HSC Sociology Assignment 2021 & 2022

HSC Sociology 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th & 8th Week Assignment 2021 & 2022 Answer (এইচএসসি সমাজবিজ্ঞান দ্বিতীয়, তৃতীয়, পঞ্চম, ষষ্ঠ ও অষ্টম সপ্তাহের এসাইনমেন্ট এর সমাধান) is available here. Do you need answers of HSC Sociology Second & Third week questions? We have answered all the questions of HSC Sociology Assignment for 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th & 8th week. This Somaj Biggan solution of the Second & Third week will be very useful for the students of HSC. So read the full post to get Sociology solution for 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th & 8th week of 11th & 12th class.


HSC Sociology Assignment

HSC Sociology assignment has been published. 2021 HSC candidates will be given a total of five Sociology first paper assignments including today’s assignment. There will also be five assignments for the Sociology second paper. So the sociology first paper and the second paper together have to answer a total of ten assignments. Today I will talk about the solution of HSC Sociology Assignment.


Sociology has given several guidelines for solving 1st-week assignments. I will also give separate instructions on how to get the best results from the sociology first paper assignment. So those HSC candidates who have sociology subjects should follow us. Also sociology first paper 1st-week assignment solution or answer sheet we will upload on our website. Students who are interested in downloading the solution or answer sheet of the Sociology 1st week assignment from our website should follow us.


HSC Sociology 8th Week Assignment 2022

HSC 2022 8th week Sociology Assignment ‍ selected from Chapter III. The title of the third chapter is the society and civilization of Bangladesh on the basis of archeology. In other words, the society and civilization of Bangladesh has been discussed from the HSC 2022 8th week Sociology Assignment. The contribution of important questions in the development of society and civilization of Bangladesh should be discussed as the work of HSC 2022 8th week Sociology Assignment. It is necessary to discuss all the archeological sites of Bangladesh which have played a special role in the development of the society and civilization of Bangladesh.

HSC Sociology 8th Week Assignment 2022


অ্যাসিইনমেন্ট: বাংলাদেশের সমাজ ও সভ্যতার বিকাশে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ প্রত্নস্থানের অবদান

Several instructions have been given to answer the HSC 2022 8th week Sociology Assignment. Follow the instructions to answer HSC 2022 8th week Sociology Assignment. There are also several things to know well in order to answer the HSC 2022 8th week Sociology Assignment. Need to know about the concept and source of archeology. Also the classification of society based on the period of archeology has to be made all of it. We need to know about the contribution of organs in the development of society and civilization in Bangladesh. Below are the topics that must be mentioned in the answer sheet of HSC 2022 8th week Sociology Assignment. The answer sheet has to explain the concept and source of archeology. It is also necessary to make a classification of archeology on the basis of period. The contribution of Mahasthangarh and Mainamati to the development of society and civilization of Bangladesh should also be described.

HSC Sociology 8th Week Assignment 2022 Answer


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HSC Sociology 6th Week Assignment 2021

HSC Sociology 6th Week Assignment 2021


অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট: বাংলাদেশে বসবাসকারী নৃগোষ্ঠী এবং তাদের সামাজিক ও সাংস্কৃতিক জীবনধারা

HSC Sociology 6th Week Assignment 2021 Answer


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HSC Sociology 5th Week Assignment 2021

HSC 2021 5th Week Sociology Assignment


অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট: সমাজজীবনে সমাজকাঠামাে, সামাজিক স্তরবিন্যাস ও সামাজিক নিয়ন্ত্রণের ভূমিকা

HSC Sociology 5th Week Assignment 2021 Answer


HSC Sociology 5th Week Assignment 2021 Answer HSC Sociology 5th Week Assignment 2021 Answer HSC Sociology 5th Week Assignment 2021 Answer HSC Sociology 5th Week Assignment 2021 Answer HSC Sociology 5th Week Assignment 2021 Answer


HSC Sociology 5th Week Assignment 2022

HSC Sociology 5th Week Assignment 2022

Assignment: সংস্কৃতি ও সভ্যতা একে অপরের পরিপুরক।

HSC Sociology 5th Week Assignment 2022 Answer

HSC Sociology 5th Week Assignment 2022 Answer

HSC Sociology 3rd Week Assignment 2021

Sociology’s second paper is scheduled from the first chapter of the 3rd week assignment. The title of the first chapter is the development of sociology in Bangladesh. So you understand that the first chapter has given the question of today’s assignment from the development of sociology practice in Bangladesh. And the solution or answer to today’s assignment can be found in the chapter on the development of sociology in Bangladesh.

HSC Sociology 3rd Week Assignment 2021

অ্যাসাইনমেন্টঃ বাংলাদেশের সমাজবিজ্ঞান চর্চা, প্রয়োজনীয়তা ও বিকাশধারা

The work of the Sociology Second Paper 3rd week assignment is to discuss Bangladesh social science practice, requirements and development trends. The need for social science practice in the context of Bangladesh is the topic of discussion of the 3rd week of social science assignment. Also, the issues of how social science practice is developing in our country will come up. And how we can build a better society through the development of sociology is the main purpose of today’s assignment.

