Indian Armed Forces Flag Day [year] – Quotes, Wishes, Messages & SMS are available here. Armed Forces Flag Day or Indian Flag Day allows citizens to take responsibility. The duty of looking after impaired soldiers, families and dependents of killers. Because killers immolate their lives for the country. Do you know about the flag of India? A flag of dark blue, light blue and red colors. It’s such an amazing combination, is not it? numerous of you may have heard about Armed Forces Flag Day, which is analogous to India’s Flag Day. Because Indian Flag Day is also known as Armed Forces Flag Day.
When is Indian Armed Forces Flag Day?
Armed Forces Flag Day is celebrated in India on 7th December every time. The ideal is to collect finances from the public for the betterment of the fortified forces labor force by dealing Indian flags, patches, stickers and other particulars. Every citizen of India always waits for their Flag Day with a great joy and love- respect. For the killers who offered their lives for the country and the fortified forces who cover this country.
History of Indian Armed Forces Flag Day
A commission was formed on 28 August 1949 under the also Defense Minister of India. The commission decided to observe Flag Day on December 7 every time. This day is substantially observed to distribute flags to people and collect finances from them. People across the country distribute small flags and auto flags in red, deep blue and light blue colors representing the three services in exchange for finances. The finances collected are thus used for the weal of serving labor force andex-servicemen and for the recuperation of the war wounded.
Why is Armed Forces Flag Day observed?
Armed Forces Flag Day or Indian Flag Day is to recognize the killers and the men in livery who fought on our borders to cover our country. It’s also a day to remind us of our liabilities ascitizens. However, we can clearly stay before to give support and care to the families and loved bones of our stalwart soldiers, If we can not be present and fight on the battleground. Over the times, it has come a tradition to pay homage to the dogfaces, mariners and birdmen of India.
Indian Armed Forces Flag Day Quotes
The union of hearts, the union of hands, and the flag of our union ever.
There’s a public flag. He must be cool, who can look at the crowds that float in the wind without the pride of the country.
Still, also who’ll lift the flag and carry it? If this man falls.
For harmony and peace, to live a happy life, we need fortified forces to keep us safe. Happy Indian Armed Forces Flag Day [year]!
I pledge constancy to my flag and to the Republic, for which it stands, one nation, inseparable, with liberty and justice for all. Happy Indian Armed Forces Flag Day [year]!
We’re safe, happy, smiling because our fortified forces are doing their duty. Happy Indian Armed Forces Flag Day!
Those who immolate all their comforts, those who immolate their lives need our support to move forward. Happy Indian Armed Forces Flag Day!
We gave our heads and our hearts for our country! One country! One language! A flag! Happy Indian Armed Forces Flag Day!
Happy Armed Forces Flag Day Message
“ felicitations on Armed Forces Flag Day. Let us make the lowest and biggest donation to our fortified forces on this day. ”
“ For the development of the country, to maintain peace and harmony in the country, one flag is demanded for the entire country. Happy Armed Forces Flag Day to all. ”
“ For the war they fought for us, the glory they brought to the nation. laud our Armed Forces on Armed Forces Flag Day.
“ The occasion of Indian Armed Forces Flag Day reminds us all that we’re truly lucky to have our Indian Armed Forces keeping us safe. Warm felicitations on this day.
“ Happy Flag Day to Indian Armed Forces. This day must be celebrated with high spirits and great gratefulness in our hearts. ”
Celebrating India’s Flag Day makes Indian citizens feel truly nationalistic and is a great factor for the development of any nation. The day inspires the new generation to show love and respect for the country and killers. Donation helps the indigent which is another major magnet on this day.