Education is the foundation of every society, and ensuring that every individual has equal access is crucial. Unfortunately, financial constraints often pose a significant barrier to access to quality education, especially for students from disadvantaged backgrounds. Government of Bangladesh has recognized this problem and has taken a commendable step by announcing Student Financial Grants 2023. The grant aims to provide financial support to educational institutions, teachers and students to improve education and ensure equity.
Arthik Onudan Application Date and Time
The application process for Student Financial Grants 2023 is straightforward, and all eligible students can apply online between February 5, 2023 and February 28, 2023.
Financial Grants Online Application Process
Whether you are a student, employee, unemployed or disabled at any stage, you can apply for a financial grant if you have a valid reason. In this case you should first see if you have financial aid options according to your situation and your position. Click here to see if the application you need is available .
The link contains all applicable list of all “Financial Grants”. Hope you got your required and suitable financial grant application link. We are here discussing the procedure to apply by selecting the “Student Financial Grants (Secondary & Higher Education Department)” category. However, you can also apply for other financial applications in the same manner.
In this case, mandatory fields marked with a red star in the online application form and other fields are optional applicants can save a draft application and resume it later. After submission, each application will receive a unique tracking number that applicants can use to track their progress.
However, after entering the “Student Financial Grants (Secondary & Higher Education Department)” application link there will be some instructions and apply button. Clicking on “Apply” button will ask you to login. If you have a account then login, if not then register.
- To create a new MyGov.BD account, you need to provide the mobile number you use, if it is, you can provide the email.
- Now an OTP (one time password) code will be sent to your mobile number which you must provide. You will then be asked to enter a password that is 8 characters or longer. Complete account registration with password.
- Then complete the profile by logging into with your mobile number and password. Enter your date of birth and ID card number and click on the update button to see your personal information including your photo. Update all the information you can provide there. Then your account is ready.
- After account in you need to go back to your application page. So click here to access the financial grant applications link . Go to your applicable application page and click on the “Apply” button. For example we will apply “Student Financial Grant (Secondary and Higher Education Department)”.
- Now the application form of the financial grant we want to apply for will come, all the fields containing (*) must be filled. But if you can fill all other fields also do it.
- Fill all the information and upload the necessary attachments. Note here that the file size of each attachment should be within 1 MB. Complete your financial grant application by filling the application form correctly and uploading the required attachments and clicking on the “Apply” button.
The grants are open to all recognized private and public educational institutions, faculty and staff of private general education institutions and students of public and private educational institutions. The grant covers various expenses like repair and renovation of educational institutions, procurement of furniture and sports equipment and development of disability-friendly library. Additionally, teachers and staff can apply for allowances for chronic diseases and natural accidents, while students can apply for medical, natural accidents and educational expenses.
The government has ensured that distribution of grants is fair and prioritizes backward areas and good quality education. For students, preference is given to poor, handicapped, destitute, sick, underprivileged, talented and people from backward communities. The financial grant application process is completely online, and no hard copies will be accepted. The allotted money will be paid into the bank account of the educational institution through mobile banking or postal department digital transaction.
Student Financial Grant 2023 is a significant step towards promoting and ensuring equity in education, especially for those facing financial constraints. These grants will help institutions to get better infrastructure, medical facilities for teachers and education and health care for students. The government’s efforts to improve education will go a long way in building a better future for the country.
In conclusion, Student Financial Grant 2023 is a beacon of hope for students and educational institutions facing financial constraints. Grants will empower education and promote equity by ensuring that quality education is accessible to all. The government’s efforts in promoting education are commendable and will undoubtedly contribute to the progress of the country. All eligible entities are encouraged to apply for grants and help shape a better future for the nation.