Palli Sanchay Bank Admit Card 2023 can be downloaded from our website. Palli Sanchay Bank is now hiring! They invited all the application candidates from interested students in their job circular, and it also has new posts for this admit card! All relevant information about the Admit Card process can be found on our website in this article. so make sure you can check it before you download it so other applicants don’t miss your admit card.
You can be one of the lucky ones who get their dream job at the Palli Sanchay Bank office. After you get this job You will get to work with some of the talented people in Bangladesh and you will help them build a better bank/company that serves customers all over Bangladesh through your job. If you’re looking to join this team So that’s dedicated to making everyone’s lives easier.
Palli Sanchay Exam Date and Admit Card
After completing the online application, applicants received a username and password. Admit cards will not be sent by this post. Applicants have to log in to the EBEK site and download the admit card. Exam date, time, and seat plan should be sent by SMS on mobile. All current information will be published in the newspaper.
The total number of vacant posts is 126 and the authority can increase or decrease the total number of posts. Age limit of applicants is 40 years to 50 years. Candidates should have minimum Masters degree from any reputed university. They should have a minimum of 10 years of experience and should have knowledge of computer operations.
PSB Bank Admit Card Download and Exam Date 2023
Please download and install this font on your computer before printing your admit card. If Bengali font is not showing properly in your admit card then download this file (font) and install it on your computer. You can print/download the admit card by providing your job tracking number and password. or by CV identification number and password. Admit cards can be printed in PDF pages. Download the admit card and print it on an 80 gram A4 size white page. Bring this printed admit card to the examination hall. Students will not be allowed to sit for this exam without admit card for this exam.
Download Palli Sanchay Bank Admit Card
Applicant applicants will get the admit card from this website or and also from our website. Applicants will also receive admit card through mobile SMS. Using the user id and password, the applicant downloads the admit card (roll number, photo, exam date, schedule and venue etc. are included in the admit card). Applicants have to print their admit card for their exam.
How to Download the Admit Card
- Visit website.
- Select Download Option Then Select Admit option
- Give your tracking number
- After giving your tracking number then fill the password option
- Click on the print pdf
- After Download the admit print on the A4 Size paper
Palli Sanchay Bank PSB- Seat Plan & Exam Date
Palli Sanchay Bank (PSB) Seat Plan Exam Date is 13th December 2023 and Admission is now updated. Palli Sanchay Bank Seat Plan Exam Date and Admission is now published on Palli Sanchay Bank official website, Palli Sanchay Bank (PSB) Seat Plan, Palli Sanchay Bank PSB Seat Plan, check For this (PSB) seat plan exam date and admission. Click here to download Palli Sanchay Bank (PSB) Seat Planning Exam Notification PDF.
PSB Teletalk Admit Card –
PSB Online Admit Card Download will start soon and you can download PSB Job Admit Card from Teletalk official website. Let’s check below Palli Sanchay Bank PSB Jobs Application Information, Download September Admit Card.
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