Happy Fathers Day Greeting & Images 2020

Today I am unfolding happy father’s day cards with beautiful images on fathers day n greeting cards are one of the special gifts that can be presented to the loved ones just to say it all. Hope you like our beautiful collection of happy father’s day pictures, images and cards 2020. Send these beautiful cards to your lovely father on this father’s day 2015. Thank you.


Father’s Day is around the corner and it is going to be celebrated on June 21st this year. The enthusiasm and fervor can be seen everywhere around as every shopping mall and mart has begun to showcase father’s stuff to attract children so they can make a purchase of the gifts for their father on Father’s Day. Blessed are those whose father is alive. There are human in this world that are doing and surviving without the indispensable creature called father.


How miserable their live would be nobody can ever imagine. So we should be thankful to God for our fathers are alive. It is a day to honor fathers and father figures, such as grandfathers and fathers-in-law. Many people make a special effort to visit their fathers or to send them a card or gifts. Father’s Day is not a public holiday. Father’s Day for the year 2010 is celebrated/ observed on Sunday, June 20th.


Father’s Day 2020 is finally here – on Sunday June 21. So cheer up everyone. Let’s celebrate the day and honors dads all across the world for their superhuman qualities and overpowering love. Did you know Father’s day is also celebrated on March 19! Several countries such as Italy, Spain, Croatia and Portugal celebrate it on March 19. As you figure out how what to gift or how to spend Father’s Day 2020 with him, we quickly delve into some facts, date and history behind the origin of the day.


Happy Fathers Day 2020 Beautiful Images

Happy Father's Day Happy Father's Day Happy Father's Day Happy Father's Day Happy Father's Day Happy Father's Day Happy Father's Day Happy Father's Day Happy Father's Day Happy Father's Day Happy Father's Day Happy Father's Day Happy Father's Day Happy Father's Day Happy Father's Day Happy Father's Day Happy Father's Day

Happy Fathers Day Greeting Cards 2020:


Little girl & her father crossing a bridge.

Father Said: Please hold my hand

Girl: No dad.. You hold my hand.

Father: What’s the difference?


Girl: If I hold your hand & something happens to me.

Chances are that I may let your hand go,

But if you hold my hand,

I know for sure,

You will never let my hand go..!

Happy, Happy Happy Father’s Day!


No one has a father so sweet

Your kind ways just can’t be beat

Happy Happy Happy Father’s Day

I love you in a big big way!



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