AEW (All Elite Wrestling) Results 9 February 2022. AEW 2.9.2022 Results, AEW will broadcast this Wednesday with a new episode of AEW {All Elite Wrestling} from the Atlantic City, New Jersey at Jim Whelan Boardwalk Hall,
[Gaming]we are here to report the results of AEW {All Elite Wrestling} on February 9, 2022.
Follow our full article to know what happen in AEW {All Elite Wrestling} this week. to get AEW {All Elite Wrestling} Results for 9 February 2022 please check out the below section.
AEW (All Elite Wrestling) Results from 9 February 2022
[Gaming]here are AEW (All Elite Wrestling) Results for 9th February 2022
- Michael Wardlow defeated The Blade Jesse Guilmette
- Keith Lee defeated Isaiah Kassidy, to qualify for the Face of the Revolution ladder match.
- CM Punk and Jon Moxley defeated Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler.
- Jade Cargill defeated A.Q.A, to retain the TBS Championship.
- Serena Deeb defeated Katie Arquette
- Hangman Page defeated Lance Archer in a Texas Death Match to retain the AEW World Championship.
Michael Wardlow defeated The Blade Jesse Guilmette
[Gaming]1. The Blade Jesse Guilmette vs. Michael Wardlow (w/Shawn Spears): Michael Wardlow posed in the corner as he got in the ring, and Jesse Guilmette went after him with a chop block. He continued on the attack until Michael Wardlow cut him down with a lariat. Michael Wardlow then continued on offense with an overhead suplex throw. He then threw him a second time and a third. the Blade Jesse Guilmette escaped outside, and Michael Wardlow picked up Blade and charged him into the ring post…[c]
Michael Wardlow continued to dominate on offense but also limped heavily on the knee that received the chopping block earlier in the match. He drove Michael Wardlow into the corner and landed a series of hard uppercuts. the Blade Jesse Guilmette countered with a knee strike. Jesse Guilmette jumped up for a second knee, but Wardlow grabbed him and slammed him with a powerbomb. Michael Wardlow then picked up Blade for a second and third for the win.
After the match, Spears ran in and landed a chair shot to be an annoying thing.
Keith Lee defeated Isaiah Kassidy, to qualify for the Face of the Revolution ladder match.
[Gaming]2. Keith Lee vs. Isaiah Kassidy (w/Matt Hardy, Marq Quen) in a Face of the Revolution ladder match qualifier: Keith Lee ate up the crowd reaction and then tossed Isaiah Kassidy like a football across the ring. Isaiah Kassidy tried to land some strikes, but Keith Lee stuffed him and landed a crossbody. he rolled to the outside, and Keith Lee followed. Marq Quen threw Isaiah Kassidy back into the ring, and then Keith Lee slingshotted himself in for a splash. He then picked up Isaiah Kassidy for a powerbomb, but he escaped. Keith Lee then pounced Kassidy to the outside with a big charge.
Hardy looked disgusted at ringside and left through the crowd. Keith Lee got stung on the apron by a flying strike. Isaiah Kassidy then splashed him with a tornillo on the floor. Keith Lee then swatted Isaiah Kassidy out of the sky and landed his formerly named Big Bang Catastrophe for the win.
After the match, Private Party tried to jump Keith Lee, but he caught their attempts at splashes on the outside and powerbombed them into the apron.
CM Punk and Jon Moxley defeated Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler.
[Gaming]3. Jon Moxley and CM Punk vs. “FTR” Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler (w/Tully Blanchard): CM Punk and Dax Harwood started the match. Dax Harwood landed a hip toss, and then CM Punk replied with a side headlock takeover. Cash Wheeler tagged in, and CM Punk quickly took arm control. Wheeler broke it with a strike and then retreated to his corner. Fans chanted for Jon Moxley, and CM Punk made the tag. Dax Harwood also tagged in.
Jon Moxley and Dax Harwood traded headlocks. Jon Moxley then landed a big body slam and a series of kicks. CM Punk tagged back in and shoved Dax Harwood back into the corner. Wheeler caused a distraction, which allowed tax Harwood to attack CM Punk’s knee with an elbow strike. Both cash Wheeler and Dax Harwood targeted CM Punk’s knee, with referee Aubrey Edwards trying to regain control.
