HSC form fill up 2021 notice already published. Dhaka education board is the publisher of the news. All of the newspapers of Bangladesh make this news. The form fill up of HSC 2021 is going to start from 29th June. Every HSC candidate must complete registration for the HSC exam 2021. So every HSC candidate should read this article.
Now I will talk about the HSC form fill up 2021. Because a simple preparation is needed for HSC form fill up 2021. The cost of the Registration process is 2000 to 2500 taka. It is a big amount to a student. The current situation is another factor. Because now covid-19 is leaving rapidly in our country. For an epidemic situation the government is being forced to shut down.
Many people will lose their jobs due to the shutdown. Without jobs, they will have no food at home and they will become helpless. In such a situation, it is very difficult to raise money in HSC form fill up. On the other hand, there is no alternative road without filling the form. So we should prepare for HSC registration 2021 or HSC form fill up.
HSC Form Fill Up 2021
Dhaka Board has started the process of filling up the form of HSC examinee 2021. All the activities of filling up the form will be conducted through a website. The website address is dhakaeducationboard.gov.bd . No selection test will be held on the occasion of HSC Exam 2021. So no fee will be charged on the occasion of the selection test. Only valid registered students can fill the application form. It is not compulsory for students to take part in the elective examination in that subject. There is much important information about HSC form fill up 2021. More information is available in Dhaka education board notice. We also provide the notice on our website. So you can check it anytime. I hope you should read it before the HSC form fill up 2021.
HSC Form Fill Up Online Application
The HSC form fill up system is fully online. Now I will discuss the online application process about HSC form fill up. So please follow our instructions below.
- At first Go to https://dhakaeducationboard.gov.bd
- Write your registration number and click next
- Please submit your mobile number
- Click submit and complete the process.
HSC form fill up notice 2021
We already uploaded the HSC form fill up notice on our website. Anyone can download the notice by visiting our web address. There is a lot of information in this notice. I hope you need to read this notice before applying. So please read the notice then start the process of application.

HSC Exam form fill up fees
The fee of HSC form fill up is not the same for everyone. The cost of form fill up is different by group wise. There are three groups in the HSC exam. There Science, Humanities and commerce. Among them, the humanities and commerce groups have the same amount of money. Science group students’ costs are different from others. Of the three departments, the registration fee for the science department is the highest. The board fee of the science department is 1695 taka and the center fee is 805 taka. So the total fee for science students is 2500 taka. For the humanities and commerce department, the board fee1495 taka and the center fee is 445 taka. So the total fee for students of the humanities and commerce department is 1940 taka.

HSC form fill up last date 2021
HSC form fill up process will start from 29 june 2021. And the last date of form fill up is 11 july 2021. So you have some days to apply. I hope you should prepare for this matter. Because it is a process and you have an amount of money. So collect money and keep preparation.
Above all, although the HSC form fill up process is online. But you have to go Sonali bank for pay fee. So you have to suffer some problem. Because now the country is under lockdown.