Police Constable Job Circular 2021 Apply Online http://police.teletalk.com.bd. Recently, on 9 September, the official website of Bangladesh Police published a recruitment notice for 10,000 constables. The recruitment circular signed by AIG (Recruitment and Career Planning-2) Mohammad Nasirul Islam was released on Thursday night. Online application starts from 10 September 2021.
Age Limit for Police Constable Job Application
18 to 20 years
Candidates whose age will be within the age limit stated on 08 October 2021 will be considered eligible to apply. However, those who have reached the maximum age of 18 to 20 years on March 25, 2020 will also be considered eligible to apply. In this case the existing quota system for freedom fighters and other quotas will be followed.
Educational Qualifications:
Passed SSC or equivalent examination (minimum GPA 2.5 / equivalent)
Permanent Citizens of Bangladesh (Male and Female)
Marital Status:
Unmarried (Divorced / Not Divorced)
Body size
Description | Male Candidates | Female Candidates |
Height | 5 feet 6 inches for general and other quotas, 5 feet 4 inches for small ethnic groups and freedom fighters (except children of freedom fighters). | In general and other quotas, 5 feet 4 inches, small ethnic groups and freedom fighters (Except the child of the child of the freedom fighter) 5 feet 2 inches in case of quota. |
Chest size | In the case of general and other quotas, 31 inches in normal condition and 33 inches in extended condition. Freedom fighters (excluding children of freedom fighters). | |
Weight | Weight should be an approved measure with age and height. | Weight should be an approved measure with age and height. |
Sight | 6/6 | 6/6 |
Police Constable Online Application Rules:
Step 1:
A. You need to login to http://police.teletalk.com.bd and fill up the application form. The link will be accompanied by video tutorials and instructions on how to complete the application. You can also use the Help option at the link to fill out the form;
B. Application time from 10.00 am on 10 September 2021 to 05.00 pm on 06 October 2021;
C. Eligible candidates will receive a User ID immediately after filling up the application form. Within 72 hours of filling up the application form in the said User ID, a service charge of Rs. 30 (non-refundable) has to be deposited from any Teletalk pre-paid mobile;
D. In the online application form, the candidate’s signature (length 300 x width 60 pixels) and color picture (length 300 x width 300 pixels) should be scanned and uploaded at the designated place;
E. Since the information filled in the online application form will be used in all subsequent activities, the candidate should be 100% sure about the accuracy of all the information filled in before submitting the application form online; And
F. Candidate should keep a color print copy of the application form filled in online as per the need of the examination.
Step 2:
After receiving the User ID, you need to send 2 SMS from a Teletalk pre-paid mobile with a balance of at least 30 Taka; First SMS: Enter TRC <space> User ID and send to 16222; Example: TRC ABCDEF Reply: Applicant’s Name TK (Service Charge 30 / -) will be charged as service charge for the application of Trainee Recruit Constable examination. Your PIN is …… .. (10 digits). To pay fee type TRC <space> Yes <space> PIN and send to 16222. Second SMS: TRC <space> Yes <space> PIN Number to be sent to 16222; Example: TRC YES 1234567890 Reply: Congrats! Applicant’s Name, payment completed successfully for the application for Trainee Recruit Constable examination. User ID is (XXXXXXXX) and Password is (XXXXXXXX).
Admit Card for Physical Endurance Test:
A. After completing the selection process through Preliminary Screening, the selected candidates will be informed about the selection through SMS to the mobile number mentioned in the application form. All the information related to the examination will be done on the mobile phone provided by the candidate in the online application form. And
B. Admit Card with information of serial number, position name, picture, date of examination, time and place / center name etc. entered in the website http://police.teletalk.com.bd using User ID and Password sent in SMS to the selected candidates in Preliminary Screening. For Physical Endurance Test, you have to download and print 02 copies.
