th Week Civics Assignment Answer
HSC 2021 has been selected from the 5th Week of Civics Assignment Chapter II. The title of the second chapter is from Pakistan to Bangladesh. In other words, the history of 1948-1971 has been highlighted through the 5th Week of HSC 2021, Civics Assignment. The importance of language movement in the development of Bengali nationalism should be assessed as the work of the policy and good governance assignment of the 5th Week of HSC 2021. Below are the topics that can be learned from the 5th Week of HSC 2021 Civics Assignment. HSC 2021 will be able to gain a detailed knowledge of all the events or history from the 5th Week of Civics Assignment from 1947 to 1971.
A number of guidelines have been provided for answering the CSC Policy and Good Governance Assignment for the 5th Week of HSC 2021. We will also provide some additional guidelines for achieving excellent results from the HSC 2021 5th Week Civics Assignment. Following which, the highest marks can be obtained by answering the policy and good governance assignment of the 5th Week of HSC 2021. Below are the points that must be mentioned in the answer sheet of HSC 2021 5th Week of Civics Assignment. Need to discuss language movement and united front selection. The importance of 6 points and the Agartala case need to be presented. Detailed information about the mass uprising of ’69, election of ’70, non-cooperation movement and Bangabandhu has to be presented.
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HSC 2021 5th Week logic assignment Answer
HSC 2021 5th Week Logic Assignment has been published. The HSC 2021 5th Week assignment is logic. Selected from HSC 2021 5th Week Logic Assignment Chapter III. The third title is the type of ascent. HSC 2021 is the 5th Week of logic assignment work from the known to the unknown arrival of the real ascension – the logic of the concept must be analyzed. Below are the details of all the subjects that can be learned from the logic assignment of the 5th Week of HSC 2021. To explain the concept of actual ascent. Also be able to describe the types of actual ascent. Be able to explain the concept of unscientific ascent. Scientists will be able to write the characteristics of the ascent. Scientists will be able to explain the concept of ascent. Also be able to evaluate scientific and unscientific ascents.
Below are the topics that must be mentioned in the answer sheet of HSC 2021 5th Week logic assignment. Types of real ascent and unreal ascent have to be presented. The definition of scientific and unscientific ascent must be presented with examples. Also to present about them by providing definitions of scientific and unscientific ascents. Lastly, it is necessary to analyze the rationale of the concept of the ascension of the real ascension from the known to the unknown. If the above topics can be presented correctly in the answer sheet of HSC 2021 5th Week logic assignment, very good results can be achieved.
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HSC 2021 5th Week Accounting Assignment Answer
The logic assignment for the 5th Week of HSC 2021 is taken from the fourth chapter. The title of the fourth chapter is the capital of a joint venture company. The work of HSC 2021 5th Week logic assignment is to keep track of the concept of capital of the joint venture company and the transaction related to the share issue. There is some helpful information to provide correct answers to the logic assignment of the 5th Week of HSC 2021. Show information is presented in the figure. Below are the details of all the subjects that can be acquired from the logic assignment of the 5th Week of HSC 2021. The joint venture will be able to explain the characteristics of the company. The joint venture will be able to differentiate between shares, stocks and bonds.
Here are some suggestions on how to look or get an appointment for HSC 2021 5th Week Logic Assignment. Follow all the instructions and answer the HSC 2021 5th Week logic assignment. Below are the topics that must be presented in the answer sheet of HSC 2021 5th Week logic assignment.
The difference between shares and stocks has to be presented in the answer sheet. Transactions related to share issues in equity, surcharge and deduction have to be accounted for. It is also necessary to record the transaction related to the issue of shares and prepare a statement of financial condition.
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HSC Food and Nutrition 5th Week HSC 2021 Assignment
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HSC Ucchango Sangeet 5th Week HSC 2021 Assignment
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HSC 2022 Assignment (5th Week)
HSC Biology 5th Week Assignment 2022
The HSC 2022 5th week Biology assignments are taken from the first chapter: Cell and its structure. As part of the HSC 5th week biology assignment, she was asked to analyze how RNA is produced from DNA and how proteins are produced from RNA. Therefore, in order to answer the 5th week biology assignment, students must have sufficient knowledge about DNA, RNA, and proteins. It is not possible to answer the assignment without knowing the content of the assignment well. In order to get the highest marks from the HSC 2022 5th week Biology Assignment, the answer sheet must mention some things. For example, the DNA key must be described with its image. Also need to explain the process of making RNA from DNA. The process of making proteins from RNA should be described with diagrams.
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HSC Sociology 5th Week Assignment 2022
HSC 2022 5th week Sociology Assignment has been published. This is the first assignment on sociology. So today’s assignment is very important for all the students who have a sociology subject. Because they have previous experience answering assignments of sociology. The HSC 2022 5th week Sociology Assignment is taken from the fourth chapter. The title of the fourth chapter is the basic suffix of social science. The task of the HSC 2022 5th week Sociology Assignment is to make a complimentary analysis of culture and civilization. That is to say, culture and civilization are intertwined. Knowledge about culture and civilization will be acquired if the HSC 2022 5th week Sociology Assignment can be solved properly. Will also be able to explain the interrelationships between culture and civilization.
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HSC Social Work 5th Week Assignment 2022
This is HSC 2022 5th week Social Work first assignment. The task of the assignment is to identify the areas of social work and to determine the potential for improvement of the individual group and the collective as a result of this lesson. If you can answer the HSC 2022 5th week Social Work Assignment correctly, you can gain knowledge about some subjects. The issues are – to be able to explain the concept of social work in the right way. Also learn about the nature and characteristics of social work. Will be able to gain knowledge about the scope of social work. Also be able to explain the need for social work education. In order to get the best result from the HSC 2022 5th week Social Work Assignment, the answer sheet must mention the following issues. For example, the concept and features of social work should be mentioned. The scope of social work needs to be explained. The need for social work lessons should be mentioned in the answer sheet. It also needs to explain the role of social work in prevention, remedial and developmental activities in the development of individuals, groups and communities.
