shed gov bd 2025 Directorate of Secondary & Higher Education is for education website. If you want to get the official website address of the Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education then the above-mentioned website is. By entering this website you can know a lot of official information. As the Directorate of Secondary Higher Education has its official website, the Department of Secondary Higher Education also has its own sub-official website. On the website of this office, you can collect information about various departments and different types of education are discussed here.
What is shed gov bd in 2025?
The Department of Secondary and Higher Education of the Ministry of Education is the highest policy-making body of the government regarding the administration and development of the post-primary education sector except for technical and madrasa education. The Department of Secondary and Higher Education formulates policies and programs for the development of primary to higher education
Directorate of Secondary & Higher Education Role
Bangladesh’s government attaches great importance to education and in this regard, the government is trying to convert its huge population into human resources. Education for All (EFA) is a constitutional responsibility of the Government. The Constitution guarantees equal rights to education for all. With this in mind, the government has emphasized on imparting education to backward communities and its women citizens.
The government is providing free education for girls till HSC (Class-12) along with a stipend. It is hoped that this will contribute to increasing the enrollment rate of female students, reduce the dropout rate and enrich the country with an educated population. This is their main role or we can say its their project for this field. they work many department though they handle many projects such like Development projects, UGC project, DSHE project, Scheme of Educational Engineering Department (EED),Project of, Banbase, IMLI, Current project, List of completed projects, Project web site
You can visit this website to get important information related to scholarship from this website and many important information related to scholarship and from here you will get official information. As these tasks are done at the official office you will directly enter the website address used in the above heading and perform important tasks without going to other websites.
Currently, many types of changes are being made in the education system. As creative methods have been introduced to develop the talent of today’s students as compared to the earlier rules, you are also given an idea of how the education system at different levels will be run. From here you will know about the different streams of education and important information related to Ministry of Education will be provided here. Moreover, you can get detailed information about the tasks that can be performed by entering all the steps of the Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education and its sub-divisions.
How to Apply shed gov bd 2025 For Scholarship
Instructions to Apply Online for scholarship from this website
1. Log on to
2. Select the desired option and click on “Apply Online Application Form” option.
3. Fill in all the details carefully and click on “Submit”.
The Department of Secondary and Higher Education works under the Ministry of Education of Bangladesh. For those who want to work under the Ministry of Education, Secondary and Higher Education Jobs are a good opportunity to get a job in the Ministry of Education. So if you want to work under the Ministry of Education, read about the Secondary and Higher Education Department SHED very carefully.
Directorate of Secondary & Higher Education
shed gov bd 2025 Directorate of Secondary & Higher Education is for education purpose based website. This department is headed by a Director General who is responsible for the administration, management, and control of primary, secondary, and higher education, including madrasas and other special forms of education. It is supported by sub-ordinate offices located at division and district levels along with project offices at Upazilas.
- Bangladesh National Commission for UNESCO (BNCU)
- Chief Accounts Office (CAO)
- National Academy for Educational Management (NAEM)
- National Curriculum and Textbook Board (NCTB)
- The Bangladesh Bureau of Education Information and Statistics (BANBASE)
- Directorate of Inspection and Audit (DIA)
- University Grants Commission (UGC)
- Board of Education
- Private Teacher Registration and Certification Authority (NTRCA)
shed gov bd 2025 Directorate of Secondary & Higher Education Is for secondary and higher education this post we shared details thing about this website and their work. so if you want any kind of work to do through this website then you can follow and read all the details about this department and you will find the solution.