Shilpakala Academy Job Exam Result 2019 and viva date has been published. The result has published with a notice at website. So if you are a Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy job recruitment exam candidate, Obviously you must searching this result. Then you can able get the BD Shilpakala Academy job test results here.
In this article we discuss about Shilpakala Academy Job Exam Result & Viva Date. So continue reading to learn more about Shilpakala Academy Result 2019.
Shilpakala Academy Job Exam Result
Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy job recruitment 09-03-2017 and 22-11-2017 notice exam result published. So for those selected candidates viva date has published. The viva date will start from 13-09-2019 to 14-11-2019.