JSC Result Board Challenge Application Process: Education Board published the JSC result on 31 December. This year’s JSC Exam pass rate is 85.2%. Many are very happy to get good results. Many people did not get good results as well. For them, the Education Board has the opportunity to re-scrutiny (Khata Challenge) the results. We will easily put our site on how to apply to verify the test paper again. Read this post entirely and share it if you feel that you have got benefit.
[LinkAds]Terms of the JSC Result Board Challenge
There is no condition for board challenge. Students can apply to re-verify the any subject if they wish. No direct application will be accepted. To apply JSC result challenge or re-verify application through mobile SMS. Fees apply for each subject.
JSC Result Board Challenge Application Important information
JSC Results were published on December 31st. Result re-verification application started on January 01 and will continue till 7 January 2020. A Teletalk prepaid SIM will be required to apply and it will have a balance of 130 taka. Application fee for each subject is 125 Taka and 2 SMS fee is 5 Taka, total 130 Taka.
Application Starts: 01 January 2020
Application Deadline: 07 January 2020
Application Fee: 125 Taka + 5 Taka (2 SMS Charge).
Sim: Teletalk Prepaid.
JSC Result Board Challenge Application Process
The Dhaka Education Board published a notice on their web site about the JSC Result 2019 re-verification process. According to their notice, the only method of application is SMS. How to Apply JSC Result Board Challenge is given below-
To apply-
Go to the Mobile Message option and type RSC <Space> Board <Space> Roll Number <Space> Subject Code and Send to 16222.
Example: RSC Dha 123456 101
Note that for re-verify, the same SMS can be applied for more than one subject. In that case, the subject codes should be entered separately by commas. In this case, the fees will be applicable for each subject at Tk 125.
For example, in both Bangla and English, you will need to type-
RSC <Space> Dha <Space> Roll Number <Space> 101, 102, 107, 108
A PIN will be given in response to how much money will be withdrawn in the return SMS. If you agree to this, go to the massage option and type RSC <Space> Yes
Type <Space> PIN <Space> Your Contact Number (any mobile operator) and send to 16222.
Example: RSC YES 12345678 01xxxxxxxxx
JSC All Board Shortcut Name For SMS
- Dhaka Board: DHA
- Rajshahi Board: RAJ
- Chittagong Board: CHI
- Comilla Board: COM
- Barisal Board: BAR
- Sylhet Board: SYL
- Jessore Board: JES
- Dinajpur Board: DIN
Subject Code of JSC Exam Subjects
- Bangla 1st Paper: 101
- Bangla 2nd Paper: 102
- English 1st Paper: 107
- English 2nd Paper: 108
- ICT: 154
- Mathematics: 109
- Islam Religion and Moral Studies: 111
- Hindu Religion and Moral Studies: 112
- Buddha Religion and Moral Studies: 113
- Christian Religion and Moral Studies: 114
- Bangladesh and Global Studies: 150
- Physical Studies and Health: 147
- Science: 127
- Kormo and Jibonmukhi Shikkha: 155
- Krishi Shikkha: 134
- Home Science: 151
- Home Economics: 129
- Arabic: 121
- Shangskrit : 123
- Pali: 124
- Charu and Karukola: 148
জেএসসি পরীক্ষা ২০১৯ এর ফল পুণ:নিরীক্ষণের নিয়মাবলি
Download JSC Result 2018 Board (Khata) Challenge Application Notice
পোস্টটি আপনার বন্ধুদের সাথে শেয়ার করুন
Welcome to JSC Board Challenge Result 2019 All Education Board Bangladesh. Are you trying to find JSC Bangladesh education board Re-Scrutiny Process? You are landed on the right spot. Here we are with the junior school certificate (JSC) Re-Scrutiny Exam results in 2019. Junior school certificate (JSC) and its annuitant madrassa Junior Dakhil Certificate exams started across the country on 1st November 2019. The results as per the latest reports are going to be announced on 27th December 2019 . The result date of the JSC has already been announced by the educational board. The JSC Examine 2019 under any Education Board who are unsatisfied with their JSC Result 2019. They can Re-check their Answer Sheet again with the Re-scrutiny Program. After Publish the Education Board Result, Every time the Education Board provide a Chance to Apply for Recheck the Answer Sheet again. If any Mistake did with your Answer Sheet, It Would correction again by the Examiner and your Result can be changed.
In this year more than 30 Lacks Students participate in JSC\JDC exam. Its 2nd public and largest Exam in Bangladesh Education System. Total 8 General boards, 1 madrasah board & 1 technical board. Total 10 Boards arrange the JSC\JDC exam. Every year JSC\JDC Exam start on 1st week on November & the result will be published within 40 days after completing the exam.
The 2019 JSC Re-scrutiny Process 2019 under the Education Board of the country. Students who are not satisfied with the results of the Junior School Certificate exams apply to the Board of Directors on their own basis on the basis of a student’s given examination. By Following this post you will know how to Board Challenge JSC Result 2019 and How to challenge JDC Result.Junior school Certificate Result Board challenge process and JDC Result Board Challenge is same. Lets talk about JSC Board Challenge Result 2019. After publishing the main result, the education board announces that you can now submit an application for board challenges through the education board’s official website .Since the result published in the 2nd week of January 2020 so you have to apply for within a week. That means the deadline is the 3rd week of January 2020. All Process and Application System Are Given Below. JSC Result Board Challenge Application will End 2nd January 2019. After Complete JSC Result Re-Scrutiny Apply, the Authority Will Take a look For Challenge Subject papers. When the process Complete The JSC Board Challenge Result Will Publish Soon. We Will Update here About JSC Re-Scrutiny Result Publishing Date.