Birth certificate registration

Birth registration New link  

New rules for birth registration 2022. Do you want to register a birth? Or do you want to correct the birth registration? Can’t figure out how to register a birth? Want to know how to register a new birth? In today’s article you will find the solution to all these problems of birth registration, correcting birth registration mistakes. Birth certificate registration.

Is there a mistake in your birth registration? If there is any mistake in birth registration, you can apply for it online. Here you will find all the updated information on birth registration correction, 2022 birth registration update information. Details on how to easily register a new birth at home, how to easily apply for a birth registration online have been highlighted. So this article will help you to know all the information of birth registration.

New method of applying for birth registration

Birth registration is very important for all of us, so easily correct your birth registration by following the steps below. The process of correcting birth registration online. Birth registration can be done in two ways. One can be done by going to the birth registration office and collecting the form from them and filling it.

The other is to correct the birth registration letter sitting at home through online. So go to the office and register your birth easily without wasting your precious time. If you read this article carefully till the end, then the rule of registering a new birth online is 2022. You will be able to know and learn everything about. We hope you read this post patiently and know how to solve your own problems.

Birth Registration Login

Birth registration certificate of every citizen of the country or every child. Through which the information of every citizen comes in the official list. Article 29 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child introduces the rule of issuing birth certificates to every citizen. And that is what each government has to legislate in their own registry.

The Registration Certificate is an important certificate, through which each citizen is granted his or her primary citizenship. We have to use this birth registration certificate for different needs. We need a birth registration certificate at every stage from education to career. So get your birth certificate now.

Birth registration fee

Birth registration fee in Bangladesh is between 50-100 rupees. But even though the fee fixed by the government is less, the dishonest people of our country demand more money than this. The amount of this money varies from place to place. So be careful in paying birth registration fees.

Rules for amending birth registration

To correct your birth registration from the online platform, you need to visit the official website of the Government of Bangladesh. We have already said that there are two ways to amend the birth registration. One is to get the paperwork corrected from the birth registration office and the other is to get it corrected online. The following is a discussion of the rules for modifying birth registration online:

If you choose the second method, that is, if you want to modify your birth registration form from the online platform, then you have to visit the official website of the government of Bangladesh. For your convenience, we are giving the web address. The web address is

Then first enter the above website with any browser of your phone or computer. When you enter this website, you will see a birth registration page.

Birth Certificate registration online application

After entering there you will see 2 empty boxes. In one of the two blank boxes you will want to know the number of your birth registration form and in the other box you will want to know the date of birth. You will type these 2 information correctly in that empty box.

By the number of the birth registration form we mean that the format body you want to modify the birth registration form will have a 16 digit code number. You will fill in the code number in the blank box and enter the correct date of birth.

And keep in mind that the format of the date of birth will be – first year then month then date i.e. yyyy-mm-dd.

Rules for registering births online

If in any case you give wrong information then who will take you to the next page. And there will be information that no birth has been registered in your name. We assume you provided accurate information. And moved to the next step or next page. Then you will see all the information of your birth registration.

Birth Registration Form 2022

Now to correct the part of your birth registration letter where the wrong information has come, go to that room and you will find an option called Edit on the right. By clicking there you will be able to record the correct information. Now you will get out by saving the correct information. And this is how you can correct your birth registration letter. If you want, you can also print online copy from there.

Birth registration verification

Birth registration is the first name written in the official register after birth. The only way to legally inform your country, the world, about the birth of a child is to register the birth after birth. This is the first legal step to ensure a newborn’s name and nationality. Birth registration is a right of every adult, including children. It falls into the category of civil rights. Birth registration is the first recognition that a child receives from the state after being born on earth. He joins the ranks of other citizens of the country with equal rights through this birth registration. The right to first birth registration is explicitly mentioned in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC).

Birth registration is local government

Through birth registration a child acquires a name which gives him an identity throughout his life. A child also gets first citizenship through birth registration. The government enacted a new Birth and Death Registration Act 2004 to make the birth certificate essential. The law was enacted on July 3, 2006 to ensure the formulation of national plans, establishment of good governance and protection of children’s rights. The Birth Registration Act states that birth registration is compulsory for every person born in Bangladesh, regardless of age, race, religion or nationality.

If you work according to the above information, you can do all the work of birth certificate of you or your family member sitting at home. Hopefully today’s article will be useful to you. Thanks for staying with me till the end.

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