How to attach cover page for HSC assignment? Where can I get the cover page for HSC Assignment? Today I will talk about the answers to all the questions related to the cover page of the HSC Assignment. 15 weeks assignment is provided for 2021 HSC candidates. The solution of a total of 30 assignments for 15 weeks will have to be submitted to the HSC candidates.
One cover page must be attached at the time of submission of each assignment. Because the assignment will not be submitted without a cover page. Also, the solution of the assignment will not be accepted if there is no cover page. So it is important for every HSC 2021 examinee to gain detailed knowledge about the HSC Assignment Cover Page. Because the HSC assignment cover page is a must for every examinee. So HSC will give them instructions on how to create and attach assignment cover pages.
Requirements of HSC Assignment Cover Page
The cover page is very important for an HSC assignment. The first thing you need to do to solve the HSC assignment is the cover page. Without a cover page, no matter how good the solution to your assignment, it will not be acceptable. Because all your identification numbers or information are attached on the cover page. So it is not possible to identify a student without a cover page.
Also, the cover page is used for some other work. The number or result obtained after verifying the solution of such an assignment is attached to the cover page. So if the cover page is not associated with the solution of the assignment then there can be various problems. Also, some of the information required by students, schools and boards is attached to the cover page. As a result, it is not possible to manage the overall activities of the assignment without the cover page. So the cover page must be attached to the solution of the assignment.
HSC Assignment Cover Page
Download HSC Assignment Cover Page PDF
I am providing a sample of the cover page for the assignment that has been provided for HSC candidates in 2021. Those who are looking for the cover page for HSC Assignment 2021, please download it from here. I will also provide all the information about the cover page below. The cover page will discuss what school authorities, board authorities, parents and students need to do.
Instructions on HSC Assignment Cover Page
You can create the cover page required for an HSC assignment. You don’t need too much for this. Very good if you know how to use a computer. Create a cover page yourself by looking at a sample of the HSC Assignment cover page using a computer. Once the cover page is created, it needs to be printed. Very good if you have a printer at home. Otherwise you can buy a printer from the market. Because now you have to do a lot of work to do the assignment where you have to use the printer.
So it is better to buy a printer from the market. You don’t just have to buy a printer, you need paper to print. So You can buy several papers online. You will also need printer ink to print. Below is the link to buy these products online. If you think you need these for creating HSC Assignment Cover Pages then you can buy them online. Below are the links to the e-commerce site to buy the products.
Department of Secondary and Higher Education General Instructions:
- The instructions given in the following memoranda issued by the Department of Secondary and Higher Education must be followed properly;
(A) Memorandum No. 38.02.0000.; Date: 13/06/2021
(B) Memorandum No. 36.02.0000. / 991; Date: 23/07/2021
- Teachers, students and parents must strictly follow the hygiene rules adopted to prevent Covid-19 infection. It is to be noted that in the case of implementation of assignment activities during strict lockdown / prohibition due to Covid-19 overdose, the heads of the institutions will take practical steps through coordination with the concerned regional directors and local administrations. In any case, the guidelines for hygiene cannot be disregarded;
- So In this activity, it is necessary to ensure that the examinee does not face any unethical pressure. In addition, no fee can be charged from the students for any assignment related to the examination fee / assessment fee. If any complaint is found against an individual or organization in this regard, promptly investigate and take legal action.
