Combined 8 Bank Senior Officer Written Exam: Under Bangladesh Bank, Combined 8 Bank (Senior Officer) MCQ Exam Result 2019 has been published. Combined 8 Bank Authority has completed A MCQ Preliminary Exam on 10th May, 2019, start time is 10:30 am to 11:30 am, At Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology (AUST). Accounting there are Combined 6 Banks and 2 Financial Institutions. A huge numbers of Candidates had participated in the exam, Just Vacancy Of 1229! After the exam, attended examiners are waiting For Preli Result and written exam date. And here comes the good news for them, Combined 8 Bank Under Bangladesh Bank authority has published, the Exam result at their official website, the list of primarily selected candidates for the post of (Senior Officer) at Combined 8 Bank. The original result notice with jpeg image and PDF file has been given below. You can find the full details about Combined 8 Bank (Senior Officer) MCQ Exam Result 2019 here.
Important Date and Time
Written Exam date: 25 May 2019
Written Exam time: 2.00 PM to 4.00 PM
Total Candidates: 19904
Bannks names and Their Seat Vacancy:
- Sonali Limited-260
- Janata Bank Ltd-400
- Bangladesh Krishi Bank-397
- Bangladesh Development Bank-12
- Karmasangsthan Bank-107
- Probashi Kollyan Bank-36
- Investment Corporation of Bangladesh (ICB)-05
- Bangladesh House Building Finance Corporation(BHBFC)-12