GST (A, B, C Unit) Admission Result 2024 – Gucco Merit & Waiting List PDF

GST Admission Result 2025: GST Eligible Result, GST Primary Selection List PDF, GST Admission Circular 2024–2025 Primary Selection Result Publish Online Today. For the academic session 2024-25, 20 General, Research. And Technology has selected a cluster-based admission method due to the present pandemic situation. A total of 20 universities in general science and technology have agreed to integrate the admissions process and publish the GST 20. For the first time, the GST exam is going to be held this year.

This year, applicants for entry to a four-year graduation program would be considered. Based on their rank and the availability of seats, qualifying applicants will be admitted to participating institutions. The examination authority will publish the GST Admission Test Seat Matrix for different participating colleges. The seat matrix comprises the number of seats available and the number of intake for each University.

About GST Admission

GST is the abbreviation for Bangladesh’s General, Science, and Technology University. GST Admission System is an admission examination in which 20 public general, science, and technology universities form a group to compete in the Integrated Universities Admission System for the academic year 2024-25. There are three different units available for admission. These are units A, B, and C. Students with a humanities background should take Unit A, Business Studies students should take Unit B, and Science students should take Unit C.

GST Result 2025

 The GST Preliminary Admission Test 2024-25 Application start from 30 March 2025. The GST (General, Science & Technology) Preliminary Admission Test Result 2024–2025 will be published after July 2025. The expected GST Preliminary Admission 2025 Result will be published on 04th August 2025. GST Admission Result will be published on their website. After publishing this result every application can check from this website. We are providing the GST Admission Result for every university here.

GST Admission Result 2025

 The admission result will be posted on all public universities notice boards by the General, Science, and Technology University Admission Committee. The admissions committee of the Integrated Public Universities will issue three different merit lists for admission. Students can check their grades from the official website by using their admission roll number. Another easy way is to download the GST Admission Eligible result from our website. Click here to download the final result of GST admission.

GST Eligible Result (A, B, C Unit)

 As we earlier mentioned that the GST primary application ended. Now authority analysis the primary application candidates and later they will publish GST eligible primary result. From the primary application, the GST authority will select only eligible candidates who will be able to take part in the upcoming final MCQ admission.

Many of you have a question about how the authority will select eligible candidates. The answer is very easy. Authority will only take those candidates who have a better GPA in both SSC & HSC exams. So doing well in your SSC & HSC exams is very important for the later admission test process. However, after the end of the primary application process, all the candidates will search for the primary selection result 2024-25. Here we come up with the result of your A, B, and C Unit GST Admission.

Education Requirement for GST Admission Apply (A, B & C Unit)

Not Every Student Can Apply For Admission Primary Application. They have to Fulfill Few Requirement Which Will met to the eligibility to Apply. Only this year second Time Students can apply for 20 integrated Admission system. However, we provide you each unit and Group GPA Requirement at below.

  • Humanities Group (A Unit): A Total 6.00 GPA Will need to apply where Minimum 3.00 Will be For Each Board Examination of SSC and HSC
  • Business Group (B Unit): A Total 6.50 GPA Will need to apply where Minimum 3.00 Will be For Each Board Examination of SSC and HSC
  • Science Group (C Unit): A Total 7.00 GPA Will need to apply where Minimum 3.00 Will be For Each Board Examination of SSC and HSC

GST Admission Grupe Subject Name

  1. A Unit – Science, Madrasah (Science), Vocational (HSC)
  2. B Unit – Humanities, Madrasah (General), Madrasah (Mujaddid), Music, Home Economics, Islamic Studies
  3. C Unit – Business, Diploma in Business Studies, HSC (Business management), Diploma in Commerce.

How To Fill-up GST Final Application

Here are the steps you might need to follow while applying for GST university admission.

    • First at all you need to visit General, Science & Technology Admission official website
    • Then wait a little bit while load the page.
    • Now click on the GST Admission Primary Selection Result from the menu bar.
    •   Find the link that says ‘GST admission result’ and click on it.
    •  The link will be navigated to a new page where you will be asked to enter your roll number.
    •   Enter it without mistakes and hit on submit button.
    • You will get an application preview along with the photograph and signature. Download and save it for further use.

GST Admission Admit Card Download

After the application deadline, all the applications will be scrutinized and only the eligible applicants will be given the admit card to take the admission test. To download the admit card, you will again need to log into the previously mentioned website with your credentials. Once the admission card is open to download, you can download your admit card with a few clicks. Make a color print of the downloaded copy of the admit card and carry it with you to the exam hall as no applicants will be allowed to take the admission test without the printed copy of the admit card.

Follow the instructions below to download GSIT Admission.

  • First visit the website or click here.
  • Provide HSC / equivalent and SSC / equivalent roll number, board, passing year.
  • Login by clicking the login button.
  • Download and print the admit card.

Last Word

We are describing all about the gst admission test 2025 related information. We suggest reading the Prospectus, Circular carefully before going to apply. Thanks For Everything.