DMLC Exam Result 2020 PDF Download From and also our website. Recently Department of Military Lands and Cantonments has been publish DMLC Job Result 2020 on their official website. So we talk about how to download DMLC Exam Result 2020. DMLC jobs are very attractive to everyone 10 October 2020 held DMLC Job Exam Result. Which post name is Junior Teacher. A large number of candidate participate in this examination. After they successfully complete their written exam they are eagerly waiting for their result. Due to the large number of candidates, it took some time for this organization to give results. However finally Military Lands and Cantonments announce the result. In addition DMLC publish the viva date & time. Now DMLC Result is ready for download. If you are attend in this exam then you can easily get your result. So let’s check.
[Tapos]DMLC Job Info
DMLC the full meaning is Department of Military Lands and Cantonments. Department of Military Lands and Cantonments is a Bangladesh government department responsible for managing the military cantonment land. Their have 15 Cantonments board in Bangladesh. For example Dhaka, Comilla, Savar, Chittagong, Jessore, Bogra, Gazipur, Rangpur, Saidpur, Rajshahi, Qadirabad, Jahanabad, Jalalabad, Mymensingh, Shahid, Salahuddin Cantonment. So they need more manpower for their services. In this case they publish a new job circular on their site. After heard this news all of Bangladeshi job seeker are very happy. They are planning for online application. A huge number of candidate complete DMLC online application. Now they are waiting for exam date and time. At least Cantonment Board arrange the exam. 09 October 2020 held the exam. The exam Total marks is 100. Bangla, English, Mathematics and General Knowledge subject are included in this exam. It is a written exam. Now result time.
DMLC Exam Info
Authority: Department of Military Lands and Cantonments
Bengali: সামরিক ভূমি ও ক্যান্টনমেন্ট অধিদপ্তর
Post Name: Junior Teacher
Vacancy: 23
Exam Date: 09 October 2020
Marks: 100
Subject: Bangla, English, Math, General Knowledge
Exam Taken By: IBA
Result Publish Date: 15 October 2020
Viva Date: 18 and 19 October 2020
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How to download DMLC Exam Result 2020?
The DMLC Job Result download process is too easy. We given you the shortcut method in this article. Without any problem you can get your result just one click. So follow your instruction and get your result. Below we share the downloading method.
- Firstly going DMLC official website page. It is
- Then click on the notice board option from the menu bar.
- After you can see the list in the notice board.
- What you get in the first line is your desired thing.
- Download the result by one click.
- The DMLC result you get it as a PDF file.
- If you have install adobe reader then you can see the result otherwise you can’t.
- Now find your result by exam roll number which you given in the admit card.
- If you found your roll number then good. Otherwise Don’t get in trouble.
- Finally you can print your result. In addition prepare yourself for viva exam.
DMLC Exam Result 2020
Are you looking for Department of Military Lands and Cantonments Result then you are in the right way. Here we upload the DMLC Exam Result as a JPEG image file. So everyone can download it by any device. For download you have connection internet. After click on the right button in the image and you can see the save option. Save the file in your device after check your result by roll number. By downloading DMLC Exam Result 2020 If you face any issue then notice us we solve your problem as fast as possible.
[Tapos]DMLC Viva Preparation
Viva exam is the last stage in the job. It is part of job. Viva is one of the most important for candidates. Candidates are finally selected through oral examination. Oral exams are scary to many. Many people are afraid to answer the wrong questions. In addition they do not know what to do. And finally they lost the job. But we say don’t be afraid. Prepare yourself for viva exam. Read Viva preparation book. You can follow the previous year question. In addition you can watch viva video in the Youtube. Always think that no one knows what you know. One should think remember it is just a formula.
Everyone need government job. But due to the large number of people in Bangladesh, there is not enough employment. So try to do something yourself instead of sitting around hoping for a job. No task is small. Work with dignity, live with pride. Finally follow our website regularly for update news. In addition thank you for reading my article.