Class 9 Geography 17th, 12th Week, 7th Week Assignment Answer. নবম শ্রেণীর ভূগোল ও পরিবেশ বিষয়ের দ্বাদশ ও সপ্তম সপ্তাহের এসাইনমেন্ট সমাধান। Vugol Somadhan & Uttor. Assignment activities are introduced as per the syllabus of the Department of Secondary and Higher Education. In which all the students of the country participated and in some weeks they set foot by submitting Geography assignments. The Ministry of Education released the questions of the 12th, 7th assignment. Which includes Class 9 geography and environmental issues. So according to the syllabus of the 17th, 12th, 7th, today we will discuss with you the solution of all the questions of Class 9 geology and environment. Details about geography and environmental assignment are given below.
Class 9 Geography and Environment Assignment
Geography is a very important subject for the humanities. Not just for Class 9. There are many questions about geography in working life. Because students can learn about the whole world through geography lessons. In the Class 9, the subjects to be studied in Geography and Environment are Geography and Environment, Universe and Our World, Map Making and Use, Internal and External Structure of the Earth, Atmosphere, Atmosphere, Population, Human Settlement, Resources and Economic Functions, Geography of Bangladesh Description, resources and industries of Bangladesh, communication and trade of Bangladesh, balance of development activities and environment of Bangladesh, natural disasters of Bangladesh. So every student must study geography. This is a very interesting subject and it also gets good marks in exams. But to get good results you must know how to paint. Because when discussing the solar system, you must discuss it in detail with images. Anyway, the last week of the assignment is coming, so don’t delay and establish yourself in a good place by answering the Class 9 geography and environment questions first. And try to keep yourself healthy at home during the corona virus.
Class 9 Geography 17th Week Assignment 2021
The Ministry of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education has included 17th week assignment geography for class 9. This is the 4th assignment in Geography for class 9 candidates. This assignment for class 9 candidates has been taken from the third chapter map and its usage. Class 9 17th week This assignment will describe the geography of the world. And, need to draw different maps including the country. This time you have to give various information about the geography assignment.
Class 9 Geography 17th Week Assignment Answer
Class 9 Geography 12th Week Assignment 2021
উত্তর দেখুন: “সূর্যকে পরিক্রমণকালে পৃথিবীতে জলবায়ুগত তারতম্য পরিলক্ষিত হয়” অনধিক ৩০০ শব্দের মধ্যে একটি প্রতিবেদন লেখ।
7th Week Class 9 Geography Assignment 2021
The work of solving the Class 9 geography and environmental assignment of the 7th has been completed. For those students who are eagerly waiting, I would like to say that the waiting period is coming to an end. With the publication of the syllabus of the Ministry of Education, our experienced team has started working on it and has come before you with 100 percent correct answers. We try our best to answer all the questions as soon as possible. But it will take some time to come up with the right answer. So do not be impatient. This hardship of ours is for you. When you get good results, our hardship will be successful. However, according to the syllabus of the last week, all the questions in the Class 9 geography and environment assignment are the tenth chapter: the geographical description of Bangladesh and the eleventh chapter: the resources and industry of Bangladesh. These two chapters on Class 9 geography and environment are very important. You will get questions from these chapters in any job exam without annual exam. So everyone is requested to read these chapters carefully not only for the assignment but also for future questions about geography and environment. And since we have solved the Class 9 geography assignment, write it down and arrange for quick submission.
Class 9 Geography 7th Week Assignment Question
Assignment questions for the 7th week of Class 9 are: Draw a picture of the solar system and write a report of “Comparative Analysis of the Properties of Earth and Mars” of not more than 100 words.
উত্তর দেখুন: সৌরজগতের চিত্র অঙ্কন করে “পৃথিবী ও মঙ্গল গ্রহের বৈশিষ্ট্য তুলনামূলক বিশ্লেষণ” অনধিক ১০০ শব্দের একটি প্রতিবেদন লেখ।
The mentioned signs should be used to solve the 7th week assignment of class 9. These are: Introduction, Features of Earth and Mars, Image of Solar System, Conclusion;
Ninth grade geography (seventh week) Assignment Answer Writing Instructions: 1. You have to read the description of the solar system in the text book, II. Solar system related books can be taken, 3. The help of internet can be taken.
Class 9 Geography 7th Week Assignment Answer
Here is your Geography 7th week assignment answer of class 9. We include Geography 7th week assignment answer in a image format. So you can download or save this Geography 7th week assignment answer in your phone or computer.
Class 9 Geography 6th Week Assignment Question & Solution
অধ্যায় ও বিষয়বস্তুর শিরােনাম
দশম অধ্যায়: বাংলাদেশের ভৌগলিক বিবরণ
একাদশ অধ্যায়: বাংলাদেশের সম্পদ ও শিল্প
এ্যাসাইনমেন্ট / নির্ধারিত কাজ ৩
১| সৃজনশীল প্রশ্ন:
অঞ্চল | মাটির বৈশিষ্ট্য |
X | শেল ও কর্দম দ্বারা গঠিত |
Y | ধূসর ও লাল বর্ণের মাটি |
Z | পলিবাহিত মাটি |
(ক) ক্রান্তীয় মৌসুমী জলবায়ু কাকে বলে?
(খ) বাংলাদেশে ক্রান্তীয় জলবায়ু বিরাজের কারণ কী? ব্যাখ্যা কর।
(গ) উদ্দীপকের ‘Z’ অঞ্চলের বর্ণনা দাও।
(ঘ) উদ্দীপকের ‘X’ ও ‘Y’ অঞ্চলের ভূমিরূপের মধ্যে কী কী সাদৃশ্য–বৈসাদৃশ্য পরিলক্ষিত হয়? মতামত দাও।
২। বাংলাদেশের মানচিত্র অংকন করে পাট, চা ও ইক্ষু উৎপাদনকারী অঞ্চলসমূহ প্রদর্শন কর।
মূল্যায়ন নির্দেশক
- ক্রান্তীয় মৌসুমী জলবায়ু সম্পর্কে জ্ঞান
- ক্রান্তীয় জলবায়ু বিরাজের কারণ সম্পর্কে জ্ঞান
- বিষয়বস্তু সম্পর্কে ধারণা ও ব্যাখ্যা প্রদান
- বিষয়বস্তুর জ্ঞান
- বিষয়বস্তু সম্পর্কে ধারণা ও ব্যাখ্যা প্রদান
- বিষয়বস্তুর সাথে উদ্দীপকের সংযােগ স্থাপন
- বিষয়বস্তুর জ্ঞান
- বিষয়বস্তু সম্পর্কে ধারণা ও ব্যাখ্যা প্রদান
- বিষয়বস্তুর সাথে উদ্দীপকের সংযােগ স্থাপন
- সিদ্ধান্ত গ্রহণের সক্ষমতা
- বিষয়বস্তুর জ্ঞান
- অক্ষরেখা ও দ্রাঘিমা রেখা অনুযায়ী মানচিত্র অঙ্কনের সক্ষমতা
- অর্থকরী ফসলসমূহ সঠিকভাবে মানচিত্রে প্রদর্শন
Last thought
Many of us don’t care much about Geography assignments. Many view it with disdain. Some people think that the assignment has to be written and submitted somehow. But for those who are living with these thoughts, I would like to say that the Ministry of Education has introduced the assignment system for the merit verification of the students. So it must be taken seriously. Through assignment you will be able to pass the next level at a good level. So don’t neglect it.