Class 8 students already know about publishing 9th week assignments. So today we will talk about Class 8 9th week assignments. Class 8 students have prior experience solving assignments. So there is not much to say about their assignment. Even then, not without some instructions.
9th week Assignments and all other assignments are extremely important. Assignments are also more important for Class 8 students. Because after a while they are going to pass from Class 8 to Class 9. Even if they pass class 9 without gaining knowledge about the important things of Class 8, there can be many problems.
There are many subjects that will be difficult to take up class 9 education activities if not learned in Class 8. That is why it is very important to understand the current assignments well. So the 9th week assignment is very important for Class 8 students.
There are many students who cannot do the assignment on their own. They have to read many problems to solve the assignment. We will provide guidance for them on class 9 assignments in Class 8. I will solve the need for the 9th week assignment of the Class 8. So that they can see our answer and try to create a new answer by themselves.
Class 8 9th Week Assignment Answer
Two topics have been assigned as eighth week class 9 assignments. The two subjects are Bengali and science. Bengali and science are two very important subjects. Bengali is our mother tongue. And Bengali language is used to run any organization in our country. Science, on the other hand, is a very important subject. The subject of science should not be neglected in any way.
[ArticleAds]Today we will discuss how to solve two subject assignments in the 9th week of Class 8. All Class 8 students have the same goal, they want to get the highest number of assignments. Because this number will determine the good result after showing them in the next class. That is why everyone wants the answer of the assignment to be good and to get higher marks.
To that end we will create assignment answers for Class 8 students. I will also provide some instructions for those who wish to create their own assignments. So that, if they solve the assignment by following the instructions, they can get the highest number.
So those who are in the 9th week of Class 8 who have not yet finished read our writings. If you read our articles, you will get some instructions. You can easily solve the assignment by following those instructions. And those answers will be different from all the other answers. As a result, more numbers can be found.
Class 8 9th Week Bangla Assignment Answer
The 9th week Bangla assignment of Class 8 has been taken from the poem. The subject of the assignment i.e. the name of the poem is two bighas of land. The poem Two Bighas of Land was written by Rabindranath Tagore. This is the third assignment of class 9 Bangla subject. So the Class 8 students have already submitted two Bengali assignments. In the eighth week, Bangla is their third assignment.
Get Class 8 Bangla 9th Week Assignment Answer
There are some lines of poetry given as Bengali assignments for the 9th week. The lines of these poems need to be transformed into stories. So the line of the poem has to be written in the form of a story as the scheduled work of the 9th week Bangla assignment of the Class 8.
[Ads]Now we will talk about how to solve the 9th week Bangla assignment of class 8. Instructions have to be followed to complete the scheduled work of Bangla Assignment for the 9th week of class 8. The instructions ask to collect the necessary information to introduce the semantics and annotations of the poem. Also reading the gist of the poem will help you to solve the assignment. Because what is said in the poem can only be found in the essence. Moreover, it is a little difficult to understand the meaning of the poem.
If it is necessary to solve the Class 8 Bangla assignment, the help of the teacher should be taken. If one does not understand the meaning of the lines of the poem, it is not possible to create the answer of the assignment without the cooperation of someone else. Also, if you read pages 49-62 of Bangla book well, it will be easier to solve the assignment.
Class 8 9th Week Science Assignment Answer
This is the second assignment of the Class 8 science subject. Class 8 students have already submitted eight assignments. One of these assignments was in science. So Class 8 students have previous experience of doing assignments in science. Then today I will write about how to solve the 9th week assignment of science subjects.
Class 8 9th week assignments have been selected from the third chapter. The title of the third chapter is – diffuse osmosis and perspiration. This assignment contains several subject matter. The subjects are- diffusion, osmosis, importance of osmosis, perspiration and importance of perspiration. If you can complete the assignment, it will be possible to gain accurate knowledge about the above topics.
Get Class 8 Science 9th Week Assignment Answer
Now we will discuss the work of the assignment. The work of the 9th week science assignment of Class 8 is given below. Two phenomena of diffusion and osmosis must be mentioned from daily observation. The process has to be described consistently by completing any one of the tests from the diffusion and osmosis process.
We will discuss all the things to keep in mind while solving the assignment of Class 8 science subjects. The answer sheet of the assignment must have the characteristics of diffusion and osmosis. There should also be descriptions including test observations of diffusion and osmosis. A total of four cases of diffusion and diffusion must be mentioned. The features of all of them need to be described consistently with observations.
We will provide the necessary instructions to solve the 9th week assignment of Class 8. Those who want to solve the assignment must read our article carefully. It would be better to solve it by following the instructions given in the article. I will also tell those who are afraid to solve the 9th week assignment of Class 8. There is nothing to fear here. If you have trouble resolving Class 8 9th week assignments, follow our website. Download the Class 8 9th week assignment answer if needed.