Effortlessly Obtain All New Mobs in Minecraft 1.20

Minecraft 1.20, also known as the Trails & Tales update, is set to be released on June 7, 2023. While this update brings a plethora of new content, it only introduces two new mobs: the sniffer and the camel. These creatures have been separated by time, but with the inclusion of archeology in the update, players can now encounter the ancient sniffer mob by finding and hatching its eggs. On the other hand, the camel has a defined spawn point that can be tracked down. In this article, we will discuss various methods to easily obtain both of these new mobs in Minecraft 1.20.

Discovering the Sniffer in Minecraft 1.20

There are three main ways to acquire a sniffer in Minecraft 1.20: summoning it with commands, using a spawn egg in Creative Mode, or finding its egg in warm ocean ruins.

1. Summoning the Sniffer with Commands

If you have enabled cheats in your current world, you can summon a sniffer by opening the chat console and entering “/summon sniffer ~ ~ ~”. The “~” in the command represents the coordinates where you want the sniffer to appear. Alternatively, you can omit the coordinates and simply enter “/summon sniffer” to spawn the creature at your current location.

2. Using a Spawn Egg in Creative Mode

In Creative Mode, open your inventory and navigate to the menu marked with a compass. Search for “sniffer spawn egg” in the search field, then place the spawn egg in your inventory. Equip the egg and right-click or press the “use item” button to spawn a sniffer at the desired location.

3. Finding the Sniffer Egg in Warm Ocean Ruins

If you prefer not to use cheats or Creative Mode, you can obtain a sniffer egg by following these steps:

  • Craft a brush using a copper ingot, a feather, and a stick.
  • Head to warm ocean ruins.
  • Look for sand blocks with different textures from the surrounding ruins.
  • Equip the brush and right-click or press the “use item” button to brush the suspicious sand blocks.
  • After a few brush strokes, loot hidden in the sand blocks will be revealed.
  • With luck, you may find a sniffer egg among the loot.
  • Place the egg on a flat surface and wait for it to hatch into a baby snifflet.

Discovering the Camel in Minecraft 1.20

Compared to the sniffer, camels are relatively easier to find in Minecraft 1.20. These creatures currently only spawn within desert villages during world generation. This means that you can find camels naturally within a desert village or slightly outside of one since they tend to roam on occasion. However, players can also obtain camels through commands or the Creative Mode inventory.

1. Summoning the Camel with Commands

If you have cheats enabled, you can summon a camel by entering “/summon camel ~ ~ ~” in the chat console. Replace the “~” symbols with your desired coordinates. Alternatively, you can omit the coordinates and simply enter “/summon camel” to spawn a single camel at your current location.

2. Using a Spawn Egg in Creative Mode

In Creative Mode, open your inventory and search for “camel spawn egg” in the compass menu. Place the spawn egg in your hotbar or inventory, then hold it in your hand and right-click or press the “use item” button to spawn a camel at the desired location.

3. Finding a Desert Village

If the previous methods are not feasible for you, you will need to locate a desert village. These structures generate within desert biomes, which are often found near other warm biomes like jungles and badlands. If you are having trouble finding a village, you can use the command “/locate structure village_desert” to obtain the coordinates of the nearest village. Once you reach the village, search the premises and the surrounding area to locate a camel.


Minecraft 1.20 introduces two new mobs: the sniffer and the camel. While the sniffer can be obtained through commands, spawn eggs, or by finding its egg in warm ocean ruins, camels can be found naturally in desert villages or obtained via commands and spawn eggs. By following the methods mentioned above, players can easily discover and obtain these new mobs in Minecraft 1.20. Good luck on your adventures in the Trails & Tales update!