Minecraft Player Reinvents Silk Touch Enchantment for Enhanced Gameplay

Enhancing the Silk Touch Enchantment in Minecraft. In the vast and imaginative world of Minecraft, players are constantly finding new ways to improve their gameplay and enhance their experiences. One such player, u/SubatomicMc, has created a mod that takes the Silk Touch enchantment to a whole new level. This mod allows players to obtain the exact block state of the block they mine, opening up a world of possibilities for builders and decorators.

Made a mod that adds another level of silk touch which lets you obtain the exact blockstate of the block you mine with it
by u/SubatomicMc in Minecraft

Understanding the Silk Touch Enchantment

Before diving into the mod, let’s first understand the Silk Touch enchantment in its vanilla form. In Minecraft, the Silk Touch enchantment is available for a variety of tools and allows players to obtain blocks in their original form instead of dropping their usual drops. For example, mining an iron ore block with a Silk Touch-enchanted pickaxe would yield the iron ore block itself, rather than the usual raw iron drops.

Introducing u/SubatomicMc’s Mod

u/SubatomicMc’s mod takes the Silk Touch enchantment to a whole new level by allowing it to work on block states. This means that when using a Silk Touch-enchanted tool with this mod, players can obtain the exact block state of the block they mine. For example, if a player were to mine an opened gate block, the gate would be dropped and picked up as a closed gate. This opens up countless opportunities for builders and decorators to create unique and detailed structures without relying on items like the Debug Stick.

The Excitement among Minecraft Fans

Upon discovering u/SubatomicMc’s mod, Minecraft fans on Reddit were quick to express their excitement. Many players saw the potential for new building and decorating possibilities, especially without the need for the Debug Stick. One user even joked that this mod would pave the way for the most cursed version of the game possible.

by u/SubatomicMc from discussion Made a mod that adds another level of silk touch which lets you obtain the exact blockstate of the block you mine with it
in Minecraft

by u/Minecraftproer from discussion Made a mod that adds another level of silk touch which lets you obtain the exact blockstate of the block you mine with it
in Minecraft

by u/twisty286 from discussion Made a mod that adds another level of silk touch which lets you obtain the exact blockstate of the block you mine with it
in Minecraft

by u/NuclearBombsProducer from discussion Made a mod that adds another level of silk touch which lets you obtain the exact blockstate of the block you mine with it
in Minecraft


Downloading the Mod

For those interested in trying out u/SubatomicMc’s mod, the download link is available on Curseforge. The mod is compatible with Forge 1.19.4, making it easily accessible for players using the current stable build of the game. With this mod, players can experiment with capturing and utilizing different block states to enhance their Minecraft creations.

The Combination of Mod and Debug Stick

While the mod itself offers a wealth of possibilities, combining it with the Debug Stick can take creativity to new heights. The Debug Stick is a tool accessible through commands that allows players to manually change the block state of any block. By using the mod to capture a block’s state and then utilizing the Debug Stick, builders and decorators can set specific block states and create even more intricate designs.

Expanding the Range of Block States

Traditionally, only certain blocks in Minecraft can have their block states changed without the use of commands or external tools. However, u/SubatomicMc’s mod expands the range of block states that players can access, making it much easier to customize and manipulate different blocks. This opens up doors to new possibilities and allows players to create structures that were previously inaccessible.


u/SubatomicMc’s enhanced Silk Touch mod brings a new level of versatility and creativity to Minecraft. By allowing players to obtain the exact block state of the blocks they mine, this mod opens up a world of possibilities for builders and decorators. Combining this mod with the Debug Stick further amplifies the potential for unique and intricate designs. If you’re looking to take your Minecraft gameplay to the next level, u/SubatomicMc’s mod is definitely worth a download.