HSC Sociology 3rd Week Assignment 2021 Answer


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Read More About HSC Sociology 3rd Week Assignment

Sociology assignments of HSC candidates have been published. A total of ten assignments will be given to the 2021 HSC candidates including Sociology Today assignments. There will also be five assignments for the second paper in Sociology and five assignments for the second paper. So the HSC Sociology first Paper and Second Paper together have to answer a total of ten assignments. Today I will talk about the solution of sociology assignment.

Several guidelines have been given for solving HSC sociology assignments. I will also give separate instructions on how to achieve the best results from sociology assignments. So those HSC candidates who have a sociology subject should follow us. Also the solution or answer sheet of sociology second paper 3rd week assignment we will upload on our website. Students who want to download sociology assignment solutions or answer sheets from our website should follow us.

HSC Sociology Second Paper Assignment Lesson

A student will be able to get a lot of ideas about sociology if he / she can solve the sociology second paper 3rd week assignment smoothly. Understand what kind of sociology is practiced in Bangladesh. Also be able to discuss the background of social science practice. Sociology is a subject that is important to us. The benefits of sociology need to be applied in our society. The practice of sociology must be developed through application. And all citizens need to be made aware of the need for sociology lessons. One of the important issues of today’s assignment is the need for sociology lessons in Bangladesh. If a student completes today’s assignment well, he or she will be able to explain the need for a sociology lesson.

Sociology is being affected by it in every society. The benefits of sociology are the changes that are constantly being observed in our society. So we have to continue the trend of sociology in our society. Sociology One of the instructive topics of the 3rd week assignment is the development course of social sciences. If a student prepares the answer sheet for today’s social science 3rd week assignment, he / she will be able to describe the development trend of social science. HSC 2021 candidates will have to apply to the society by taking lessons from the sociology 3rd week assignment. Only then will the purpose of the HSC Sociology 3rd week assignment be achieved.

How to write the answer or solution of the HSC Sociology 3rd week assignment?

Instructions have been given on how to solve the HSC Sociology 3rd week assignment. Following the instructions, it will be possible to get the highest marks from the Sociology 3rd week assignment. The following topics must be mentioned in the answer sheet to get the best results from the sociology 3rd week assignment. The important points for solving sociology assignments are given below.

The answer sheet describes the views of eight thinkers on the background of the practice of social sciences in Bangladesh. Also, I need to describe the requirements of sociology lessons. The answer sheet must mention eight requirements. Lastly, a detailed description of the developmental trend of sociology in Bangladesh should be given. In the period before 1956, from 1956-1971 and in the post-independence period, the development of social sciences has to be answered. If the above subjects can be presented correctly, it will be possible to get the highest marks from the Social Science 3rd week assignment.

HSC Sociology 2nd Week Assignment 2021

HSC Sociology 2nd Week Assignment 2021

Sociology first paper 1st week assignment of HSC examinees is scheduled from the first chapter. The title of the first chapter is the origin and development of sociology. So you understand that the first chapter has given the question of today’s assignment from the origin and development of sociology. And the solution or answer to today’s assignment can be found in the chapter on the origin and development of sociology.

অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট ১: সামাজিক বিজ্ঞান হিসেবে সমাজবিজ্ঞানের উৎপত্তির পটভূমি ও ক্রমবিকাশ।

The task of the Sociology First Paper 1st week assignment is to discuss the background and evolution of the origin of sociology as a social science. We know people live in society. And a part of our social sciences. So based on this, the first letter of sociology has to provide the solution or answer of the 1st week’s assignment. The next step will discuss how to write the solution of the Sociology First Paper 1st week’s assignment. So follow us if you want to know how to write the solution for the HSC Sociology 1st week assignment.

HSC Sociology 1st Assignment Lessons

A student can gain a lot of ideas about sociology if he/she can solve the social science first paper 1st week’s assignment smoothly. Also, be able to explain the concept of sociology. He will be able to know about the nature and scope of sociology. We live in society as social creatures. People will not be able to survive without society. So social science is an important subject. Also, understand the origins and background of sociology. Since when have people been socialized?

And what kind of benefits they enjoy as a result of living socially are part of the social sciences. Also, with the improvement of sociology, people will be able to live a more advanced life as social beings. HSC 2021 candidates should learn from the Sociology 1st week assignment and apply it to society. Only then the purpose will be achieved of the sociology first paper 1st week of the assignment.

How to Answer HSC Sociology 1st week Assignment?

Instructions have been given on how to solve the HSC Sociology 1st week assignment. Following the instructions, it will be possible to get the highest marks from the Sociology First Paper 1st week assignment. The following topics must be mentioned in the answer sheet to get the best results from the Sociology 1st week assignment. The important points for solving sociology assignments are given below.

We need to explain what sociology actually means. Also, present the concept of sociology from the point of view of sociology. The nature of sociology needs to be explained rationally. The scope of sociology should be discussed and the details of the eight dimensions should be mentioned in the answer sheet. Also, an important point must be mentioned in the answer sheet. The background and development of the origin of sociology need to be well presented. If the above topics can be combined well in the answer sheet, good results can be achieved from the Sociology First Paper 1st week assignment.


We have shared HSC Sociology 2nd & 3rd Week Assignment Answer. As an HSC student, you have gotten very help from our answer. In the future, we will share more assignment answers like HSC Sociology 2nd & 3rd Week Assignment.