Police Constable Selection Procedure:
1) Preliminary Screening
Eligible candidates will be selected for Physical Endurance Test through Preliminary Screening from among the candidates applying online;
2) Physical Endurance Test:
Candidates selected for Preliminary Screening will have to participate in Physical Endurance Test (Running, Jumping, Rape Climbing, Push-up, Tragging etc.) on the date, time and place mentioned in the notification. Bangladesh Police Official Channel on YouTube, Bangladesh Police-49 Verified Facebook Page 47 Bangladesh Police Website http://www.police.gov.bd Done. Interested candidates can prepare by watching the video;
3) Written test:
Candidates who have passed the Physical Endurance and Physical Endurance Test will have to participate in the written test number 45 on Bengali, English, General Mathematics and General Science on the date mentioned in the notification;
4) Psychological and oral examination:
Candidates who have passed the written test will have to participate in the psychological and oral test number 15 on the date mentioned in the notification;
5) Preliminary selection:
Following the existing quota system (General, Freedom Fighters, Ansar and VDP, Orphans, Pastors and Minority Ethnic Quotas) issued by the government in favor of quotas for actual vacancies to be appointed in each district. Will.
6) Police Verification and Health Examination:
Initially selected candidates have to participate in the health examination on the date, time and place fixed by the Superintendent of Police of the concerned district. Candidates eligible for health examination will fill up the police verification form. If considered satisfactory in police verification, training will be initially offered. Note that nominations for final training will not be provided if any information is withheld or misrepresented in the police verification form; And
6) Final inclusion in training:
Initially selected candidates will be included in the training after final selection by a re-selection committee comprising representatives of the police headquarters after verification of physical fitness and other information.
Details of Required Certificates:
Eligible candidates selected through Preliminary Screening should be present at their District Police Lines (Permanent Resident of the district) field with the following documents on the date and time mentioned in the notification for participation in Physical Endurance Test:
1) Admit Card for Physical Endurance Test:
Downloaded print copy of Admit Card for Physical Endurance Test (2 copies);
2) Certificate of Educational Qualification:
Original copy of Educational Qualification Certificate / Temporary Certificate;
3) Certificate of Character:
Original copy of the certificate of character issued by the head of the latest educational institution;
4) Certificate of citizenship:
Original copy of Permanent Citizenship Certificate from the Chairman of the Union Parishad / Mayor of the City Corporation / Mayor of the Municipality / Ward Councilor (as applicable) as proof of permanent resident / nationality of the district;
5) Parental consent:
Consent given by the legal guardian;
6) National Identity Card:
Original copy of National Identity Card of the candidate (If the candidate does not have National Identity Card then original copy of National Identity Card of the candidate’s father / mother);
6) Picture:
3 (three) copies of fresh oil passport size color photo attested by Government Gazetted Officer;
7) Examination fee:
Examination Fee (Non-refundable) 100 / – (One Hundred) Rs.
9) Proof in the case of children of freedom fighters / children of martyred freedom fighters / children of freedom fighters:
If the name of the freedom fighter is in the red release message, attested copy of the red release message / If the name of the freedom fighter is in the Indian list, attested copy of the Indian list / Original copy of the gazette issued in the name of the freedom fighter;
10) Certificate for the children of the children of freedom fighters / martyrs:
1st class in case of children of freedom fighters / martyrs Affidavit issued to the Magistrate or Certificate of Succession issued by a wise court and letter of attestation issued by the Chairman of the concerned Union Parishad / Mayor / Mayor of the City Corporation / Mayor / Ward Councilor to the candidate to the effect that the son / daughter is the son / daughter of the freedom fighter / martyr. Copy.
