Jahangirnagar University JU Admission 2020-2021 date and notification has been published. This post will discuss Jahangirnagar University JU Admission, Admit Card Download, Exam Date, and Seat Plan its details.
Jahangirnagar University JU Admission Test 2020-2021 Application started some time ago and ended recently. So students are interested in downloading the admit card. Jahangirnagar University JU Admit Card can be downloaded through their own web site https://juniv-admission.org/. However, there are some specific policies and rules for downloading admit cards. We will discuss them.
After downloading the admit card, Jahangirnagar University JU admission candidates suffer from uncertainty about the 2020-21 seat plan. Different questions are created in their minds. Today’s post is for those who do not have the right information about Seat plan. Here we will discuss in detail about the seat plan.
Exam date is an important part of the exam. Jahangirnagar University Admission Test 2020-21 is no exception. It is not possible to participate in the exam if the exam date is announced. Exam date must be known in case of every admission test. But the exam dates of all the exams including Jahangirnagar University Admission Test are usually changed from time to time. So you need to stay updated about exam dates regularly.
Jahangirnagar University JU Admit Card Download 2020-21
If you want to download Jahangirnagar University JU Admission Test Admit Card, first you need to upload your signature and color photo. If you want to download Jahangirnagar University Admission Admit Card, follow the steps below.
Upload photo and signature:
1) The applicant can go to his / her profile by clicking on the “Upload Photo” and “Upload Signature” options, respectively. Size not more than 60 KB) Scan and upload in .jpg or .jpeg format.
2)While downloading the unit based entry form, the applicant will find the option to upload the picture and signature on the left side of the screen displayed by “login” on juniv-admission.org website. You can also upload the applicant’s photo and signature by clicking on the unit based “Download Admit Card” button.
Admit Card download:
The applicant will see the “Download Admit Card” option for each unit separately in his profile. This option will remain inactive until the university announces the download schedule. Next, at the specified time, by clicking on the unit based “Download Admit Card” button, you will have to download the admission form by uploading the photo and signature of the applicant and print it and keep it in your collection.
1) If you have applied in more than one unit, you have to collect Admit Card for other units as per the above rules.
2)Admit Card have to be downloaded separately for each unit.
Special Note:
Note that only the verified mobile is available for communication with the applicant at the university. SMS related to all types of admission test will be provided from “JUniv Admsn”. As well as “juniv_admission@juniv.edu” e-mail notification will be sent from the email address. In addition, if you want to contact the help center, an applicant can send a message to “juniv.admsn.help@juniv.edu” in addition to the emergency number.
Jahangirnagar University JU Admission Test Seat Plan 2020-21
The date of the examination, time, name of the building, room number etc. along with the information of the seat plan and admission test results will be communicated via SMS to the mobile number of the applicant. This information can also be found from juniv-admission.org.
The seat plan of Jahangirnagar University JU Admission Candidates was released a week before the examination. Students should be aware of the seat plan. Seat plan for Admission Student 2020-21 will be published here https://juniv-admission.org/. Call 01324179774 to 01324179781 to get emergency help about seat plan between 10am to 7pm. Students of Jahangirnagar University will be informed about the location of the exam through sms on each mobile number. Through sms unit-A ,, unit-B ,, unit-C, unit-D, unit-F, unit-G, unit-H, unit-I can all know.
JU Admission 2020-21 Exam Date
Application start date: 20 July 2021
Application end date: 31-07-2021
Last date for extended application: 14-08-2021 (Saturday) till 11.59 pm.
Image Signature Upload: Running
Admit Card Download: Ongoing
Admission Test Date: Details will be informed later Details will be informed later.
Admission test is over: Details will be informed later Details will be informed later.
Source: https://juniv-admission.org/ Jahangirnagar University JU website
JU Admission test rules 2020-21
1. Admission test will be taken in MCQ method. Answer sheets will be evaluated using Optical Mark Reader (OMR) method. The number 0.20 (zero point two zero) can be deducted for each wrong answer.
2. Admission test number and time :.
A) Examinations will be held in all units in MCQ system of 60 marks. Test time 55 minutes. However, 5 minutes will be given separately to complete the OMR.
