How To Remove A Blank Page In Word (Complete Guide)

Microsoft Word is a powerful tool that many of us use daily for work, school, or personal projects. While it’s a great software, it’s not perfect, and you may encounter some issues such as a blank page appearing in your document. It can be frustrating, especially when you’re trying to submit a professional-looking document, but don’t worry! In this blog post, we’ll discuss some easy and quick ways to remove a blank page in Word.

First, let’s understand why a blank page appears in Word. There are several reasons why this may happen, including:

  • Extra paragraph marks or page breaks: If you accidentally hit the “Enter” key too many times, it can create a blank page. Similarly, an extra page break can also cause this problem.
  • Table formatting: If you have a table at the end of your document, Word may add an extra page to accommodate it. However, if the table is small, it can leave a blank page.
  • Section break: If you have a section break at the end of a page, it can create a blank page.

Now that we know why a blank page appears, let’s discuss how to remove it.

Delete extra paragraph marks or page breaks

The easiest way to remove a blank page is to delete the extra paragraph marks or page breaks that are causing it. Here’s how:

  • Open your document in Word and go to the page with the blank page.
  • Press the “Show/Hide” button in the “Paragraph” group of the “Home” tab. It looks like a paragraph symbol (¶).
  • You’ll now see all the formatting marks in your document, including page breaks and paragraph marks.
  • If you see an extra paragraph mark, click on it and hit the “Delete” key. Keep doing this until the blank page disappears.
  • If you see a page break, click on it and hit the “Delete” key. Keep doing this until the blank page disappears.

Adjust table formatting

If you have a table at the end of your document, Word may add an extra page to accommodate it. Here’s how to adjust the table formatting:

  • Click anywhere in the table.
  • Go to the “Layout” tab under “Table Tools.”
  • Click on “Properties” in the “Table” group.
  • Click on the “Row” tab and check the box that says “Allow row to break across pages.”
  • Click “OK.”

This should prevent Word from adding an extra page for small tables.

Remove section break

If you have a section break at the end of a page, it can create a blank page. Here’s how to remove it:

  • Go to the “View” tab and click on “Draft” view.
  • Click on the “Breaks” button in the “Page Setup” group.
  • Select “Next Page” under “Section Breaks.”
  • Click on the section break that’s causing the blank page and hit the “Delete” key.

That’s it! These methods should help you remove a blank page in Word quickly and easily. With these simple tips, you’ll be able to submit professional-looking documents without any extra blank pages.

Troubleshooting Steps To Remove A Blank Page In Word

If you have tried all these methods, but the blank page still won’t disappear, it may be due to some other formatting issues. In that case, you can try these additional troubleshooting steps:

  • Check if there are any hidden objects or graphics on the blank page that may be causing it. To do this, go to the “Home” tab and click on “Find” in the “Editing” group. In the “Find and Replace” dialog box, click on the “Go To” tab and select “Page” under “Go to what.” If you see any objects or graphics on the page, delete them and see if the blank page disappears.
  • Check if the page margins are too big. Sometimes, Word may add an extra page if the margins are too large. To adjust the margins, go to the “Page Layout” tab and click on “Margins.” Select “Narrow” or “Moderate” and see if the blank page disappears.
  • Check if the document is set to print in booklet format. If it is, Word may add an extra page to the document to create a blank page for the booklet fold. To check this, go to the “Page Layout” tab and click on “Page Setup.” In the “Page Setup” dialog box, click on the “Margins” tab and select “Normal” under “Multiple pages.”

In conclusion, removing a blank page in Word can be a frustrating task, but with these easy and quick methods, you can get rid of it in no time. Remember to always check for extra paragraph marks, page breaks, tables, and section breaks that may be causing the issue. If you still can’t figure it out, try the additional troubleshooting steps. With a little bit of patience and some trial and error, you’ll be able to submit a professional-looking document without any extra blank pages.