Water Pump Price in Bangladesh

Water pumps are used to move water from a source, such as a well or river, to an area where it is needed, such as a house or factory. Water pumps can be either internal-combustion or electric. Internal-combustion water pumps use gasoline, diesel oil, or other fuels to turn a shaft that rotates the pump’s impeller. Electric water pumps use electricity to turn the pump’s impeller. In this post, we’ll publish the article on water pump price in Bangladesh.


In order to keep your home or business well-hydrated, a water pump is essential. Depending on the model, water pumps can be simple manual devices or electrically operated motors. There are a variety of types and sizes of water pumps, so it’s important to choose the right one for your needs.

Why Water Pump is Important for Home


If you’re like most people, you take for granted the water pump in your house. You turn it on when you need water, and turn it off when you’re done. But a water pump is an important part of your home’s infrastructure.

A water pump pulls water from a well or reservoir and sends it through pipes to your home. It’s responsible for moving water to your faucet and toilet. A properly functioning water pump can save you money on your utilities bill.


Your home’s plumbing depends on a good water pump. If the pump fails, your plumbing will also fail. Replace that old, worn-out water pump with a new one and enjoy savings on your utility bill every month! on our last post, we discuss about x corolla car price in Bangladesh, you may read it.

How To Choose the Perfect Water Pump

Water pumps are an essential part of any landscape. It is important to choose the right pump for your specific needs in order to keep your lawn green and healthy. Here are some tips to help you choose the perfect water pump for your home.


When looking for the perfect water pump, it is important to consider a variety of factors. These include the size of the pump, how often it will be used, and the type of water source. Each pump has its own specific features that should be considered before making a purchase. Here are some tips to help choose the right water pump:

  • First, identify what type of water pump you need. There are two main types of water pumps, internal combustion engines and electric motors.
  • Next, consider what size water pump you need. You will need a pump with the capacity to handle the flow of water required by your landscape.
  • Finally, decide on the features that you want in a water pump. Some common features include horsepower, discharge rate, and noise levels.

Water Pump Price in Bangladesh Today [datetoday]

Water pump prices in Bangladesh depend on the type of pump, the brand, and the size. A three-stage water pump with a capacity of 1,000 liters per hour can cost up to15,000. A four-stage water pump with a capacity of 2,000 liters per hour can cost up to 20,000.

Water Pump Price in Bangladesh Today [datetoday]
Model Price
Johnson Wastewater Transfer Pump for ETP / STP Tk 45,000.00
Walton centrifugal Pump WPXCm25/160A-2.0 Tk 12,500.00
Gazi Peripheral Pumps QB 60-1, QB 80-1 Tk 10,700.00
Walton Submersible Water Pump ​​WP3SDM2.5/20-0.75 Tk 10,700.00
Walton Jet Water Pump WWP-LX-JET60 Tk 4,500.00
Walton Water Pump WWP-HY-05C Tk 2,900.00

Bangladesh is one of the countries most vulnerable to water shortages. The country has an estimated population of 160 million people, and only 4% of the population has access to clean water. This lack of access to safe water causes a number of health problems, including diarrhea, cholera, and typhoid fever. In an effort to combat these issues, the government has started installing water pumps in rural areas.


These pumps provide villagers with clean drinking water and help reduce environmental pollution. Water pump prices vary depending on location and type of pump, but the average price is around 12,000.

বাংলাদেশে পানির পাম্পের দাম Today [datetoday]

বাংলাদেশে পানির পাম্পের দাম নির্ভর করে পাম্পের ধরন, ব্র্যান্ড এবং আকারের উপর। প্রতি ঘন্টায় 1,000 লিটার ক্ষমতা সহ একটি তিন-পর্যায়ের জলের পাম্পের দাম 15,000 পর্যন্ত হতে পারে। প্রতি ঘন্টায় 2,000 লিটার ক্ষমতা সহ একটি চার-পর্যায়ের জলের পাম্পের জন্য 20,000 পর্যন্ত খরচ হতে পারে।


বাংলাদেশ পানি সংকটে সবচেয়ে ঝুঁকিপূর্ণ দেশগুলোর একটি। দেশটির আনুমানিক জনসংখ্যা 160 মিলিয়ন, এবং জনসংখ্যার মাত্র 4% বিশুদ্ধ পানির অ্যাক্সেস রয়েছে। নিরাপদ পানির এই অভাবের কারণে ডায়রিয়া, কলেরা এবং টাইফয়েড জ্বর সহ বেশ কয়েকটি স্বাস্থ্য সমস্যা দেখা দেয়। এই সমস্যাগুলি মোকাবেলার প্রয়াসে, সরকার গ্রামীণ এলাকায় জলের পাম্প স্থাপন শুরু করেছে।


এই পাম্পগুলি গ্রামবাসীদের বিশুদ্ধ পানীয় জল সরবরাহ করে এবং পরিবেশ দূষণ কমাতে সাহায্য করে। অবস্থান এবং পাম্পের প্রকারের উপর নির্ভর করে জলের পাম্পের দাম পরিবর্তিত হয়, তবে গড় মূল্য প্রায় 12,000।

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