B) Practical examination No. 20 for Drama and Drama Theory Department and Fine Arts Department in C1 Unit will be taken later.
3. The concerned unit office will publish the results within maximum 3 days after the completion of the admission test. Admission test results will be published on the website (juniv-admission.org) and in the Natish Baird of the unit office. The results will not be published in the newspaper.
4. At the time of admission, the original certificate of the student, Academic Transcript, answer sheet of the admission test, uploaded photo of the student, signature, handwriting etc. will be verified.
5. MCQ exam pass mark for all units is minimum 33%. . Admission test for admission in Mathematics section of Unit is minimum 50% in Mathematics section, Admission for admission in Chemistry section. A minimum of 50% marks in Chemistry and a minimum of 60% marks in Mathematics and Physics in the admission test for admission in Computer Science and Engineering. . Admission test for admission in Bangla section of C unit is minimum 50% in Bengali part and minimum 40% in Erazi part, minimum 50% in English part in admission test for admission in English section, admission in International Relations section. For admission in the Department of Journalism and Media Studies, a minimum of 8 marks out of 10 in the International Affairs section and a minimum of 50% marks in the Bengali and English sections of the admission test for admission in the Department of Journalism and Media Studies. . For admission in the Department of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering of Unit D, a minimum of 50% marks should be obtained separately in the subject part of the admission test. 9. For admission in the law and justice department of F unit, minimum 10 marks should be obtained separately in Bengali and English part of the admission test.
10. At the bottom of the OMR sheet (answer sheet) in the prescribed space, a Bengali and an English sentence should be written as per the instructions.
11. Question papers for subjects other than Bangla in F and G units will be in English. However in other units only English. Version and A Level / O Level applicants’ question papers will be in English and by their examination unit. Will be held at the scheduled time and place.
12. If special assistance is required for the examination of students with disabilities, consent has to be obtained by applying on a white paper along with the concerned unit head.
13. Admission test answer sheet (OMR sheet) should be written in English number of the admission test rail number and other cells and the circle should be filled accordingly.
Distribution of JU admission test numbers of different units
1. Unit A (Faculty of Mathematics and Physics):
Mathematics 22, Physics 22, Chemistry 22, Bengali 3, English 3 and Intelligence (Science) 6 marks.
2. Unit B (Faculty of Sociology):
Bengali 10, English 15, Mathematics 15, General Knowledge 25 and Intelligence 15.
3. A) C Unit (Faculty of Arts and Humanities: Excluding Drama and Drama Theory and Fine Arts Depa
Bengali 15, English 15 and other subjects related to the faculty 50 marks.
B) C1 Unit (Faculty of Arts and Humanities: Department of Drama and Drama Theory and Department of Fine Arts):
Bengali 10, English 10 and subject wise 70 marks.
4. D Unit (Faculty of Biology):
Bengali and English 6, Chemistry 24, Botany 22, Zoology 22 and Intelligence 4.
5. Unit E (Faculty of Business Studies):
Business Education Branch: Bangla 15, English 30, Mathematics 15, Accounting and Business Organization and Management No. 20 Science / Humanities / Equivalent Branch: Bangla 15, English 30, Mathematics 15, General Knowledge No. 20 (Mathematics, Accounting, Business Organization) And Management and General Knowledge Question Paper will be Bangla)
6. F Unit (Faculty of Law):
Bengali 25, English 25 and Recent Topics and Intelligence 30 marks.
7. G Unit (Institute of Business Administration, IBA-JEU):
Bengali 5, English 30, Mathematical Aptitude and IQ 30, Recent and Analytical Subject 15.
8. Unit H (Institute of Information Technology, IIT):
Bengali 5, English 15, Mathematics 40 and Physics 20 marks. 9. Unit I (Bangabandhu Comparative Literature and Culture Institute): Bengali 15, English 15, World Literature 10, General Knowledge 10, Culture 5, Anthropology 5, Archeology 5, Bangabandhu-Liberation War and Bangladesh 10, History-Tradition 5.
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