Class 7 8th week assignments question & answer have been arriving. There are two topics in the 8th week assignment of Class 7. The subjects are English and arts and crafts. So don’t be late, please start the assignment work as soon as possible. This is the third assignment of English subject for Class 7 students and the second assignment for arts and crafts. So there are two things these Class 7 students have previous experience . Class 7 students already know how to solve assignments in English and arts and crafts.
Then there are many Class 7 students who understand less about assignments. Our small effort for them. Through this article we will discuss the solution of the 8th week assignment of Class 7 students. Students who are interested in Class 7 8th week assignments please follow us. We provide solutions to all assignments through our website. So the solution rules of the class 7 8th week assignment we are working on.
Today we will upload the solution of the 8th week assignment of Class 7 on our website. Students who want to download the solution of the assignment should visit our website. Today we will discuss how to write the solution of a standard assignment as well as the solution of the assignment. So those who want to get better results from the assignment follow us.
Class 7 8th Week Assignment Answer
There are two issues to solve for the class 7 8th week assignment. Today we will talk about English and arts and crafts. However, I will talk about these two issues separately so that a good solution can be made on both issues. Since the Class 7 students have come up with very good ideas about assignments. So there is not much to say about this. Because in the previous articles we have discussed these issues a lot. But there are still many students who are worried about the solution of the class 7 8th week assignment. With that in mind we are creating solutions for Class 7 8th week assignments.
Many students have requested us to upload all subject assignments on the website. We are developing assignment solutions by experienced faculty to keep up with their requests. I hope that the solution of the 8th week assignment of Class 7 will be beneficial for all the students. Also those who are interested in getting maximum marks through assignment should follow our instructions. Read the full text to download the solution for the class 7 8th week assignment.
Class 7 8th Week English Assignment Answer
An assignment on English was also given earlier for Class 7. Students have successfully submitted the Class 7 English assignment. This is currently their second assignment in English. We know that many students are very weak in English. That’s why English assignments are a little more of a concern to students. There are Class 7 students who are afraid to create English subject assignments. I would say there is nothing to fear here. Assignment in English subject of 8th week is provided for 7th class students. It is an extremely easy assignment.
English subject assignment is taken from unit-3. And the chapter title is What are friends for. To complete the assignment, students must understand some of the lessons very well: Lesson 4 – A sad day Farabi, Lesson 1- prize giving day at school, listen 2 – floras first day at school (1), listen 3 – floras first day at school (2), Lesson 5 – The best friends. In the current situation you are asked to make a list of what you can do for your friend. And three questions have been mentioned to make this list. The list has to be made in the context of these three questions. So you have to read the lessons very well to do the assignment. The next three questions need to be understood very well. Then you have to solve the assignment.
English 8th Week Assignment Of Class 7
If you have difficulty resolving eighth grade assignments in Class 7, follow our website. Our website will provide solutions to Class 7 8th week English subject assignments.
Class 7 8th Week Art and Craft Assignment Answer
Class 7 have previous experience in assigning arts and crafts subjects. So solving their second assignment shouldn’t be too much of a problem. Hopefully, they will be able to complete their assignments in a very good way. We will also instruct Class 7 to complete 8th week assignments.
The 8th week assignment of Class 7 arts and crafts subjects is taken from the second chapter. The title of the second chapter is painting, the language of all people of all time. The second chapter on the subject of arts and crafts has compared painting to a language. It is possible to express any feeling through painting. When there was no language, people used painting as a language.
If you want to complete the assignment, you have to understand Lesson-1 and Lesson-2 very well. The 8th week of Class 7 is the work of the assignment on fine arts. You have to draw a picture of houses, plants and landscapes so that everyone understands that it is a village you have seen. The picture should be drawn with a pencil. Here you have to draw the landscape of a village. Any village can be photographed to draw the scene. If necessary, some scenes are given at the end of the textbook and can be drawn from there. The internet can also be used for drawing village scenes.
Charu O Karukola 8th Week Assignment Of Class 7
There are a few things to keep in mind when drawing. The point is to keep in mind the size of the image while drawing. Each content has to be presented very well. It looks like a beautiful village. Finally you have to color the image. Care must be taken to ensure that the color is applied in the correct size.
Finally, I would like to say that the assignments for the 8th week of Class 7 are very simple. So you have to solve it by using your intelligence and creativity without being afraid. If there is a problem solving the 8th week assignment of Class 7, follow our website. And follow the instructions after downloading the solution of the Class 7 8th week assignment uploaded on our website.