Happy Saint Anthony Feast Day 2023 – Wishes, Quotes & Images

Happy Saint Anthony Feast Day 2025 – Wishes, Quotes & Images are available here. Then we’re talking about St. Anthony. People observe this day on 13 June every time. He was a Portuguese unqualified clerk who left them in 1231. They appreciate and believe in their work and ask to supplicate for them. Saint Anthony is the saint of their children, the saint of Portugal and of those who have lost effects. Saint Anthony, the patron saint of lost effects, is celebrated annually on June 13. As we enter 2025, people are starting to ask themselves what St. Anthony has in store for us.

Happy St. Anthony’s Feast Day

The Saint Anthony of Padua vacation is always celebrated on June 13. It’s the feast day of Saint Anthony and commemorates his death in 1231. As per former times, Happy St. Anthony Feast Day is going to be celebrated in 2025 as well. Saint Anthony is a Portuguese saint. Different people have different ideas about St. Anthony. still, he was born in 1195, but people believe in a new Saint Anthony 2025. The new saint is honored by the Catholic Church in 2025.

Happy St. Anthony’s Feast Day

” How great is the mercy of God! How great is the quality of the contrite! He who lives eternally lives in a humble heart and a penitent spirit! It’s the mark of a truly penitent heart that it humbles itself in all effects, considering itself nothing further than a dead canine and a bare cover ”

“ Father, in your verity( that is, in your Son, humble, indigent and homeless) you lowered me. He was humble in the womb of the Abecedarian, indigent in the sheepfold and homeless on the wood of the cross. Nothing humbles the proud wrongdoer like the modesty of the humanity of Jesus Christ ”

” In the face of the soul is reflected the knowledge of God he shall see God as he is, and he shall know that he’s known.”

“ Look at the rainbow that is, consider the beauty, godliness, and quality of the blessed Mary And bless his Son with heart, face, and deed, Who made him therefore. In the brilliance of her godliness, she’s veritably beautiful, beyond all the daughters of God. He encircles the welkin within the circle of his glory, his noble humanity( that is, he encloses the divinity) ”

“ Do you want to always have God in your mind? Be as He made you. Do not go looking for another” you”. Do not make yourself different than He made you. also you’ll always have God in your mind ”

” The Lord breathes the breath of life, guilt of heart, into the mouth of the soul when He impresses upon it His own image and likeness, which has been defiled by sin, and makes it new.”

” The life of the body is the spirit, the life of the spirit is Christ.”

Happy Saint Anthony Quotes

” How great is the mercy of God! How great is the quality of the contrite! He who lives eternally lives in a humble heart and a penitent spirit! It’s the mark of a truly penitent heart that it humbles itself in all effects, considering itself nothing further than a dead canine and a bare cover ”

“ Father, in your verity( that is, in your Son, humble, indigent and homeless) you lowered me. He was humble in the womb of the Abecedarian, indigent in the sheepfold and homeless on the wood of the cross. Nothing humbles the proud wrongdoer like the modesty of the humanity of Jesus Christ ”

” In the face of the soul is reflected the knowledge of God he shall see God as he is, and he shall know that he’s known.”

“ Look at the rainbow that is, consider the beauty, godliness, and quality of the blessed Mary And bless his Son with heart, face, and deed, Who made him therefore. In the brilliance of her godliness, she’s veritably beautiful, beyond all the daughters of God. He encircles the welkin within the circle of his glory, his noble humanity( that is, he encloses the divinity) ”

“ Do you want to always have God in your mind? Be as He made you. Do not go looking for another” you”. Do not make yourself different than He made you. also you’ll always have God in your mind ”

” The Lord breathes the breath of life, guilt of heart, into the mouth of the soul when He impresses upon it His own image and likeness, which has been defiled by sin, and makes it new.”

” The life of the body is the spirit, the life of the spirit is Christ.”

“ Alas, alas! The release of the captures, he was locked . He who’s the glory of the angels, is mocked. Everyone’s God is scourged. The pristine glass of eternal light wrangle out. mortal life is killed. What differently is left for us poor wretches but to go and die with him? Lord Jesus, pull us out of the mire by the hook of your cross That we may run, not to your agreeableness, but to the bitterness of your heartstrings ”


Happy St. Anthony’s 2025 has a lot to offer There are great effects in store for the megacity and the people ofSt. Anthony will be suitable to enjoy them