Janata & Rupali Bank Officer General Exam Question Solution 2019

JBL & RBL Exam Question Solution, Janata & Rupali Bank Officer General Exam Question Solution 2019, Janata Bank Officer Exam Question Solution, Rupali Bank Officer Exam Question Solution, Bangladesh Bank Exam Question Solution, Combined 7 Bank Officer (General) Exam Question Solution, Question Solution of Rupali and Janata Bank Officer Exam 2019, Rupali and Janata Bank Officer Question Solution Under Combined 7 Bank Officer, Rupali and Janata Bank Limited. জনতা ব্যাংক ও রূপালী ব্যাংক অফিসার সাধারণ পদে পরীক্ষার প্রশ্ন সমাধান, জনতা ব্যাংক অফিসার পদে চাকরির পরীক্ষা প্রশ্ন সমাধান, রূপালী ব্যাংক অফিসার পদে চাকরির পরীক্ষা প্রশ্ন সমাধান, বাংলাদেশ ব্যাংক চাকরির পরীক্ষা প্রশ্ন সমাধান।


Janata & Rupali Bank Officer Exam Question Solution 2019 has been published. Today 13 December 2019 is held Janata and Rupali Bank Officer Examination. Total 889 vacancy in JBL & RBL Officer Job circular. But a large number of candidate apply this job. It is a Combined  Bank examination. Total 7 combined bank are include in this job circular. As like, Sonali Bank Ltd, Bangladesh Development Bank Ltd, Bangladesh Krishi Bank, Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank, Investment Corporation of Bangladesh, Rupali Bank Limited, Janata Bank Limited. The post name of 7 combined bank is officer general number of total vacancy is 3463 post. Already 5 bank examination had held in 2574 post. By the way, today held Janata Bank Officer exam in 199 vacancy. And also held Rupali Bank Exam in 699 vacancy.


JBL & RBL Officer Exam Question Solution 2019

Rupali and Janata Bank Officer Exam MCQ Question Solution 2019 from below. You can solve all question answer too easily. If you face any problem then please comment us.

Solutions By #JobsTestBD

English Question Solutions

Fill in the blank with the correct option. (1-4)

1. Voting took place peacefully —— most of the country. – across

2. You of the —– look after your old and sick parents. – Ought to

3. He has sent his books to —— publishing companies. – A few

4. Politicians make many promises, but very —– of them are implemented. – Few

Read the following sentences and select the option that correct the underlined section. (5-8)

5. Unlike most liquids, which contract when they solidify, water expands by nine percentage when it freezes. – percentage

6. Most fatty acids have been find as essential components of lipid molecules. – Find

7. Vitamin K providing the necessary impetus for the synthesis of at least two proteins involved in blood clotting. – Providing

8. The amount of red meat needed to provision sufficient protein for maintaining good health is estimated at less than four ounces per day. – to provision

In each of the following questions,find the correctly spelt word:

9. Apprentice

10. Etiquette

11. Equanimity

12. Hindrance

Select the pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair.

13. Odometer:Distance – Scale:Weight

14. Album:Photographs – Shelf:Books

15. Conductor:Orchestra – Skipper:Crew

16. Slapstick:Laughter – Horror:Fear

Bangla Question Solution

১৭. বিলাতি>বিলিতি কিসের উদাহরণ? – মধ্যগত ( অন্যান্য স্বরধ্বনির প্রভাবে মধ্যবর্তী স্বরধ্বনি পরিবর্তিত হলে, তাকে মধ্যগত স্বরসঙ্গতি বলে।)

১৮. মধ্য স্বরাগম এর অপর নাম কি? – বিপ্রকর্ষ ( এর আরো একটি নাম স্বরভক্তি। যেমন ধর্ম˃ ধরম, স্বপ্ন˃ স্বপন, হর্ষ˃ হরষ, প্রীতি˃ পিরীতি, ক্লিপ˃ কিলিপ, ফিল্ম˃ ফিলিম, মুক্তা˃ মুকুতা, তুর্ক˃ তুরুক, ভ্রু˃ ভুরু, গ্রাম˃ গেরাম, প্রেক˃ পেরেক, স্রেফ˃ সেরেফ, শ্লোক˃ শোলোক, মুরগ˃ মুরোগ˃ মোরোগ )

১৯. কোন বানানটি শুদ্ধ? – কণ্টক

২০. ‘জগজ্জীবন’ শব্দটি সন্ধির কোন নিয়ম অনুসারে হয়েছে? – ৎ /ত+জ

২১. গবেষণা শব্দের সন্ধি বিচ্ছেদ? – গো + এষণা

২২. কোনটির শেষে স্ত্রীবাচক শব্দ যোগ করে লিঙ্গান্তর করতে হয়? – গয়লা ( গয়লা বউ)

