The cover page is a must for SSC Assignment 2021. It is not possible to submit assignments to the candidates of SSC 2021 without the cover page. This is because a candidate will submit his / her identity through the cover page while submitting the assignment. Besides, there is no way to reveal the identity of SSC candidates. So all the examinees need to know the detailed information about SSC Assignment 2021 cover page.
Students will be given the number through the cover page of the assignment of SSC candidates. In other words, the number that a candidate will get through the assignment will be given in written form on any part of his cover page. So you can understand how important the cover page is for the assignment of SSC candidates. So all those HSC candidates who want to know about the assignment cover page, please read our article carefully.
SSC Assignment 2021 Cover Page
Today we will discuss the SSC Assignment 2021 cover page. Because the cover page is an essential element for providing assignments to SSC candidates. No candidate’s assignment will be submitted without cover page. So every SSC examinee must attach a cover page to submit the assignment. There are many SSC candidates who have to submit assignments. But they do not know where the cover page can be found. Also how to fill the cover page.

Today I will answer all your questions about the cover page. We will provide detailed instructions on how to fill the cover page of SSC Assignment 2021. We will also create an SSC Assignment cover page and upload it on our website. So that all the students have not yet gained detailed knowledge about the cover page. So please read our cover page instructions well. They are also looking for a cover page to submit the assignment. They will download and print the cover page from our website.
How to fill SSC Assignment Cover Page?
The cover page will play a very important role in SSC assignments. This is because the cover page refers to the type of information contained in your assignment. Also on the cover page, your name is recorded along with very important information including your registration number. So the cover page should be viewed with special importance.

Care must be taken not to make any mistakes while filling in the information on the cover page. If it goes wrong, it must be discussed with the head of the institution or the class teacher. And must be properly addressed. Also, if you provide incorrect information on the cover page, your assignment may be canceled. So read and understand the cover page information very well. Consult a teacher if necessary.
General instructions:
1. Teachers, students and parents must strictly follow the hygiene rules adopted to prevent Kovid-19 infection. Note that The Deputy Director / District Education Officer / Upazila Secondary Education / Thana Education Officers and Heads of Institutions concerned with the local district / Upazila administration will take practical steps through coordination in implementing the assignment activities during the strict lockdown/prohibition due to Covid-19 overdose. Step into that corner Hygiene guidelines should not be ignored in any way;
2. In this activity, it is necessary to ensure that the student does not face any unethical pressure. No fee/examination fee evaluation fee can be charged from the students regarding assignments. In this regard If a complaint is found against an individual or organization, it will be investigated promptly and action will be taken according to the rules;
3. A cover page (sample) has been attached with this notification for the assignment of SSC candidates for the year 2021. Students will be able to create this cover page by handwriting. If the educational institution wants, the cover page can be provided to the students during the assignment. Students must then fill in the corresponding part of the cover page and submit it along with the assignment; However, no money can be collected from the students for this cover page;
- Each educational institution will send the marks obtained in the assignments of all the examinees online as per the instructions of the concerned education board (education bards will provide instructions in this regard);
5. Students’ individuality, individuality, and creativity will be verified in the assessment. So if you submit an assignment by copying the text of the net, guide, internet, social media, or others, it will be canceled; The assessor has to conduct the assessment activities very carefully and take action by identifying the evidence of unethical activities of the examinees. If the unethical activities of a student are proved by a neutral second assessor, then the student is involved. The assessor will be held accountable for assisting in unethical activities
6. At the end of the assignment evaluation, each educational institution will send some evaluated assignments to the students participating in the assignment activities of their respective institutions as per the instructions of the concerned Baird (Education Baird will provide instructions in this regard) to the concerned Education Baird;
7. The head of the respective institution will ensure that the published assignments for the SSC candidates for the year 2021 reach the hands of each student;
8. The concerned officers at the secondary level will actively supervise, monitor, and make necessary arrangements for the smooth conduct of the assignment activities;
- All the teachers and employees of the concerned educational institutions are instructed to assist the heads of all the institutions in order to conduct the assignment activities smoothly. In accordance with the instructions of the head of the institution, the teachers and employees will conduct the activities from their respective institutions in accordance with the hygiene rules;
- To evaluate the assignment submitted by the student and save the information in the organization as per the NIME table Will:
Instructions for students:
- Collection of cover pages with assignments directly / online from the school. Top of the cover page in English.
Must be met accurately;
- The information provided at the top of the cover page (one-third) must be filled in properly in English.
3, nothing can be written in any other place on the cover page or in any other corner of the page except the prescribed part. If any student disobeys this instruction, his / her assignment assessment will be suspended or canceled;
- No student will be able to resort to duplication or irregularities in the preparation of assignments. This matter
His assignment will be canceled if proven;
- Assignment activities should be carried out in accordance with the hygiene rules declared by the government in the case of Covid-19.
After all, assignments have no value without a cover page. Because all the results of the assignment will be provided at the top of your cover page. Also, some instructions are provided with the cover page. When filling out the cover page, read all the instructions well. Read the instructions well then fill the cover page.