Top 5 Minecraft 1.20 Update Destinations: Must-Visit Places

Minecraft 1.20, also known as the Trails and Tales update, has introduced a plethora of new content for players to explore. From new biomes to revamped structures, there are plenty of exciting places to visit in this update. Whether you’re starting a new world or continuing with an existing one, here are five of the best places to visit in Minecraft 1.20.

1. Cherry Blossom Groves

One highly anticipated addition in the 1.20 update is the Cherry Blossom Groves biome. This biome had been requested by fans for years, and Mojang finally delivered. Cherry Blossom Groves can be found near large mountain ranges or atop steep cliff systems. Inside, players will discover new cherry tree wood, pink petal flowers, and passive mobs like sheep, pigs, and bees. These biomes are not only visually stunning but also provide a great source of cherry tree wood for building projects.

2. Trail Ruins

While Minecraft 1.20 doesn’t introduce many new structures, it does feature one exciting addition – Trail Ruins. These ruins can be found within jungle and taiga biomes, usually underground. Players may notice a few out-of-place blocks, such as terracotta, marking the location of these ruins. While they may not offer the best loot, Trail Ruins are perfect for players interested in archaeology. These ruins are filled with suspicious gravel blocks that can be brushed to collect items.

3. Warm Ocean Ruins

Ocean Ruins have not seen many changes in recent updates, but the warm-temperature ocean ruins in Minecraft 1.20 now contain suspicious sand blocks. While this may not seem significant, players interested in the update’s archaeology aspect should definitely check out these locations. Brushing the suspicious sand blocks in warm ocean ruins has a chance to drop sniffer eggs. If players want to encounter the Minecraft Mob Vote 2022 winner without commands or Creative Mode, exploring Warm Ocean Ruins is a must.

4. Desert Villages

Though Desert Villages haven’t undergone structural changes in Minecraft 1.20, they now house a new inhabitant – camels. Players can find camels spawning in these villages. While not as fast as horses, camels offer unique advantages. They can be ridden by up to two players simultaneously, and their height prevents certain hostile entities from attacking their riders. Desert Villages are a must-visit for players interested in encountering these new terrestrial mobs.

5. Desert Pyramids

To make Desert Pyramids more realistic, the 1.20 update added suspicious sand to these structures. Much like other suspicious blocks, the ones found in Desert Pyramids can be brushed to collect archaeological items, including pottery sherds, gems, and standard materials. Some Desert Pyramids even generate with hidden rooms containing suspicious sand blocks to brush. These pyramids are essential for players looking to indulge their curiosity in ancient items.

In conclusion, Minecraft 1.20 brings a host of exciting new locations for players to explore. From Cherry Blossom Groves to Desert Pyramids, there is something for everyone in this update. Whether you’re interested in new biomes, structures, or mobs, be sure to prioritize these five places when venturing into Minecraft 1.20. Happy exploring!