২৩. কোনটি মুন্ডারী ভাষা থেকে আগত? – চুলা

২৪. বিজ্ঞান শব্দের জ্ঞ কোন বর্ণের সমষ্টি? – জ্ + ঞ

২৫. রফতানি কোন ভাষার শব্দ? – ফারসি

২৬. কোনটি পারিভাষিক শব্দ? – বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়

২৭. ণত্ব ও ষত্ব বিধান বাংলা ব্যাকরণের কোন অংশে আলোচিত হয়? – ধ্বনিতত্ত্ব

২৮. দ্বিতীয়বার ব্যবহারের সময় ব্যঞ্জন ধ্বনির পরিবর্তন দ্বারা কোন শব্দটি গঠিত হয়েছে? – ছটফট

২৯. কোনটি যুগ্ম রীতিতে দ্বিরুক্ত? – টুপটাপ

৩০. ‘উদ্বেল’ শব্দটি কোন অর্থে অব্যয়ীভাব সমাস হয়েছে? – অতিক্রম অর্থে

৩১. ফুলে ফুলে ঘর ভরেছে কোন কারকে কোন বিভক্তি? – করণে ৭মী

৩২. প্রবেশ করার ইচ্ছা এক কথায় কি বলে? – বিবিক্ষা (আর বিবক্ষা- বলবার ইচ্ছা।)


Math Question SolutionMath

55. 8 years ago, the ratio of A’s age to B’s age was 4:5. At present the ratio of B’s age to C’s age is 4:5, At present, the difference between A’s age and C’s age is 20 years, then what is the sum of the ages of A,B and C? – 148 years

56. There is a group of 5 men, 6 women and 8 children, 1 man, 1 woman and one child are going to be selected to play a game. In how many ways can the selection be done? – 240 ways

Computer Question Solution

57. Which file starts MS Word? – Winword.exe


58. Which of the following is not available on the Ruler of MS Word screen? – Center Indent

59. Which of the following is not a valid data type in Excel? – Character

60. Which of the following section does not exist in a slide layout? – Animations

61. Which of the following are loaded in safe mode? – All of above

62. A Microsoft Windows is a /an? – Operating system

63.. The Banker’s algorithm is used? – to prevent deadlock

64. Which of the following is not an essential component to perform a mail merge operation? – Word fields

GK Question Solution

65. Which country from the below not the member of UNO? – Vatican City

66. OIC changed its name from Organisation of the Islamic Conference to Organisation of Islamic Cooperation in _________. – 2011

67. Instrument used for measuring very high temperature is ______? – Pyrometers

68. Over 10 of bangladesh is on average what height above sea level? – 10 Meters

69. How many people have been awarded The Bir Uttom for their bravery dedication in the Liberation war in 1971? – 69

70. The most abundant element in the earth’s crust is Oxygen. The second most abundant element in the earth’s crust is – Silicon (27.7%) (Oxygen: 46.6%)

71. The branch of economics concerned with overall performance of the economy is known as? – Macroeconomics

72. The smallest sea in the world? – Baltic Sea
73. Which of the following gases has an important role in maintaining atmospheric temperature? – Carbon dioxide
74. The science dealing with study of soil is known as? – Pedology

75. Which country is called ‘land of thousand islands’? – Indonesia

76. Gravity setting chambers are used in industries to remove? – suspended particulate matter

77. Hygrometer is used to measure? – Relative Humidity

78. Joko Widodo has been re-elected as the president of which nation? – Indonesia

79. The world’s first underground railway was built in? – London

80. The 2020 Olympics will be held in? – Tokyo

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Rupali and Janata Bank Job Examination

Today held Rupali Bank and Janata Bank Job Exam. A huge number of candidate attend this examination. It is a MCQ exam. The number of MCQ Test is 100. Their have 100 MCQ and per question mark is 1. The passing number of RBL & JBL exam is minimum 50%. If you want to select for viva then you must be a good exam. By the way all the best.

Janata Bank and Rupali Bank Officer Exam Seat Plan


However, In this article we discuss about Janata Bank and Rupali Bank Job Exam Question Solution 2019. If you  apply this job then you can see you exam question paper solution. Here RBL and JBL Job Exam in Officer Post Question Solve is available. Read the whole article until finish. I think you will understand what I say. newresultbd is an educational website. Here Question solution is one of the most importantly think. We try to solve all question paper 100% correct. Because every one want to right answer. Our expect always try to give right answer. Every Friday held a huge number of job examination. We solve all job examination question answer as soon as possible. So, today we solve Janata & Rupali Bank Officer Exam question paper. So let’s go to see the solution.

The End

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