Gigabyte Motherboard Price in Bangladesh

Gigabyte is a popular motherboard manufacturer that has been around for many years. They provide quality motherboards at affordable prices. Gigabyte has a wide variety of motherboards to choose from, including their latest models with the newest technologies. Their motherboards are reliable and have been tested by experts before they are released to the public. In this post, we publish gigabyte motherboard price in Bangladesh.


Gigabyte also offers technical support if you encounter any problems with your motherboard. Gigabyte is a well-known motherboard manufacturer. They make high-end motherboards that are popular with gamers and PC enthusiasts. Gigabyte’s motherboards are often equipped with features that other motherboard manufacturers do not offer.


One of the most popular Gigabyte motherboards is the GA-Z170X-Gaming 7. It has a variety of features, including dual M.2 slots, RGB lighting, and an abundance of ports. The GA-Z170X-Gaming 7 also has a robust set of specifications. It supports Intel’s new X299 chipset and has several overclocking features built in.

Why Gigabyte Motherboard is the Popular


There are a few reasons why Gigabyte motherboard is so popular. First, it has some of the best features and specifications out there. Second, it is also very affordable. Finally, it is backed by a reliable manufacturer that has been in the industry for many years. All of these factors make Gigabyte motherboard an excellent choice for anyone looking for a top-of-the-line motherboard.


Gigabyte motherboards are some of the most popular on the market. There are many reasons for this, but the primary one is that they offer great value for money. Gigabyte motherboards are reliable and offer good performance. They are also easy to use and have a wide range of features. This makes them suitable for both novice users and expert gamers.


Gigabyte motherboards are the popular choice for PC builders because of their high-quality components and intuitive design. Gigabyte’s motherboard line is known for its superior stability and performance, making it a popular choice for gamers, video editors, and computer enthusiasts. Gigabyte’s motherboards are also one of the easiest to use on the market – perfect for first-time builders or those who want an easy experience when upgrading their PC.

Features and Advantage of Gigabyte Motherboard


Gigabyte is a leading motherboard company that makes high-performance motherboards for gamers, overclockers, and PC builders. Gigabyte’s motherboards come with features and advantages that set them apart from other brands. For example, Gigabyte boards are often the first to feature new technology such as DDR4 memory and USB 3.1 ports.

Additionally, Gigabyte has a wide selection of motherboards to suit any build or budget. Whether you’re looking for a budget-friendly option or a high-end board that can handle the most demanding games, Gigabyte has you covered.


Gigabyte is a well-known motherboard brand. They make high-quality motherboards that are perfect for gamers and overclockers alike. Some of the features and advantages of using a Gigabyte motherboard are as follows:

  • Gigabyte boards are some of the most stable out there. They’re designed with stability in mind, which means that they’ll run smoother and be less prone to crashing or freezing. This makes them great for those who want to overclock their systems or just use their computers for day-to-day tasks without worrying about them breaking down.
  • Another advantage of using a Gigabyte motherboard is the variety of features and compatibility that they offer. Their boards are compatible with a wide range of processors, so you can be sure that you’re getting exactly what you need no matter what your budget may be.

Gigabyte Motherboard Price in Bangladesh – Today 3 March 2025

Gigabyte has been in the hardware business for over 20 years, and they know a thing or two about motherboard design and construction. Their motherboards are some of the best on the market, and they offer a wide variety at different price points.

Gigabyte Motherboard Price in Bangladesh – Today 3 March 2025
Model Price
Gigabyte H310M H 8th Gen Micro ATX Motherboard 6,200৳
Gigabyte H310M M.2 9th Gen Micro ATX Motherboard 6,500৳
Gigabyte GA-H61M-DS2 Motherboard 7,100৳
Gigabyte GA-H110M-H Micro ATX Motherboard 7,300৳
Gigabyte GA-H110M-DS2 Micro ATX Motherboard 7,300৳
Gigabyte H410M S2H 10th Gen Micro ATX Motherboard 7,700৳
Gigabyte GA-H61M-S DDR3 Micro ATX Motherboard 7,800৳

Some of their more popular models include their Z170X-Gaming 7, Z270X-Gaming 9, and AORUS X470-PRO Gaming 5. Each of these boards offers great performance and features that will make your computer work faster and smoother. If you’re looking for a high end board but don’t want to break the bank, check out a Gigabyte model.


The Gigabyte motherboard is a popular choice for computer builders and gamers. The company offers a wide range of motherboards for different price ranges. The entry-level boards are perfect for budget-conscious buyers, while the top of the line models offer features not found in other brands. In between these two extremes, Gigabyte offers a variety of options that cater to different needs and budgets.


বাংলাদেশে গিগাবাইট মাদারবোর্ডের দাম – Today 3 March 2025

গিগাবাইট 20 বছরেরও বেশি সময় ধরে হার্ডওয়্যার ব্যবসায় রয়েছে এবং তারা মাদারবোর্ড ডিজাইন এবং নির্মাণ সম্পর্কে একটি বা দুটি জিনিস জানে। তাদের মাদারবোর্ডগুলি বাজারে সেরা কিছু, এবং তারা বিভিন্ন মূল্যের বিন্দুতে বিস্তৃত বৈচিত্র্য অফার করে।


তাদের আরও কিছু জনপ্রিয় মডেলের মধ্যে রয়েছে তাদের Z170X-Gaming 7, Z270X-Gaming 9, এবং AORUS X470-PRO গেমিং 5। এই বোর্ডগুলির প্রতিটিই দুর্দান্ত পারফরম্যান্স এবং বৈশিষ্ট্যগুলি অফার করে যা আপনার কম্পিউটারকে দ্রুত এবং মসৃণ করে তুলবে। আপনি যদি একটি উচ্চ প্রান্তের বোর্ড খুঁজছেন কিন্তু ব্যাঙ্ক ভাঙতে চান না, একটি গিগাবাইট মডেল দেখুন।


গিগাবাইট মাদারবোর্ড কম্পিউটার নির্মাতা এবং গেমারদের জন্য একটি জনপ্রিয় পছন্দ। কোম্পানিটি বিভিন্ন মূল্যের রেঞ্জের জন্য বিস্তৃত মাদারবোর্ড অফার করে। এন্ট্রি-লেভেল বোর্ডগুলি বাজেট-সচেতন ক্রেতাদের জন্য নিখুঁত, যখন লাইনের শীর্ষ মডেলগুলি অন্যান্য ব্র্যান্ডগুলিতে পাওয়া যায় না এমন বৈশিষ্ট্যগুলি অফার করে৷ এই দুটি চরমের মধ্যে, গিগাবাইট বিভিন্ন ধরণের বিকল্প অফার করে যা বিভিন্ন চাহিদা এবং বাজেট পূরণ করে।

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