One type of fruit is apple. Apples are popular for their sweet taste. That is why apples are cultivated all over the world. However, the most cultivated species is the genus Malus. Central Asia is considered to be the place of origin of apples. Its former wild species, the Malus severusi, can still be seen here.
Apple has been cultivated throughout Asia and Europe for thousands of years, and it was introduced to Latin America by European settlers. Apple has religious and mythological significance in many cultures, including Norse, Greek, and European Christian traditions. Apple varieties are usually produced by root cuttings, which in turn control the size of the plant. There are more than 6,500 known varieties of apples.
Plant information
Apples grow on trees. Its tree is a slender tree. It is usually 2-4.5 m long and the wild species is 9 m long. When cultivated, the shape and density of the branches are selected by pruning method. The leaves are periodically arranged with green shaped ovoid curved margins and slightly lower undersides.
Tree 5-12 m long and with broad and branched apex. Apple fruits ripen in autumn and are 5-6 cm in diameter. Inflorescences are produced together with leaf germination in spring, spur and together on some long shoots. 3 to 4 cm. (1-1 ^ 2/2 inches) Flowers are white with pinkish tinge which gradually fades.
Five papyrus is a flower with 4-6 flowers. The central part of the flower is called “King Bloom”. The fruits ripen in late summer and autumn and there are different varieties of different sizes. The commercially motivated market aims to produce an apple with a diameter of 6-7.5 cm.
Apple is one of the first plants to be cultivated, and its quality has improved over the millennia. Alexander the Great is believed to have first discovered in Kazakhstan in 328 BC the shorter varieties of apples he had taken to Macedonia. For thousands of years, apples have been considered an important food ingredient throughout Asia and Europe.
Chinese soft apples such as M. asiatica and M. prunifolia. Wild apples have been cultivated in China for over 2000 years. These are thought to be hybrids of M bakata and M seversi in Kazakhstan. Among the characteristics selected by human cultivators are- size, acidity, color of fruits. Unusually used wild m in domesticated fruit. Severcy is slightly smaller than modern domestic apples.
There are more than 7,500 known varieties of apples (cultivable). Farmers ensure their size and yield even after growing from the same root. Different species are found for temperate and different climates. The National Fruit Collection Department of the United Kingdom, which is responsible for environmental food.
The department has more than 2,000 varieties of apples in Kent. The UK’s National Fruit Collection database contains information on the characteristics of many apples and their species, including the origin of the name of the same “genetic” apple grower.
Most of these varieties are bred to eat fresh (desert apples) although some are used for cooking. Cedar apples are very strong to eat fresh, but they also create a lot of odor in drinks that dessert apples cannot.
Commercially apples can be ripe for a few months by applying ethylene at controlled temperatures. Apples are usually stored in chambers with high air concentrations of carbon dioxide and high air filtration. This condition increases the concentration of ethylene in high amounts. For home storage, most apples are best kept in the refrigerator below 5 degrees Celsius.
Apple production
In the list of fruits produced in 2016, apples were 61.1 million tons. Of this, China produced 50% and Europe, including Turkey, accounted for 16%. The United States, the United States, Turkey, and Poland account for 3 to 5% of the world’s production.
The benefits of Eating apples
Apple is a kind of nutritious fruit. Regularly eating apples every day has various benefits for our body. So we should eat apples regularly every day. Apple is also able to meet the food needs of our body. So let’s get to know the details about its beneficial aspects.
According to a report published on a health website, the benefits of apples.
Weight control
If you eat something like this as a snack or snack that will help you lose weight, then sohaga in gold. Apple does just that. It contains water and edible fiber, which keeps the stomach full for a long time. If you eat a few pieces of apple before eating any meal, your stomach will fill up a little. As a result, you will consume less than 200 calories.
Improving nervous health
Researchers have found that the quercetin, a nutrient in apples, has a neuroprotective effect. As a result, the neurons in the brain will be more functional due to regular consumption of apples.
Apples strengthen the immune system. And during the current epidemic, immunity is everyone’s best friend. Here, too, quercetin works behind the scenes, which will also help reduce inflammation. However, it should be noted that apple peel should not be eaten.
Risk of heart disease
Apples are not widely used to reduce the risk of heart disease. However, its benefits are not negligible at all. In addition, the flavonoids in apples reduce the risk of stroke by about 20 percent. Apple also has a role in lowering cholesterol.
Intestinal health
People rarely worry about intestinal health. However, the state of your mind every day depends largely on the health of the intestines. Intense stomach pain, bloating, constipation, etc. may be explained by intestinal problems. One of the most effective probiotic ingredients for peptic ulcer is pectin which is found in apples.
Reduces the risk of cancer
Apples may be the key to staying away from your cancer, especially those who smoke or have smoked before. Multiple studies on lung cancer claim this. It combines the benefits of phytochemicals and antioxidants from fiber, which protects cells from various corrosions.
Reduces the risk of diabetes
Eating a few apples a week can protect you from diabetes. Better a poor horse than no horse at all, experts say.
Protection from allergies
Before adding apples to your daily diet, you need to know if you are allergic to this fruit or any of its ingredients. Although this is very rare, there is no need to be careful. If there is swelling, itching, itching of the tongue etc. anywhere on the skin after eating apple, then you must understand that you have allergies. In this case you have to take the advice of a doctor.
To reduce the severity of asthma
Depending on how much apple you eat regularly reduces the risk of asthma. According to a report published in the journal Advances in Nutrition, a study of about 6,000 women who ate a whole apple a day showed that their asthma rate decreased the most among participants. Those who ate 15 percent of an apple a day had a 10 percent reduction in disease severity.
Whitens teeth
Apples are also more effective in removing yellowing of teeth. When chewing an apple, it clears the food particles stuck in the gaps between the teeth and the yellowish lining on the teeth. The acidic properties of apples play a major role here.
Apple is a fruit that is very familiar to us as a nutritious fruit. It is possible to meet the nutritional needs of our body by eating this fruit. So we should eat apples regularly. There are also many benefits to our body from eating apples. This is why we need to know more about apples.