The hot summer sun can harm your hair and cause it to fall out. If you’re already trying to solve the problem, this is where you’ll find the answer. Dr. Zeel Gandhi, an Ayurvedic doctor and Vedix formulator tells us more about a customized Ayurvedic remedy to counteract summer hair fall in this article. Continue reading to say goodbye to the loss of hair.
[RB]Have you ever seen how everyone has a favorite time of year? Humans, like plants that choose to bloom in a specific season, may experience various seasons depending on their dosha profiles. Vata (air), Pitta (fire), and Kapha (water) are the three doshas, and we all have them in varying quantities, which makes us unique. Long first before the body-positive trend permeated the contemporary world, Ayurvedic valued your unique personality.
Ayurveda is a philosophy that focuses on human naturalization in their local surroundings. Even if we sit in an air-conditioned room with the sun kept out, we can’t avoid the seasonal rhythms. The simplest approach to having excellent health, according to Ayurveda, is to live in harmony from the inside out. Ritu acharya, an Ayurvedic book chapter on a seasonal regimen, explains how to adjust one’s lifestyle, nutrition, and leisure activities according to the seasons. Summers are particularly tough on hair, according to Grishma Ritu. According to Dosha dominance, here are some techniques to deal with seasonal hair loss.
[RB]Vata dominant
Vata hair is brittle, dry, and readily splits. They should be extremely careful about hydration to avoid hair fall due to the harsh summer light. Castor oil, olive oil, and shea butter, when used frequently, can help prevent hair from splitting.
For Vata people, deep nourishing masks with yogurt, cream, and plant butter at the base are recommended to deepen the hair roots. Methi is an effective remedy for dry hair.
Mix a spoonful of Methi seed powder with a cup of yogurt and put it on the counter overnight, covered. Wash off after using it as a mask.
Pitta predominates
[RB]Pitta people may get scalp irritation as a result of excessive perspiration and heat. In the summer, they also cause a lot of scalp oil, which causes dandruff and a bad odor. Finding the correct balance between washing and hydrating the scalp is crucial for Pitta people. Too much of either might cause hair loss.
Pitta people should use mild oils like coconut blended with camphor, peppermint crystals, and rosemary to prevent hair loss. To avoid split ends, maintain a healthy scalp, and prevent hair breakage, apply non-oily moisturizing masks on a regular basis.
Cucumber, coconut milk, goat’s milk, and buttermilk masks assist to balance Pitta.
A Pitta person should consume amla in moderation. Overnight soak a scoop of Amla powder in buttermilk. To prevent hair loss, strain and use as a pre-rinse before washing your hair.
Dominant Kapha
[RB]Kapha people typically find themselves sweating abundantly when the temperature rises. During this season, the Kapha, who is normally powerful, calm, and level-headed, is exhausted and irritable.
During this season, Kapha people are likely to have hair problems. Except for the summers, they have lots of fantastic hair days across the year. Even Kapha people, who naturally have a lot of water in their bodies, lose moisture from their hair during the heat.
The best technique to prevent water loss is to massage with Sesame oil infused with herbs on a regular basis. Turmeric, aloe vera juice, and lemons are great for preventing hair loss in Kapha.
[RB]Hair fall may be prevented in the summer by keeping your head covered in the sun, avoiding spicy and hot meals, and performing Sirsasana on a daily basis.
We examine your Doshas at Vedix and recommend solutions that are specifically designed for your hair to help you cope with seasonal fluctuations.