- A cover page (sample) has been attached with this notification for the assignment of 2021 HSC candidates. The examiner can create the cover page himself or the educational institution may provide the cover page as per the sample in compliance with the health rules while assigning the assignment to the examinees. Candidates must then fill in the relevant part of the cover page and submit it along with the assignment; However, no money can be collected from the students for this cover page (provided by the educational institution);
- Each educational institution will send the marks obtained in the assignments of all the examinees online as per the instructions of the concerned Education Board (Education Bards will provide instructions in this regard in due course);
- Students’ individuality, individuality and creativity will be verified in the assessment. So if you submit an assignment by copying the text of the net, guide, internet, social media or others, it will be canceled; The assessor has to conduct the assessment activities very carefully and take action by identifying the evidence of unethical activities of the examinees. If the unethical activities of a student are proved by a neutral second assessor, the concerned assessor, including the student concerned, will be held accountable;
- At the end of the assignment evaluation, each educational institution will send the evaluated assignments of the students participating in the assignment activities of their respective institutions to the respective education boards as per the instructions of the concerned bards (education bards will provide timely instructions in this regard);
- The head of the respective institution will ensure that the published assignments for the 2021 HSC candidates reach each student;
- The Office of the Director of the Regional Office of the Department of Secondary and Higher Education shall make active supervision, monitoring and necessary coordination for the smooth conduct of the assignment activities in its respective jurisdictions;
- All the teachers and employees of the concerned educational institutions are instructed to assist the heads of all the institutions for the smooth conduct of the assignment activities. In accordance with the instructions of the head of the institution, the required teachers and employees will conduct the activities from their respective institutions in accordance with the hygiene rules;
- Different Romnbricks have been added for each assignment of each subject to properly assess the nature, needs, range, steps, breadth of thought and creativity, basic subjects etc. in the student’s writing. This issue should be taken care of by all concerned.
- Priority should be given to evaluating the student’s thinking, imagination, perceptive ability, creative ability, ability to express and present individuality in a creative and aesthetic way by utilizing the acquired knowledge and skills of the textbook without memorizing or writing assignments from the exact textbook.
- Assess the assignment submitted by the student and save the information in the organization as per the following table (in Excel format):
Instructions to the Heads of Educational Institutions:
- Quickly inform the teachers / examinees / parents about all the relevant instructions including assignment distribution / acceptance / evaluation;
- Provide necessary instructions to the examinees regarding filling and attachment of cover page along with providing assignment;
- Ensuring proper use of the cover page of the assignment submitted by the examinee;
- The cover page has 4 (four) parts – part of the examinee, part of the evaluator, part of the educational institution authority and part of the bard.
- The information mentioned on the cover page should be filled in properly and verified to ensure the submission of assignment;
- The number obtained in the assignment should be sent online by the educational institution as per the instructions of the concerned education board;
- Ensure that subject-assessed assignments are properly forwarded to the Education Baird as directed by the concerned Education Baird;
- Ensure that part of the cover page of the assignments to be sent to the Education Baird in the subject assessed MAT assignments as per the instructions of the concerned Education Baird;
- In preparing the assignment, the student should not resort to duplication or irregularities in any other way. He should take appropriate steps in this regard;
- The Assessing Teacher shall ensure that the Assignment Assessment is not neglected, overestimated or underestimated;
Instructions for Assessing Teachers:
- Appropriate importance should be given to assignment evaluation and use of cover page;
- On the cover page of the table below, the information of the number obtained by the student has to be filled in by the assessing teacher (the number obtained must be written in English).
- If the student is found to be involved in duplication or other irregularities in the preparation of the assignment, he / she should immediately inform the head of the institution;
- No negligence, overestimation or underestimation or nepotism may be allowed in the assessment assignment;
- In order to bring consistency and uniformity in the evaluation of student-prepared assignments, teachers are required to
Parents Request:
- Assist children in collecting cover pages from school / online. In this regard, Kovid-19 will follow the hygiene rules announced by the government;
- Assist in filling the information table of the examinee correctly in English at the top of the cover page;
- Ensure that the examinee does not write anything on the other side of the cover page or on any other page except his prescribed part;
- Ensure that hygiene is not neglected in the submission of assignments;
- When preparing the assignment, make sure that the student does not resort to duplication or other irregularities.
Instructions for students:
- Assignments must be collected online or in strict compliance with hygiene rules;
- Assignments must be submitted in strict compliance with hygiene rules;
- The top of the cover page must be filled out accurately in English;
- The top part of the cover page should be filled in English properly as per the table below;
- Nothing may be written in the other corner of the cover page or on any other page except the prescribed part;
- No student will be able to resort to duplication or irregularities in the preparation of assignments. If this is proved, his assignment will be canceled;
- In case of any problem / complication in submission of assignment, necessary steps should be taken in consultation with the head of the institution;
- Assignment activities should be carried out following the hygienic rules declared by the government to prevent Covid-19 epilepsy.