NU Honours 2nd Year Result is to say that we understand the results of the examination of the Honors second year final exams. Under the National University of Bangladesh, more than 770 college students have done the undergraduate (honor) second-year examination. Those students constantly search online to know about the National University Honours 2nd Year Exam Result Publish Date & information for session 2022–2023, 2023–2024 And Exam Year 2023 or 2024. If you are one of them you have come to the right place. We discuss the topics related to the Second Year Honours Exam Result For National University.
Generally, the National University takes the honors second year final exam of the honours-based colleges across the country. The last Honors Examination began on 1 December of 2022 and ended on February 4, 2023. Its about two-month session delay. But according to the rules, exam complete and results must publish within 2025. However, this is a little session delay, above all this delay is lower compar to the previous. But students do not think so much about them. When the Honours 2nd year exam result will be published? and how to see the Honours 2nd year exam result?, this is the question of everyone now.
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How To Get NU Honours Second Year Exam Result?
Honours result publishes the National University in Bangladesh. All the results of the examination of the National University are available on their official website. Similarly, Honors Result will be found on their site. But there is a chance to see results through mobile SMS. Each year we see the result could get through SMS before displayed on the website. But to get result with a complete mark sheet, you must see result from the website. The methods to get Honours second year exam results is below:
Honours 2nd Year Exam Result With Marksheet Through Internet
We created an option to get Honours H2 Result from directly our website. I hope you can get Honours 2nd year exam result without getting any server down & captcha loading problem.
- Method to get NU Honours 2nd year result from official website
- Open National University’s Official result page:
- Toggle Honours tab and click on 2nd Year text.
- Type Your Exam. Roll:, Registration:, Exam Year, Solve Captcha & Search Result.
- If all information were correct then you could get your result.
- Print out mark sheet for further purpose.
Honours 2nd Year Exam Result Through SMS
To get Honours second year exam result through mobile SMS, send an SMS to 1622 and the format is below:
NU <space> H2 <space> Roll / Registration No. and send to 16222
Example: NU H2 123456
Here “NU” means “National University”, “H2” means “Honours Second”.
What Is The Second Year Exam Result 2025 Publish Date?
The Exam Start:
Exam End:
Result Publish Date: 3 March 2025
Honours Second Year Exam Result: No specific date has not published from the National University about the result. The result publish expected date is mid of March 2025. If officially set the date for Honours Second year result publication, then we will update here. Now you have some questions in mind- The NU Honours 2nd year test finished a long time ago. On other hand, still not showing the test result? OK! Let’s see if this answer is available!
Results will display in maximum 60 to 90 days after the test, according to the rules. Calculate of today’s day, a few days have passed since the end of the examination. That means the result will publish very soon. Hopefully this result will publish in this month. The expected time may be in 2025.
Now let’s find out why the delay in result publication. Firstly, after exam, all the papers were sent at the head office of the National University. Then the teachers were divided to verify the papers. Then the evaluation of the revised papers is again sent to the National University office. Then they are redistributed again if they need to be re-verified. This is how it takes a long time. Also, it takes too long to save all results in a computer database. Above all, the result is finally publishes. It will take a while to get the results out.