Dax Harwood went to the top and missed an elbow drop. Jon Moxley cut cash Wheeler down with a big lariat and made a hot tag to CM Punk. He landed a leg lariat and a corner knee strike to Dax Harwood. He covered after a short-arm clothesline for a near fall. FTR set up for a Powerplex, but CM Punk knocked cash Wheeler off the turnbuckle. CM Punk and Jon Moxley then set up Dax Harwood and executed a Doomsday Device for the near fall.
[Gaming]cash Wheeler landed a nasty Tornado DDT on Jon Moxley on the floor. He then grabbed the ring bell and blasted CM Punk with it. Dax Harwood then landed a brainbuster on CMM Punk, but only got a close near fall. After a bit of back and forth, CM Punk attempted a GTS on Dax Harwood. cash Wheeler broke it up, and FTR landed a Big Rig on CM Punk. Jon Moxley had to break up the pinfall to prevent the loss.
All four men traded shots in the ring. We nearly got a GTS and Paradigm Shift simultaneously. We then got the promised GTS and Paradigm Shift combo and Punk got the pin on cash Wheeler.
After the match, CM Punk and Jon Moxley fist-bumped each other.
Jade Cargill defeated A.Q.A, to retain the TBS Championship.
[Gaming]4. Jade Cargill (w/Mark Sterling) vs. A.Q.A for the TBS Championship
Serena Deeb defeated Katie Arquette
5. Serena Deeb vs. Katie Arquette in a five-minute challenge
Hangman Adam Page defeated Lance Archer in a Texas Death Match to retain the AEW World Championship.
[Gaming]6. “Hangman” Adam Page vs. “Murderhawk Monster” Lance Archer in a Texas Death Match for the AEW Heavyweight Championship: Adam Page threw Lance Archer through a pane of glass near the top of the ramp, and Lance Archer came up bleeding. The action spilled back to the ring, and adam’s page landed a Buckshot Lariat. The referee started a 10 count for a knockout finish. He got to 9 and Lance Archer got to his feet. adam page continued the attack, and dove directly into a trash can lid that Lance Archer had to wait for him. ance Archer then continued the attack with the trash can lid.
Dan Lambert ran down and loosened the top turnbuckle from the ring post in one of the corners, to take away the opportunity for another Buckshot Lariat. The action spilled out into the crowd. Lance Archer attempted a chokeslam, but adam page avoided it by standing on a portion of the stadium seating. He then landed a standing moonsault on ance Archer. Back in the ring, adam page realized what went down with the turnbuckle. Archer then landed a clothesline to the back of his head. Tables were set up at ringside during the break. Archer controlled the action and landed heavy shots at Hangman. He set up for a chokeslam through the two tables at ringside, but Hangman adam’s page broke away and tried for Deadeye, but couldn’t get it done.
[Gaming]Hangman adam page bled heavily and tried to give Archer a big boot through the table. Archer pushed him aside and sent him into one of the remaining turnbuckles. Jake Roberts landed a short-arm clothesline and then attempted a DDT on Page, but Archer stopped him. Hangman adam’s page landed a DDT on Archer on the floor instead. adam page wailed on Archer with a Kendo Stick, which seemed to wake him up.
murderhawk Archer caught the Kendo Stick and broke it over his knee. He then chokeslammed Page through a trash can. Archer then grabbed a fork and stabbed Page with it repeatedly, and then licked the fork. He then landed a cannonball senton onto adam’s page from the apron to the floor. Archer retrieved a barbed wire chair from underneath the ring. He then landed a shot with it and set the ring steps on their side. Archer then gave a blackout on the ring steps,
[Gaming]Hangman got to his feet quicker than you might expect, and Archer set up for a powerbomb in the ring. adam page picked up some barbed wire off the ground and landed some punches with it. He then tossed aside the barbed wire, and Paul Turner bent over to pick it up. adam page then used Paul Turner as a vault to land another Buckshot Lariat that sent both men through the tables at ringside. adam page was able to answer the ten count, but Archer was not.
After the match, Adam Cole walked down to the ring to pick up the AEW World Title. He placed the title over adam Page’s shoulder, sending his promised message from earlier.
The expected ending to a newsworthy shows that. Adam Cole as the challenger at the next PPV will make for a strong match,