SSC Home Science Assignment 2022

SSC Home Science 7th Week Assignment Answer (এসএসসি শ্রেণীর গার্হস্থ্য বিজ্ঞান সপ্তম সপ্তাহের এসাইনমেন্ট এর সমাধান) is available here. Do you need answers of class SSC Home Science Seventh week questions? We have answered all the questions of SSC Home Science Assignment for 7th week. This Garostho Biggan solution of the Seventh week will be very useful for the students of class SSC. So read the full post to get Home Science solution for 7th week of 10th class.


SSC Home Science Assignment

DSHE has published the SSC Home Science Assignment Questions 2022 with requirement instructions. The given question mentions from which chapter the SSC Home Science Assignment question has been asked. Also, the SSC Home Science Assignment question is given and the content that should be mentioned in the answer while answering is also given. As a result, students will be able to read and understand the chapter well and answer the SSC Home Science Assignment question very easily. [Adsense] The best thing is to give some information as an instruction. If you read them, it will be possible to give a correct answer to SSC Home Science Assignment. Again, there are instructions for teachers to evaluate in the assignment. As a result, a student will be able to understand and answer the question of how to answer the SSC Home Science Assignment Question, which of the following will be “very good”, “good”, “normal” and “need for progress”. As a result, it is possible to get good marks or get good results in SSC Home Science Assignment Question.


SSC Home Science 7th Week Assignment 2022

SSC 2022 7th week Home Science Assignment has been published. This is the first assignment of Home Science subject for 2022 SSC candidates. As assignment work we have been asked to determine the role of home management in achieving our goals. That is, the task of the SSC 2022 7th week Home Science Assignment is to determine the role of the concept structure of home management in achieving the desired goals during an epidemic. Here we are asked to shed light on how home management can help us in the current situation.

SSC Home Science 7th Week Assignment 2022


অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট শিরোনাম: কোভিড-১৯ পরিস্থিতিতে তােমার কাঙ্খিত লক্ষ্য অর্জনে গৃহব্যবস্থাপনার ধারণা কাঠামাের ভূমিকা নিরূপণ কর

If you can answer the 2022 SSC 7th week Home Science Assignment correctly, it will be possible to gain knowledge on a few topics. Learn about the structure and purpose of the concept of home management. There will also be knowledge about different methods of home management. The answer sheets of SSC 2022 7th week Home Science Assignment are given below. The concept structure of home management needs to be analyzed to help achieve the goal. Also the concept of home management needs to be presented in a consistent manner. The latest four stages of home management need to be explained. If the subjects can be mentioned correctly in the answer sheet, the highest marks can be obtained from the SSC 2022 7th week Home Science Assignment.

SSC Home Science 7th Week Assignment 2022 Answer


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Read More About SSC Home Science 7th Week Assignment

Management in the general sense is the strategy of deciding how to use what we have in order to achieve what we want, and how to follow a consistent course of action.

According to experts, management is a set process by which goals or objectives are set and those goals are achieved through the use of resources. Three things are particularly noteworthy in light of the aforementioned definitions of management. Topics are three

(1) What we want is our desired goal or purpose

(2) All that we have, that is, all that we have,

(3) Continuous course of action i.e. goal setting,

Planning, organization and evaluation are not equal. These are consistent because each course of action has to be followed in stages. For example, if you want to do a job, the first step is to have a clear plan for that job. The second step is to control the planned activities in an organized way. The third or final step is to check the results of the work to see how successful the work has been. That is, how much has been achieved in the set goal. Every step of the way requires a well-thought-out decision. When the management activities are over, new objectives are set again and the management activities are restarted to achieve them.

The concept structure of home management

Home management is a continuous dynamic process, which requires making the right decisions and which. | The corner is done centering on the effort to achieve specific goals. Analysis of the definition of home management. If you do, three things can be noticed. E.g.

Determining the desired goal or objective

2. Proper use of resources

3. Continuous action plan-planning, organization, control and evaluation in resource use.

Once the goal is set, you have to move forward step by step with the idea of ​​all kinds of resources. In order to do such work, one must first have a clear plan of work. Then the planned activities have to be controlled in an organized way. The last step is to check the results of the work to see how successful the work has been. Thus, when management activities are completed, more new objectives are set and management activities are restarted to achieve them.

The role of home management structures or stages in achieving goals

In the Covid-19 situation, housing structure i.e. planning, organization, control and evaluation play an important role in achieving our desired goals.

Resources are more limited than demand. In this situation, it is essential to make the right decision to meet the needs and to increase the efficiency in the use of resources. Besides, it is not possible to achieve the goal. Knowledge of the nature of the resource and its alternative uses is essential to increase efficiency. In such a situation, the role of the stages of home management is very important. In the present era the family is considered as an economic unit. The family is the main source of income, expenditure, savings, investment, etc. for most of the economic activities.

The economic decisions of the family play a special role in the national economy of the country. In this situation, it is very important to be aware of the rights of the individual and the family as consumers and buyers and what should be done to protect the rights. Knowledge of home management helps in acquiring skills in this regard. The goal of home management is to achieve the welfare of the family and the country through work-oriented behavior. People can achieve success in every field of life by applying the knowledge and skills of the stages of home management. This success can bring prosperity, peace and prosperity in family life.

In conclusion, the stages of home management in the covid-19 situation can bring us to the brink of our goal.


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