11) Police quota and refinement:
Police of children of police officers of the rank of highest sub-inspector / sergeant / TSI from constable. Original copy of the certificate issued by the working district / unit head mentioning the name, surname (including BP number) of the parent / guardian in case of obtaining the quota authority Original copy of the certificate issued by the head of the unit);
12) Ansar and VDP quota:
Original copy of certificate of participation in 42 (forty two) days training in case of Ansar and VDP quota candidates;
13) Orphan quota:
Orphan Quota Candidates Original copy of Certificate / Testimonial issued by Head of Government Orphanage and Government Registered Orphanage (Certificate / Testimonial should include declaration of candidate orphan and mention the candidate’s previous permanent address and registered personal number of orphanage);
14) Minority quotas:
Original copy of the certificate issued by their Raja / Minority Head or Deputy Commissioner / Upazila Nirbahi Officer as proof in case of candidates of Minority Ethnic Quota; And
15) Permits of working candidates:
Candidates working in Government / Semi-Government / Autonomous Institutions must have ‘Permission Certificate’ from the appropriate authority.
Candidates deemed eligible in the final selection by the re-selection committee comprising representatives of the Police Headquarters at the designated training center. As a Trainee Recruit Constable (TRC), you have to participate in basic training for a period of 6 (six) months.
Training Opportunities:
1) Trainee Recruit Constable (TRC) as a trainee will be provided free accommodation, food and medical facilities with apparel items during the training; And
2) Training allowance will be received every month as per government rules during training.
Police Constable Employment and job benefits:
1) Candidates who have successfully completed the training will be given appointment in the post of Constable of Bangladesh Police along with other salaries and allowances of 16th grade 9000-21,600 / – of the National Salary Scale for the year 2015;
2) If the recruits are transferred against the vacant post of the district / unit, they will be obliged to contribute to the vacant post of constable in that district / unit;
3) Concerning the successful completion of the basic training of the selected candidate for the post of Trainee Recruit Constable (TRC) from the date of contribution to the district / unit. His apprenticeship will be announced by the district / unit head. Upon completion of satisfactory service for two years from the date of announcement of the trainee, he shall be made a constable by the concerned District / Unit Head or the authorized officer;
4) Candidates must remain unmarried till the end of the training period;
5) Appointed candidates have free availability of clothing items, risk allowance, medical facilities and a fixed number of members for themselves and their families. Accordingly family ration items will be available at low prices; And
6) There is an opportunity for the recruits to go to the UN peacekeeping mission with promotion to higher posts as per the prevailing rules.
General instructions:
1) The Authority reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of posts to be considered in view of the overall situation;
2) Necessary legal action will be taken against the candidate for dismissal / dismissal / dismissal from training if any adverse report is found in the investigation or after the investigation on the information provided by the candidate on educational qualifications and other matters.
3) In the case of the candidate selected in the freedom fighter quota, the evidence submitted in favor of father / mother / grandfather / grandmother / grandmother / grandmother is verified. If not found to be correct, necessary legal action will be taken against him including dismissal / dismissal / dismissal from training. It is to be noted that once the freedom fighter certificate submitted by the candidate in the freedom fighter quota is proved to be fake by the Ministry of Liberation War Affairs, there will be no opportunity to re-examine it;
4) Apart from the documents submitted by the candidate entering the job (various certificates / credentials), there is no opportunity to be appointed to the post of constable on the basis of documents issued after completion of recruitment activities or in a new way;
5) Defective / incomplete / late received / incorrect information or application with false information will be considered as rejected. In this case, legal action will be taken against the person who is finally selected / employed / trained / employed for the training, i.e. if the information submitted by the candidate at any stage is found to be false / incorrect / fraudulent, he / she will be disqualified / expelled / dismissed / dismissed;
6) Application if the candidate is in police force / regular force in any other corner / who has been expelled / dismissed / dismissed from government service. Would be considered unfit;
7) The Authority reserves the right to cancel the appointment / application of any candidate without showing cause. The decision of the Authority on all matters relating to Niag shall be final; And
8) Candidates will not be given any kind of allowance for participating in the examination.
Physical Endurance Test, Written Test, Psychological and Oral Exam Schedule:
Candidates must be present at the police lines in their respective districts on the following dates and times: