TVS 125 Price in Bangladesh

TVS, a leading manufacturer of motorcycles in India, recently introduced its newest bike, the TVS Bike. The new bike is based off the company’s popular Thunderbird model and includes updated features that make it a better choice for riders. TVS offers a variety of options for riders, from the standard Thunderbird to models with more power and features. In this post, we’re going to publish tvs 125 price in Bangladesh.


TVS is a motorcycle manufacturer in India. The company was founded in 1986 by Satish Dhawan and it produces motorcycles under the TVS, Royal Enfield, and Vespa brands. In 2016, TVS produced 1.5 million motorcycles. On our last post, we discuss about xbox game console price in Bangladesh.

TVS Motorcycle is a renowned brand that manufactures high-quality motorcycles. Bike of TVS has a long history of producing motorcycles and offers a wide range of models, including two-wheelers, three-wheelers and four-wheelers. TVS bikes are known for their quality and performance.


Why TVS Bike is Popular In Bangladesh

TVS Bike is popular in Bangladesh because it is affordable, reliable, and easy to ride. As, TVS bikes are known for their reliability and durability, which makes them a popular choice for those who want an easy and affordable way to get around. TVS also offers a variety of models that are perfect for different riders. Whether you’re looking for a beginner’s bike or something more advanced, TVS has the perfect model for you.


Additionally, TVS bikes are available in a range of prices, making them a great option for anyone looking to get into biking. TVS Motorcycle is a famous brand in Bangladesh. So, TVS Bike is one of the most popular motorcycles in Bangladesh. TVS Bike is popular because it’s affordable, reliable, and has a good performance.

Features of TVS 125 Bike in Bangladesh


TVS bikes are very popular in Bangladesh. They come in a variety of models, sizes, and price ranges. Some key features to consider when buying a TVS bike include: The engine size. The 125cc engines are the most common and offer good fuel economy and performance. The frame type. There are two types of frames available on TVS bikes: a cruiser style with a low seat, and a more traditional style with a higher seat.


The suspension system. Most TVS bikes come with either air or coil suspension, both of which offer good ride quality and handling. Choosing the right color scheme. TVS offers several different color schemes to choose from, including bright green, red, white, black, and silver.

TVS 125 Price in Bangladesh Today 10 March 2025


The TVS 125 is a small motorcycle that is popular in Bangladesh. The TVS 125 has a displacement of 125cc and produces 8 horsepower. It has a fuel economy of 32 km/liter, which is good for its class. The TVS 125 costs about 125,000 Taka, which is about $1500.

TVS 125 Price in Bangladesh Today 10 March 2025
Model Price
TVS Raider 125 BDT: 1,44,900

Television set prices in Bangladesh are quite expensive. A basic model of a television set, the TVS 125, retails for around Tk 125,00-130,000. The price of a more advanced model, the TVS 350, is about three times as much at Tk 200,000-210,000.


বাংলাদেশে TVS 125 এর দাম Today 10 March 2025

TVS 125 একটি ছোট মোটরসাইকেল যা বাংলাদেশে জনপ্রিয়। TVS 125 এর 125cc এর স্থানচ্যুতি রয়েছে এবং এটি 8 হর্সপাওয়ার উত্পাদন করে। এটির 32 কিমি/লিটার জ্বালানী অর্থনীতি রয়েছে, যা এর শ্রেণীর জন্য ভাল। TVS 125 এর দাম প্রায় 125,000 টাকা, যা প্রায় $1500।


বাংলাদেশে টেলিভিশন সেটের দাম বেশ ব্যয়বহুল। একটি টেলিভিশন সেটের একটি মৌলিক মডেল, TVS 125, প্রায় 125,00-130,000 টাকায় খুচরা। আরও উন্নত মডেল, TVS 350-এর দাম 200,000-210,000 টাকায় প্রায় তিনগুণ।

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