Class 6 ICT 17th, 11th Week Assignment Answer (ষষ্ঠ শ্রেণীর তথ্য ও যোগাযোগ প্রযুক্তি একাদশ সপ্তাহের এসাইনমেন্ট এর সমাধান) is available here. Do you need answers of class Six ICT Eleventh week questions? We have answered all the questions of Class 6 ICT Assignment for 11th week. This Tottho O Jogajog Projukti solution of the Eleventh week will be very useful for the students of class Six. So read the full post to get ICT solution for 17th, 11th week of 6th class.
Class Six 17th Week ICT Assignment Answer
Class 6 17th week information and communication technology assignments have been published. This is the second assignment on information and communication technology for Class 6 students. Class 6 17th week information and communication technology assignments have been taken from the second chapter. The title of the second chapter is Information and Communication Technology Related Equipment. In order to answer the Class 6 17th week information and communication technology assignment , one needs to know a few tools about information and communication technology and its use. For example, information and communication technology related equipment, how to play on the computer, input devices, memory and storage devices, motherboards and processors, output devices, software, application software, etc.
As the work of the Class 6 17th week information and communication technology assignment was followed by the classes broadcast on the news television to fill the daily education deficit as the school was closed in Corona. Classes of other prominent teachers were also seen, including online classes conducted by the school. A list of the devices used to participate in these classes should be prepared as part of the Class 6 17th week information and communication technology assignment . There are a few things to keep in mind when answering the Sixteenth Seventh Week Information and Communication Technology Assignment. The name of the appropriate device should be mentioned in the light of the content.
Class 6 ICT 17th Week Assignment Answer 2021
Class Six 11th Week ICT 1st Assignment Question
DSHE has published the Class 6 ICT 11th Week Assignment Questions 2021 with requirement instructions. The given question mentions from which chapter the Class 6 ICT 11th Week Assignment question has been asked. Also, the Class Six 11th Week ICT 1st Assignment question is given and the content that should be mentioned in the answer while answering is also given. As a result, students will be able to read and understand the chapter well and answer the Class 6 ICT 11th Week Assignment question very easily. The best thing is to give some information as an instruction. If you read them, it will be possible to give a correct answer to Class Six 11th Week ICT 1st Assignment. Again, there are instructions for teachers to evaluate in the assignment. As a result, a student will be able to understand and answer the question of how to answer the Class Six 11th Week ICT 1st Assignment Question, which of the following will be “very good”, “good”, “normal” and “need for progress”. As a result, it is possible to get good marks or get good results in Class Six 11th Week ICT 1st Assignment Question.
ষষ্ঠ শ্রেণীর তথ্য ও যোগাযোগ প্রযুক্তি একাদশ সপ্তাহের এসাইনমেন্ট ২০২১
শ্রেণিঃ ৬ষ্ঠ, বিষয়ঃ তথ্য ও যোগাযোগ প্রযুক্তি, অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট নং-০১, অধ্যায় ও শিরোনাম: ০১ (তথ্য ও যোগাযোগ প্রযুক্তি পরিচিতি)
অ্যাসাইনমেন্টঃ কোভিড-১৯ পরিস্থিতিতে তোমার স্কুল বন্ধ আছে। তোমার বাবা তার জমির ফসলের উন্নয়নে পরামর্শের জন্য কৃষি অফিসে যেতে পারছে না। তোমার দাদি হঠাৎ অসুস্থ হয়ে পড়লে তোমার মা, তোমার বাবাকে প্রয়োজনীয় সহযোগিতা জন্য ডাক্তার কে ফোন করতে বলেন”। উপরের প্রেক্ষাপটের আলোকে- “দৈনন্দিন জীবনে তথ্য ও যোগাযোগ প্রযুক্তির ব্যবহার” শিরোনামে একটি প্রবন্ধ লেখ। (২০০ শব্দ)
- ভূমিকা,
- শিক্ষাক্ষেত্রে শিক্ষার্থীর তথ্য প্রযুক্তির ব্যবহার,
- কৃষি ক্ষেত্রে তথ্য প্রযুক্তির ব্যবহার,
- পরিবেশ ও আবহাওয়া,
- উপসংহার;
Class 6 ICT 11th Week Assignment Answer 2021
Get: Class 6 Assignment Answer
How To Answer Class 6 Tottho O Jogajog Projukti 11th Week Assignment For Higher Marks?
As a student of Class 6, you must want to get the highest marks in Class 6 ICT 11th Week Assignment. But do not know how to get the highest number of answers? We will help you get the highest marks in Class 6 ICT 11th Week Assignment. Eleventh of all, how to answer means that the content of the answer should be mentioned in the instructions of the question. Read the instruction question of Class 6 ICT 11th Week Assignment carefully and try to understand what it says. When writing the answer to Class 6 ICT 11th Week Assignment, arrange some possible titles and subheadings. Then there are the titles and subtitles to answer your Class 6 ICT 11th Week Assignment. Now just add the appropriate rain to the title and subtitle. Then you will see that your Class 6 ICT 11th Week Assignment Answer has been written.
After writing the answer of Class 6 ICT 11th Week Assignment, match your answer with the assessment instructions yourself. The answer to your Class 6 ICT 11th Week Assignment is either “Very good”, “Good”, “Normal” or “Need for progress”. Try to add the best topics in your Class 6 ICT 11th Week Assignment Answer. Then you can get the highest number in the answer of Class 6 ICT 11th Week Assignment.
We have shared Class 6 ICT 11th Week Assignment Answer. As a Class Six student, you have gotten very help from our answer. In future we will share more assignment answers like Class 6 ICT 11th Week Assignment.
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