Litchi is known to all of us as a delicious and nutritious fruit. It is native to the tropics of southeastern China’s Guangdong and Fujian provinces. And it has been cultivated there since the 11th century.
China is the major litchi producing country, followed by India, other countries in Southeast Asia, the Indian subcontinent, Madagascar and South Africa. The litchi tree is a tall evergreen tree. This tree bears small fruits with succulent shells. The outer surface of the fruit is uneven and reddish pink; Which cannot be eaten. Inside the cover is a succulent juicy shell. It is served with a variety of desserts.
Litchi seeds contain methylene cyclopropyl glycine which can cause hypoglycemia. This causes hypoglycemia, a predominant form of encephalopathy, in malnourished Indian or Vietnamese children who eat litchi, which affects the brain and impairs its function. There are also instances of their deaths due to this.
Litchi cultivation
Litchi is widely grown in southern China, Taiwan, Vietnam and other tropical regions of Southeast Asia, the Indian subcontinent and many other tropical countries. Because of the frost-free tropical climate and temperature of 84 ° C for litchi production. An environment that does not exist below this is required. Therefore litchi plant production requires high summer heat, rainfall, humidity rich climate.
There are about 200 varieties of litchi. And there are varieties that grow slowly and mature in cold and hot climates, respectively. However, only 6 varieties are cultivated commercially in China. Therefore, litchi trees are also planted as a beautifying and fruitful tree. The pen is also made by cutting the bark of the mature twigs of litchi tree and covering the thorny place with planting medium and wrapping it with polythene leaving the root out.
If some of the branches of the trees from which litchi does not yield good yields are cut off, they will produce more fruit. And litchi is usually sold fresh in Asian markets. Also, when refrigerated, the red coating turns brown but does not change the taste. Moreover, it is bottled and sold throughout the year. This is because when it is dried with the peel, the inner shell of the fruit becomes compressed and thickened.
Litchi variety
At present there are many varieties of litchi. So there can be considerable confusion in naming and identifying them. Because if the fruits of the same variety grow in different environments, there can be many differences between them. So the names of the species may be different in different parts of the world. In Southeast Asian countries, including Australia, the Chinese name is used for the main species.
More than a dozen varieties of litchi are cultivated in India. Apart from the “Grof” variety, other varieties grown in the United States are imported from China. However, the “Grof” variety has been developed in the US state of Hawaii. And many varieties of litchi are famous based on the region and country of production.
China’s famous litchi variety
Saniyehong, Baitanjing, Bayla, Shuidong, Fijixiao, Daozhou, Hye, Numiki, Guii, Huazhi, Lanzhou and Chenji. The most famous breed in Vietnam is Brother Thieu Hai Duong. Production is based on a number of farms in the United States, including Mauritius, Brewster and Hawk IP. More than a dozen varieties are cultivated in India, including Shahi, Dehra Dun, Early Large Red, Kalkatia, Rose-perfume.
Nutrition of litchi
Raw litchi shells contain 72% water, 18% sugar, 1% meat and a little fat. Raw litchi shells are rich in vitamin C; 81 mg per 100 gm which is 8% of daily requirement. But there is no significant amount of other nutrients.
Litchi is a very tasty and nutritious fruit. And the demand for litchi is much higher in Bangladesh. Due to this, litchi is also cultivated in Bangladesh at present. However, this litchi is not cultivated in all regions of Bangladesh. So the price of litchi in Bangladesh market is a bit wide at present. We need to keep details about this fruit.