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HSC Geography 5th Week Assignment 2022
HSC 2022 5th week Geography Assignment has been published. Our website has answers to the HSC 2022 5th week Geography Assignment. Students who want to download the answer sheet of the HSC 2022 5th week Geography Assignment, please follow us. This is the first assignment in Geography for HSC 2022 candidates. The structure of the crust and the interior of the geography assignment for the 5th week of HSC 2022 should be described. The following are the lessons learned from the HSC 2022 5th week Geography Assignment. Be able to explain the external and internal structure of the earth. Also be able to describe the topography, location and structure of the earth. To answer the HSC 2022 5th week Geography Assignment, four things must be mentioned in the answer sheet. Must provide images of different landforms. Explain by identifying the level of the interior of the earth. The structure of the interior must be described. Also, need to analyze the geological interior components.
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HSC Finance, Banking and Insurance 5th week Assignment 2022
Selected from the first chapter of Finance, Banking and Insurance Assignment of the HSC 2022 5th week Finance, Banking and Insurance Assignment. The title of the first chapter is the beginning of financing. This is the first assignment in Finance, Banking and Insurance. The overall concept of financing a joint venture business needs to be explained as an assignment of finance, banking and insurance subjects. If you can answer the HSC 2022 5th week Finance, Banking and Insurance Assignment correctly, it will be possible to acquire knowledge about several subjects. For example, be able to explain the concept of financing. To analyze the functions of financing. Also be able to explain the principles of financing. And lastly, be able to explain the purpose of financing. In order to get good results from HSC 2022 5th week Finance, Banking and Insurance Assignment, the following issues should be mentioned in the answer sheet. The answer sheet must explain the concept and functions of joint venture financing. Also need to describe the economies and goals of the joint venture company.
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HSC Home Management and Family Life 5th Week Assignment 2022
The task of SSC 2022 5th week home management and family life assignment is to analyze the significance of home management as a goal-oriented behavior. This is the first assignment on Home Management and Family Life for HSC 2022 students. The first chapter of the assignment is taken from Home Management. By completing this assignment, the students can get an idea about all the activities of home management. There are also some issues to be mentioned in the answer sheet for writing the answer of home management and family life assignment. The topics are – management and the concept of home management, the concept structure of different thinkers in the context of home management. Also need to describe the content and scope of home management. The qualities of a home manager need to be assessed. And lastly, a goal-oriented approach to home management needs to analyze its significance.
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HSC Ucchango Sangeet 5th Week Assignment 2022
The role of the royal court in the spread of classical music is the work of the 5th week of classical music assignment of HSC 2022 candidates. This is the first assignment of classical music. The classical music assignment for the 5th week of HSC 2022 has been taken from the first chapter. The title of the first chapter is – Origin and evolution of classical music.
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HSC Higher Mathematics 5th Week Assignment 2022
HSC 2022 5th week Higher Mathematics Assignment has been published. Assignments are scheduled from the first chapter. The title of the first chapter is Matrix and Criteria. Some problems need to be solved as part of the higher math assignment for the HSC 2022 5th week Higher Mathematics Assignment. The problems are given in terms of matrix and criterion. Also given below is the knowledge that can be gained if you can solve the 5th week higher math assignment correctly. Explain the types of matrix and matrix with examples. Will be able to multiply all the addition and subtraction of the matrix. Be able to determine the value of the criterion. Also HSC 2022 will become proficient in many aspects of Matrix and Criteria if you can answer the 5th week Higher Mathematics Assignment correctly.
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HSC Production Management and Marketing 5th Week Assignment 2022
This is the first assignment of production management and marketing for the 5th week of 2022 HSC candidates. The 5th week production management and marketing assignment is taken from the first chapter. The title of the first chapter is Production. This means that students will be able to gain detailed knowledge about the production from the product management and marketing assignment of the 5th week of HSC 2022. The task of the 5th week assignment on production management and marketing is to analyze the role of productivity in achieving economic development and prosperity of the country.
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Also given below are the answers or solutions to the other HSC 2022 5th week assignments:
HSC Arabic 5th Week Assignment 2022
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HSC Pali 5th Week Assignment 2022
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HSC Sanskrit 5th Week Assignment 2022
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HSC Agricultural Education 5th Week Assignment 2022
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HSC Psychology 5th Week Assignment 2022
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HSC Statistics 5th Week Assignment 2022
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HSC Soil Science 5th Week Assignment 2022
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HSC Engineering Drawing and Workshop Practice 5th Week Assignment 2022
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HSC Home Science 5th Week Assignment 2022
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HSC Arts and Crafts 5th Week Assignment 2022
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HSC Arts and Textile Cost 5th Week Assignment 2022
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HSC 5th Week Assignment 2021 & 2022 PDF
We will discuss all the questions that need to be answered as HSC 2021 & 2022 5th week assignments. In order to solve the class 12 5th week assignment, first of all, you have to understand the assignment questions well. It is not possible to answer the assignment without knowing well what the assignment is supposed to do. So in order to get good marks from the HSC 2021 & 2022 5th week assignments, first of all, you have to look at the question of the assignment. Because if the question is not good, it will not be possible to give the correct answer.
I am highlighting the questions that need to be answered in order to answer the HSC 2021 & 2022 5th week assignments.
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Pali answer aktu deya Jabe week 5. Please 🙏🙏. Aktu deye den .