CUET Admission Test Result 2019

CUET Admission Result 2019 is ready to publish. In the case of CUET result, the official site is On the other hand we also provide the CUET Admission Exam Result in our website ( So if you are a candidate of Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology admission, then we provide you the CUET Admission test result 2019-20.


This is basically a post of CUET admission result. But in addition to discussing the CUET results, I will talk more about this. Because many candidates are confused when they try to see the results. So in this discussion I’m going to discuss mainly when and how to see the CUET admission result 2019-20. Also, related information about CUET exam, test number, eligible list, number of seats, what to do after result, etc.


So if you want to check only result of Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology along with all other information, then read this article fully.

CUET Admission Exam

CUET admission test is the only one way to enter the engineering studies in the Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology. So Authority wants to get the best meritorious students for their university. For this they select students for admit by admission test. In this case, CUET was taken the admission test 2019-20 on 12th October 2019. This year a total 10972 students took part in this exam. CUET takes two types of exam for Engineering department.


In this, one is A / Ka group & another is B / Kha group. A group is for most of the departments named Engineering Departments And City & Territory Planning Departments. Opposite, B group is Engineering Departments, Urban & Area Planning Departments and Architecture Departments.

CUET Admission Exam Mark Distribution

As the CUET takes written exam in admission. So, the marks of the written test of the two groups are the same like- Mathematics 200, Physics Science 200 and Chemistry 200, but only Group B has a separate 400 marks free hand drawing exam. This is why a small number of candidates in Group B give the test. Because there are drawing tests in Group B, only those who can do very good drawing will take the test.


CUET Department Wise Seats

Dept. of Electrical & Electronics Engineering 180
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering 180
Dept. of Civil Engineering 130
Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering 130
Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering 60
Dept. of Water Resources Engineering 30
Dept. of Petroleum & Mining Engineering 30
Dept. of Mechatronics and Industrial Engineering 30
Dept. of Urban & Regional Planning 30
Dept. of Architecture 30
Biomedical Engineering 30
Materials Science And Engineering 30

CUET Admission Result

Actually, the most expected thing for each examiners is the result of that test. In this case there is no exception. The CUET admission examiners are eagerly waiting to get their result of CUET. So, the candidates are being informed that the CUET result will be released on 27th October, 2019. Now the burning question is how you get the result? Don’t Worry! To get the CUET Admission exam result, follow our instruction below.


In order to get CUET exam result, firstly visit the official website link by clicking on

Then, you will see an option to get the results if the result publish. Though we will linked all result pdf file here after the result publish.


After that, click on the Ka Group result or Kha group result, the one you want to get.

That’s It… 🙂 Finally you get your result of CUET admission test 2019-20 session 1st year Honours / Undergraduate course.

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What To Do After CUET Result?

After the CUET admission exam result publish, if you select for admission then fill up your application in time. Firstly read the admission notice & prospectus carefully. Then get ready oll of required documents before interview. If you have any option to migrate and if you want to migration then must include migration option while final admission application. Opposite, if you do not want to do migration, you are happy with your current subject then do not include migration tik while application. Follow every day the official website to get all updates about your admission. The official website is for CUET Admission is

Last Word

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