HSC Short Syllabus 2023 is available here. Are you a HSC exam candidate for the year of 2023? Yes! then you have to follow and study according to the HSC Short Syllabus 2023. As Education board has published the HSC Syllabus 2023, so you can download pdf file of it. The National Curriculum and Textbook Board released the HSC restructured syllabus on February 04. So all HSC 2023 candidates have to follow this syllabus. Then it will be possible to prepare for HSC exam in a short time by HSC Syllabus 2023.
In this discussion, mainly we have included the HSC new syllabus download. In addition, we have discussed about how can you prepare for HSC exam 2023 with this short syllabus.
The Reason Behind Publishing HSC Short Syllabus
A short syllabus has been prepared for HSC 2023 examination. We know that the HSC syllabus is comprehensive. Candidates study in college for two years to complete this syllabus. Since the college was closed this year, the students could not get classes. So there is a problem in completing the long syllabus for HSC examination. That is why the Board of Education has decided that HSC will prepare a short syllabus.
HSC Short Syllabus 2023
The new HSC short syllabus 2023 has been published. These new short syllabus are just a few of the important chapters selected from the entire HSC syllabus. That means a few part of full HSC syllabus will be study. So HSC 2023 candidates have no pressure to complete whole books. HSC short syllabus 2023 can easily be completed in time.
Education board Bangladesh has published the short syllabus for HSC exam 2023. Since the HSC exam is in uncertainty. Not sure when the test will be. Moreover, this time the HSC candidates have passed without exam. So students want to pass HSC exam without exam. But autopass is not acceptable in any way. However, in the Corona situation, the government was forced to do the HSC result 2020 through autopass. But it is not at all fair to get results like this every year. That is why the education boards are planning to take HSC exams at any cost. Since it was not possible to take the class and the exam is very close, a short syllabus has been prepared. So that the candidates can prepare for the HSC exam in a short time through the HSC short syllabus 2023.
Exam With Short syllabus Is Good or Auto Pass?
Obviously HSC exam with short syllabus is better than auto pass. Because without study the result is valueless. Other hand, There will be a lack of knowledge that students will need after HSC exams. Thus a large portion of students will be at a disadvantage in the future or in the admission test or in the job life. Also the race will be incompetent.
How Many Chapters Have Been Reduced In HSC Short Syllabus 2023?
As per news, we have came to know that this time HSC exam syllabus has been reduced more than 50%. However, HSC new short syllabus 2023 is ready for download. So you all can see live that how much chapters or study has been reduced.
HSC 2023 Short Syllabus Subject List
- Biology-1 HSC Syllabus
Biology-2 HSC Syllabus - Business Organization and Mgt 1st Paper
Business Organization and Mgt 2nd Paper - Chemistry 1 HSC (1)
Chemistry 1 HSC (2) - Child Development 1
Child Development 2 - Food And Nutrition 1
Food And Nutrition 2 - Higher Math 1 HSC
Higher Math 2 HSC - Home management 1st Paper
Home management-2nd Paper - HSC Geography 1st Paper
HSC Geography 2nd Paper - HSC Home Science 1st Paper
HSC Home Science 2nd Paper - HSC Accounting 1st Paper
HSC Accounting 2nd paper - HSC Art and Textile 1st Paper
HSC Art and Textile 2nd Paper - HSC Civics 1st paper
HSC Civics 2nd paper - HSC Economics 1st Paper
HSC Economics 2nd Paper - HSC Finance, Banking and Insurance 2nd Paper
HSC Finance, Banking and Insurance 1st Paper - HSC History 2nd Paper
HSC History 1st Paper - HSC Islamic History & Culture 1st Paper
HSC Islamic History & Culture 2nd paper - HSC Production Management & Marketing 2nd Paper
HSC Production Management & Marketing 1st Paper - HSC Psychology 1st Paper
HSC Psychology 2nd Paper - HSC Sociology 1st Paper
HSC Sociology 2nd Paper - ICT
- Islam Shikkha 1st Paper
Islam Shikkha 2nd Paper - Logic 1st Paper
Logic 2nd Paper - Physics 1st Paper
Physics 2nd Paper - Social Work 1st Paper
Social Work 2nd Paper - Soil science 1st Paper
Soil Science 2nd Paper - Statistics 1st Paper
Statistics 2nd Paper
HSC Short Syllabus PDF Download
We already linked HSC new short syllabus pdf link to individual subjects. Here you can download full folder zip file or individually from gdrive or single link. So download and start studying for best HSC exam preparation.
Group Wise HSC New Short Syllabus
Bangla Literature
Bangla Sohopath
Science Group New Short Syllabus
Physics 1st Paper (পদার্থবিজ্ঞান ১ম পত্র)
Physics 2nd Paper (পদার্থবিজ্ঞান ২য় পত্র)
Chemistry 1st Paper (রসায়ন ১ম পত্র)
Chemistry 2nd Paper (রসায়ন ২য় পত্র)
Biology 1st Paper (জীববিজ্ঞান ১ম পত্র)
Biology 2nd Paper জীববিজ্ঞান ২য় পত্র
Higher Math (উচ্চতর গণিত
Art / Humanities Group New Short Syllabus
Economics 1st Paper (অর্থনীতি ১ম পত্র)
Economics 2nd Paper (অর্থনীতি ২য় পত্র)
Logic 1st Paper (যুক্তিবিদ্যা ১ম পত্র)
Logic 2nd Paper (যুক্তিবিদ্যা ২য় পত্র)
Civics 1st Paper (পৌরনীতি ১ম পত্র)
Civics 2nd Paper (পৌরনীতি ২য় পত্র)
Psychology 1st Paper (মনোবিজ্ঞান ১ম পত্র)
Psychology 2nd Paper (মনোবিজ্ঞান ২য় পত্র)
Geography 1st Paper (ভূগোল ১ম পত্র)
Geography 2nd Paper (ভূগোল ২য় পত্র)
Business Studies Group New Short Syllabus
HSC Accounting 1st Paper (হিসাববিজ্ঞান ১ম পত্র)
HSC Accounting 2nd paper (হিসাববিজ্ঞান ২য় পত্র)
Business Organization & Management (ব্যবসায় সংগঠন ও ব্যবস্থাপনা)
Business Policy and Enforcement (ব্যবসায় নীতি ও প্রয়োগ)
Statistics 1st paper ( পরিসংখ্যান ১ম পত্র)
Statistics 2nd paper ( পরিসংখ্যান ২য় পত্র)
DSHE, NCTB, Education Board, Dhaka Education Board has published the HSC New Syllabus 2023 for preparation HSC exam in short time. So we think this Small HSC Syllabus can be complete within time. So best of luck for HSC exam 2023 with Short Syllabus.
HSC short selybas 2021
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